of balls and banglas.
today was a typical sunday. i woke up at 1pm after endless nagging from my mum. she obviously didn't take note of the time i slept yesterday, which was about 3am. actually i think she did, which was why she waited until 1pm to nag at me. i went for lunch at kfc next. nothing interesting except er... nothing. then i went to yong an park to play my weekendly football. it was quite frustrating as the football court and the basketball court were like the same court. so some of our educated darker skinned species who were playing basketball were blocking the way. but of course they didn't care. but that wasn't the worst. at least they were civil.
then after some time, came the smaller versions of a similar species. the accent in which they spoke was unidentifiable. but due to my genius, i was able to interpret it as a mixture of their own and angmor accent. they probably picked up the ang mor accent from their international schools, mixed with their original and more fucked up accent, thus emerging with a brand new, all the more fucked up hybrid. whats more, they were no more than 9. so they were making noises like little hairy monkeys screaming "NO FAIR!" in their fucked up hybrid accent. they went as far as to find a bloody security guard of the same race, which would of course defend his own race. [editors note: note its "which" and not "who" because i dont believe they can be classified as human beings]. anyway it sparked a huge argument.
what i would like to say is that the monkeys are really barbaric. not because of their skin colour. they came while we were playing football and yet demanded to use the court. can someone tell me where is the reason behind that? why do they whine to the security guard just to get what they want. i think the parents ought to give their kids some discipline rather than just give in to them. if this continues, the world in 20 years would be filled with adults who scream and whine and insult each other to get what they want. not a nice thought. maybe its already slowly happening now. anyway. i would like to say this is not racist. it just so happens that the people who were there were of banglan descent. if it were chinese kids i would make just as much noise.
Zidane: A Different Perspective.
after the zidane headbutt hullabaloo, i can conclude this. different people see the same thing differently. i can prove it. look at the different perspectives of the same headbutt.
As seen by the Germans -
As seen by the French -
As seen by the Italians -
As seen by the Americans -
As seen by the press -
firstly, something from everybody hates chris. "irresponsible people never tell you they are irresponsible. why? because they are irresponsible." i think its pretty funny.
next, i have no money. i don't know how the fuck i spend $40 plus in just 3 days. its crazy. i either need more money or i need to curb my spending. i tend to prefer the first option but some part of me tells me its more likely to be the second. still, more money wouldn't hurt. right? i mean for me. because more money for me equals to less money for my parents. haha.
school is getting really boring. every week everything is the same. and every teacher is becoming more tense because the prelims are close. well, quite close. and theres this stupid thing called napfa which is bothering me and adding to the bother i get from school slightly. haha. also cant think of anything to say already.
what has happened?
nothing much actually. we celebrated racial harmony day in school. i borrowed an indian costume from shalini as did darren. then we had break and we ate lots of food that is actually very common. then we had a fight. like beijing opera fight. then we took many pictures that i shall post on another day.
then i went for steamboat and bbq dinner on friday night with yogi, andy, jeff and daryl. damn shiok. we ate like mountains of meat. just eat and eat and eat and eat. and we had close encounters with vietcai. haha. near the table, same bus, same mrt. haha. oh well.
and on saturday, some of 4-5 went to davids house for a class outing. which about less than half of the class went. it was still pretty fun. after that we went to ah tong house to play pool and mahjong and i tried his osim idesire chair. damn shiok. haha. we took some pictures, raped joseph and many more things. actually not much la. haha. pictures will be up later as well.
the importance of detail.
today i realised the importance of detail. in a sense. i bought a new pair of street soccer shoes about 2 weeks ago. it was a pair of total 90 for $52. it looked very worth it at the time. furthermore, it was size 9 and i could just about stuff my foot in. however, after some playing, i realised it was too small and my foot hurt while playing in it. hence, i decided to stop wearing that. today, i bought a pair of puma shoes at $44.10, which is cheaper than the total 90. which is not the point. the point is that the shoe size was 9 1/2. it fit snugly but not too tightly. i put the 2 pairs of shoes sole to sole and ralised that the half size was a mere few mm of difference. yet, it could mean a world of difference between a comfortable fit and an uncomfortable tight fit. which isnt good for the foot. however, i realise it could be due to my left foot being slightly bigger than my right. which would render this post rather meaningless. but i wouldn't like to think of it that way. i'd rather my post made some sense. haha
anyway, i think the new liverpool jersey is quite nice. the home and the european away that is. im not really fond of the away. i want them but im not financially able. thus i am calling out for financial support to help me buy my jerseys. thank you. if anyone was wondering why i made multiple posts in such a short time today, there's no reason behind it. i blog on impulse. =D
why Liverpool Football Club is the best.
something from legendary bill shankly.
"I was the best manager in Britain because I was never devious or cheated anyone. I'd break my wife's legs if I played against her, but I'd never cheat on her." justin.
its really very bad.
what is really very bad? the fact that i actually thought of something interesting but i can't remember it now because i just got to use the computer. not to mention a long nap in the afternoon. and i have a runny nose now. which is not really very bad. i just didn't know what to put for the title.
stick to your guns.
why? this video says all. ozy showed me this and i thought i'd like to share it with everyone as well.
this is the videojust watch.
i am having a sore left eye. i don't know why. its was like yesterday when i went to sleep, eveerything was normal. then when i woke up, my left eye hurt like a hurt left eye. so i looked in the mirror and saw a sore left eye staring back at my left eye, which i realised was sore. then i took a look at the reflection of my right eye and compared it to the reflection of my left eye and realised it was abit more swollen then the right eyes eyebag. so it was definitely a sore eye. a sore left eye at that. then i took a step back and looked at the whole reflection. it still looked good despite the sore left eye and the somewhat shorter hair. i am inclined to believe it is the face. but i digress. this paragraph is supposed to be about my sore left eye, which i still sore as i am typing.
yesterday, i also had cramp on my left leg while playing football. to be precise it was my left calf and hamstring. but more calf. to be even more precise, i didn't have the cramp while playing football. i had the cramp when i went to drink water and bent down to tie my shoelace. my left shoe lace. THE IRONY OF IT ALL! while running around, kicking that ball in all directions, twisting to the left, turning to the right, kicking someone else's foot, tackling the ball away, doing something i would really like to call a stepover but doesnt qualify to be one, my leg was fine. and when i bent down to tie the fucking shoelace, it had to cramp up. i was lying on the floor, moaning in pain while my friend helped me to press my leg back. however, when he pushed to relieve the tension on the calf, the hamstring cramped up and when he let go to relieve the tension on the hamstring, the calf cramped up. so i ended up lying on the ground with my leg pushed back in a weird 42.7 degree angle. my left leg. however, since then, the hamstring is already healed but the calf is still feeling sore and tight. that gives me an excuse to skip pe tmr. two excuses if sore eye can be counted as a reason not to do the fucking dumb napfa test.
i feel that napfa was the dumbest thing ever invented. i really didn't see the need to haev a test for ones fitness. if someone wants to be unfit, so be it. its his choice man. live with it. instead of forcing them to run 2.4 knm under 12 minutes or something. people are born different so why force them to be able to do somehting they cannot and don't want to do. because there is no need to. and so what if they cant do some fucking pullups. does that make them any less of a person? NO. so to the dumbfuck who invented NAPFA. FUCK YOU! haha.
i have a headache
therefore, i am unable to come up with the required vocabulary to express the things that i thought of and was about to blog about. which i think would be pretty interesting. i also realised some of the things would only be witty and funny and to a certain degree, lame if conveyed orally. thus i have come to realise that even though blogs can be used for self expression, it is only to a certain extent. some messages can only be conveyed through sight and sound, which are integral parts of self expression. even though in blogs, one can probably articulate better because surroundings are effectively uneffective, some things are just not the same when taken in words and in real-life. take for example a simple haha. if i go hahahhaha on msn messenger, it would be different from me hahahahhhaing in sound. if i go rofl, it probably just another expression. if you actually see me rofl, you might even rofl yourself. or maybe you will think im crazy and take a gun and shoot me or spit on me.
so for me, freedom of expression in blogs, messenger etc. is just freedom of expression in words. there are limits to how one can express oneself. and i think sometimes, the inability to fully express oneself is actually a source of frustration for many. which is why i think sometimes when people talk face to face, they gesticulate wildly with crazed facial expressions. to get their point across and fully convey their message. this is a very crazy thing to do if what you are trying to say is "excuse me what is the time?". a simple question would suffice. rather than acting like you are a clock and going TICK TOCK TICK TOCK? then realising in shock and horror after losing all dignity that the supposedly non-english-speaking speaks english.
however, i do believe teachers need to do more to get their point across.when teaching in lectures, they often do not take into account how boring it can get and how boring they tend to be. thus they stand in front like a log and flash the endless powerpoint slides of eternal boredom while droning on and on and on and on and on and on in a monotonous voice. in fact it is so monotonous that i think they should quit teaching and patent their voices as a cure for insomnia. then they can become millionaires, billionaires or even gillianaires[i had to do this]?
on the subject of school, i do not understand why some teachers are hell bent on catching long hair. why is having long hair having a lack of dignity and self respect? it really doesnt make sense does it? does having the back of your hair touch your collar make you lose your dignity? does fringe touching your eyebrows mean that you would crawl along the streets naked and beg for food? to me, having a lack of dignity is doing something against what you believe in. not having hair that is long. i also do not understand why all schools have regulation haircuts that wll end up making everyone look like some retard. maybe that was the idea of smart. however, please do note that times are changing. maybe there is a reason for all this. reasons like, the vp is balding and is jealous that eveyone but him has hair, thus demands a stupid looking haircut for everyone with hair. for this i would advise the vp to take it easy, look at zinedine zidane and see that baldies can achieve great things. see the light at the end of the tunnel. and at the top of your head. HAHA. another reason might be because the dm, like the school structure, is old but rigid. the only difference being the school structure is not pervert. it does not look at girls differently, firstly because it does not look at girls. why? because school structures have no eyes. so the rigidity and oldness has led our dear dm to think traditionally. that the 30-70 slope cut is the coolest hairstyle alive and will attract all the girls. that all guys with long hair either have problems with their sexual orientation or is a robber or something.
my headache is not getting better and the above paragraph about school and shit is actually just me talking cock because i have to cut my hair. and because maybe i do have some problem with the above mentioned people. so i decided to come up with something in the midst of my headache. so i have to go take some panadols and sleep before i die.
hello again in less than 15 minutes before my com became fucking lag and now it has become more than 15 minutes.
why am i back here irritating the hell out of people again? because darren says i never blog about him. so i am going to do it now. darren is a nice and cool guy who sits next to me during class and is 1/4 of the 4 heavenly kings who sits at the back of the class. there are 2 others but since he requested this entry, i shall just talk about him only, to the extent of not naming the other 2, who are zixiang and lenedict boong. oops? so darren is the guy who originally sang wen bie before jacky cheung covered it and made it so popular. just like the way i sang wang qing shui before andy lau made it popular. he is a very friendly guy who sometimes gets the intellect of a 4 year old when we start doing stupid things. i also dunno what else to blog about him since he asked me to blog about him so i did. please read the entry below though. its meaningless.
time-wasting tactics.
i realised that i have been posting a lot of entries recently. furthermore, i think the entries tend to be long and draggy and out-of-point. essentially, it is bowling. bowling is boh link, or no link, if you are dumb enough not to understand boh is actually no. you see the bowling and endless rambling now? then the question all people love to ask, for various reasons. WHY? why have i been posting so much? the reason is not because i have alot of things to say. if i had alot of things to say, the entries wouldnt be bowling anymore. they would be wu link, which is the opposite of bowling. actually, the real reason i have been blogging so much is because i have nothing better to do. or rather nothing that i want to do, even though they are more important than coming online and typing a bunch of useless words to form incoherent sentences which then form incoherent paragraphs which go on to make incoherent entries which are long, draggy, boring and makes you want to murder the author, which is not unlike this entry which i am typing now. given the current emo state of most of the world now, many of the people who are reading this entry would be seething, and having their veins almost popping out of their heads in irritation, flicking a sterilised penknife [now they wouldn't want to risk tetanus while slicing themselves would they? after all they just hate the world and are desperately crying out for much required attention. whoever said they wanted to die?] normally reserved for their own "pale, ghastly white, scar-lined" skin, hoping to either slice off my fingers or pierce that blade through my heart in order to get rid of this irritating bastard who is wasting their time. at the same time, they also give me "salvation through death, bleeding and pain". thanks but no thanks. i also realised that if people who read this want to kill me, they probably don't have enough common sense and self control to just stop reading more incoherent sentences to save the precious few seconds of their life. if the few seconds are really so precious anyway. if you continue reading, you would understand this---->
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! haha. by the way. in case any of you were wondering if i was really angry at anything, i wasn't. i was just too bored. so ya. no offense if somehow somebody happens to be similar to what i have mentioned above ok? save the penknife for yourself. even though its been sterilised. that was only in case any of you guys are like that. i sincerely hope not though. and actually, if you stand about 5 m away from your computer screen and stare at this huge chunk of words for about 20 minutes, you can see a batman logo moving back and forth in the screen. and if you believed the previous sentence, you qualify to be a retard and live together with johnson for the rest of your life. haha no son son. you are not a retard. you are the nice and helpful guy who takes care of them. however, if you DO stare at the screen for long enough at the same spot without moving your focus for 70 years, give or take 10 years, you can actually see the god of your religion looking at you. if you are a free-thinker, the god is random. if you dont believe in god, its probably just like a blackout. ANYWAY, the real purpose of this article, if you havnt already realised, is for my childish and immature entertainment. if you ask me to grow up, i suggest you wait for 1 bilion years. i might start having the maturity of a 4 year old by then. ok la. the REAL REASON is for me to have something to do so that i wouldn't be so bored. haha. the staring at the screen for 70 years thing has a point though.
oh ya i watched Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest today. good movie. jack sparrow is a genius. he must have been a 12 pointer in o levels.
emo the new in thing?
hmm. at least thats what is seems like according to my observations. people all around seem to be depressed about one thing or another. mostly its academic results but there are occasions when academic results are just a small factor for emoness. everywhere i look i see stuff like "damn stressed", "pressure is unbearable" and the likes la. i just do not see reason for people to be emo. it is fine if you are sad that your results are poor or there is some other problem bugging you. but please, get over it. if you keep letting the problem bug you, it will never go away. i suggest doing something about your problems instead of contemplating suicide or "feeling the cold blade slice my warm flesh and watching the thing red line of blood flow out in salvation". because after all, you get to choose if you feel happy or sad. it is a natural reaction to react badly to bad situations but it is not a given. you can choose to have a positive reaction when shit happens to you. i think 人生海海 by mayday yet again sums up what i wanna say. like almost exactly what i want to say.
有一天 我在想
我到底 算是个什麽东西
还是我 会不会 根本就不算东西
天天都漫无目的 偏偏又想要证明
真理 别人从屁股放屁
*就算是这个世界 把我抛弃
所以我说 就让它去
常常我 豁出去
拼了命 走过却没留痕迹
可是我 从不怕 挖出我火热的心
手上有一个硬币 反面就决定放弃
嗝屁 但是啊在我心底
repeat *
常常我闭上眼睛 听到了海的呼吸
是你 温柔的蓝色潮汐
告诉我没有关系 就算真的
整个世界 把我抛弃
所以我说 就让他去
我不能忘记 无论是
我的明天 要去哪里
所以我说 就让他去
有什麽了不起 有什麽了不起
啦啦啦? 明天我在哪里
for people suffering from chinese defects such as poor understanding, i cant help you here. go use babelfish or something. its a really good song though. helped me cheer up alot when i wasnt feeling good. of course it helps that i can comprehend the lyrics. haha.
a reflection of myself.
i must say it looks pretty good. haha. anyway, i got back some of my midyear results. it wasnt that good, even though i scraped passes for econs and maths in overall. in fact, i got a 28/100 in my maths paper. which is pretty fucked up. and come to think of it, i was rather relieved of scraping these passes. which led me to think about stuff while i was in the shower. i was thinking why i was happy with barely passing? shouldn't i be aiming to get the best results? is it a lack of confidence in my abilities to get good grades? i realised in the PSLE and O Levels, i got the results i was aiming for. on the dot. is this a case of the ability to achieve what i want or the inability to achieve better than what i aimed for? in the o levels case there is the case of the genius but thats another thing altogether.
also, since the passing marks get lower and lower as the level gets higher, my marks get lower and lower with the passing mark, i can safely deduce that the relationship of the passing mark and the level of study is inverse while that of the passing mark and my mark is a direct one. is this because i only aim to pass everytime? so even if i usually get 50 to pass for a subject, i will get 20 if the passing mark gets lowered to 20? i think it is very possible. or maybe its just because the papers get harder. i think there is also some peer pressure not to do well. in a sense that sometimes you may feel that its not nice to get a much better mark than your good friend. in a sense it is also easier to lower your mark to match him rather than him helping him to raise his[which is actually the right thing to do]. seems stupid but i think there are such cases. not in my case but i thought about it anyway la. showering is boring and there is actually time to do stuff like thinking, practising your singing, reflecting[mirror-type] and reflecting[thinking type]. so what i typed was probably thought out in a span of 10-15 minutes, of which 7 min 46.834 secs was spent soaping, shampooing and washing the foam off. which means that my brain turns pretty quick. or does it mean that i have a short attention span? oh well.
ozy showed me a blog where i was supposed to read a post about that dude pwning the teacher in class. i read the 1st one about failure and success and found it really meaningful. one part of it talks about falling harder if you aim higher. maybe thats why i always aim to pass. and maybe thats why if i dont expect to pss, i wont feel so disappointed at a fail. at the same time, it says the more you fail, the more you succeed, which is true if you read how that guy justifies his point of view. but i shant keep quoting that guy. this is my blog. haha.
another huge bunch of indigestable words for you guys to digest. anyway, if by any chance any one of you was thinking what i said in my very first line of this entry was a joke. its not. im serious.=)
a wc final that is abit like wc.
so pastamania prevailed over delifrance last night. however, it was a final of great controversy as the legendary zizou got sent off for head butting the pioneer of sneaky foul play marco materazzi. in fact, materazzi vs alpay would see a nice fight to the death of the "smelliest". materazzi though, was the man of the moment last night, with seemingly a hand in anything of any significance. firstly, he gave away the penalty in which zidane scored a cheeky chip from, giving me a minor heart attack. then italy equalised through who else but marco materazzi. the match then had some moments of attacking play from both sides but mostly france, with henry scuffing several chances and luca toni hitting the crossbar then putting the ball in the back of the net from a slightly offside position. then came that important sending off of zizou in the 20th min of extra time and then italia proceeded to win on penalties, with materazzi scoring one and trezeguet missing the only one, coming down the wrong side of the line after hitting the bar. but that is not important. it is more important to note that without the "contribution" of materazzi, it would have been 0-0, 11 on 11 for the whole match. however, this final, he will be remembered as the guy who got zizou sent off with his cheating ways. he must have said something really bad for zidane to land that bald pate of his onto our dear marcos chest. as such, he will never get to see the eiffel tower in his life. not without being shot.
on the other hand, his defensive partner and captain fabio cannavaro was a rock in the italian defence, the italian sex god and the likely winner of the golden ball. he was the picture of calmness during the shootout where everyone was shaking with excitement. there was fabio, standing with hands on his hips. he remained like a statue even when his teammates scored their penalties. what a cool guy. it is also interesting to note that cannavaro has only 1 yellow card in this world cup campaign sustained during qualifying. says alot about his fair play as well as his defensive capabilities. haha. so anyway, im happy i won money la. but im not that happy about the way the match was decided. here we can see that the italian central defence is very contradictory. one a model professional and the other, a dirty cheating scum of a player.
still. money rocks. im sorry this is not very coherent but you chose to read it. haha. by the way. wc is water closet which is toilet. in case some mentally slower people dunno.
money dictates allegiances
at least in my case tonight. so in tonights World Cup Final 2006, my allegiances lie with the azzuri. italy. its a case of blue vs blue tonight, with le bleus of france vs the azzuri of italia. but it is the blue allure of two $50 notes that attract me. because i betted that italy would win the world cup. haha.
boring people do boring stuff.

like this

and this

and this
so ya.
cb internet had some fucking problem and i restarted the com 8 fucking times to no avail. was damn fucking angry but im not so angry now. you know, i was reminded of the song patience by guns n roses in the midst of the restarting.
Sad woman take it slow and it'll come together fine All we need is just a little patience
i guess it doesnt work for me that way. i waited fucking long for my sister to get her ass off the computer then it dies on me. no amount of patience can help that unless it is a very huge amount.
on the topic of guns, we went to the OCS on wednesday for some field trip. pretty cool. we got to learn abit about the army and shit but importantly, it wasnt' as boring as ppl made it out. in fact it was pretty fun. i got to play with guns with scopes, walkie talkies with and assistant holding the walkie talkie while i play with the mic. guns which can shoot explosive rounds, rocket launchers, machine guns. cool huh? and our army guy was pretty nice as well. ATP he wanted to be called. dunno his real name though.
cool huh? we also invented Dr Quek who only says "she die of cannot breathe" in a special accent. and we played dumb games on the bus. and today we were supposed to play bowling but we only play boh link. rules of the game is not important because it does not have any rules anyway. so i came home and used the fucked up com which is not so fucked up now but still quite fucked up to type a blog entry with boh link.
"want that one"- Andy Pipkin
money is REALLY very important.
fuck man. i have $5 left for the week after investments in world cup. it had better be a D-D for halftime-fulltime. haha. so anyway the link with money ends here. it is VERY VERY important.
next i am going to talk about this brownish coloured shiny thing you usually can find in the more dirty areas of your house. its something that can move around of its own will and is a source of irritation to most and slight fear to some. its actually something widely known as a cockroach.
picture this:
slightly spooky music*
its 3:27:43am in the morning. you wake up late for the world cup match you were planning to catch. thus you decide to go to the toilet and wash up to stay energetic. you flick on the lights.
sudden increase in volume*
you jump back in half shock. that wretched creature is twitching its long feelers somewhere halfway between the sink and the toilet bowl. you tiptoe to the shower, grab the showerhead and turn on an icy jet of cold water full blast at the enemy. it turns over, the body still and unmoving. you smile to yourself, convinced that its already dead. then you wash your face and catch the football.
it is now full time. after some beers and no unwelcome encounters with that cursed creature, you feel a sudden urge to answer the call of nature. you return to the original place of encounter. you turn on the lights. *
gasp* the "dead" body of the cockroach is gone. it has gone scuttling to another crevice of dark nothingness. hiding. preparing for another sudden attack which causes much mental trauma to a creature so much bigger.
okay so anyway i got this shitty post because of another highly entertaining conversation with kenneth which i shan't share because its too long. one part he says
"if only there were no roaches in this world. then we'd only have cocks" shall leave whoever reads this to ponder upon that.
money is very important.
this past week, i have spent money like nobirdies business and then i realise that my pocket money this week has $29 plus of $50 left. on friday, i went out with ozy with $40 odd. after pasta mania, betting, after eights and a very shitty tasting long island iced tea, left $10. knn. after supper i was left with virtually nothing. but supper was sunday la. so i got my $50 today i was fucking happy. then i went and spent $15 on restringing my guitar and $5.95 on kfc as well as buying 2 for $1.90 pokka tea assorted flavours. twice. so whatever virtually nothing plus my $50 were cut down to $29 plus for the rest of the week. and i want to buy street soccer shoes because the soles of my current pair are worn out. thats another about $80. oops la.
anyway today went to city hall with daniel to restring guitar and i cut hair. it drew mixed comments. some people say got shorter, some say like never cut like that. my opinion is "I dunno?" i think it looks shorter and more proportionate but then still quite long. so ya. if michael tan still ask me to cut i ask him to give me money already. so you do see the importance of money dont you? even though this post is more of how i spent money. but geniuses can always see the link.
kaninabeh cb ngentot motherfucking sonofabitch. and other crap.
first of all. yesterday i lose money. then steven gerrard miss penalty. its not so much england losing you see. its steven gerrard getting his penalty saved. he didn't deserve it. i think what he didn't deserve the most was carrying frank lampars dead weight in the mdifield. frank was too fat. the idea of dumbfuck sven playing them 2 in midfield was so that they could cover for each other while the other attacks. apparently fat frank likes to live in his own world walking around the opponents half dreaming until the ball reaches his boot which he then proceeds to take a mighty swing of the boot sending the ball in the general direction of the goal but never accurate or powerful enough to trouble the keeper. most of the time its row z. though sometimes its M or J.
some stats to impress people haha.
goals- 0[ZERO] aka NIL aka KOSONG
Steven Gerrard: shots-8
there you have it. fat frank is selfish and his quality of shots cannot match THE steven gerrard.
what about the English Premier League you argue the case for lampar. NO! i say. it's really very simple. NO! firstly gerrard has the responsilbility of a captain. he covers EVERY BLADE OF GRASS for liverpool. he scores he make great passes he tackles everything. lampard basically shoots. granted he has a good shot on him but the World Cup has just proved otherwise. plus in England, gerrard has enough tactical discipline to stay and cover for that fucker while fatty just doesnt bother. take the T&T game. fatty smashed the ball into the net after gerrard scored, probably out of a mix of frustration, jealousy, rivalry and what-not that takes place in his petty mind. then he didnt bother to cover for gerrard leaving T&T putting the ball in the net. luckily for them it was offside.
LAMPAR: goals[epl]-13
goals[all comp]-20
GERRARD: goals[epl]-10
1. deflected
2. shots that are put on a plate for him
gerrard can influence the match in a way fatty can never dream of. eg. FA cup final. May 27 2005-----> Champions League Final in Istanbul, Turkey.
gerrard is 25. fatty is 28.
what more do i need to say. had gerrard gone to chel$ki, fatty would have no place in the squad. luckily for both liverpool and fatty, he didn't. noone can have him other than LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB.
FUCK FAT FRANK LAMPAR <------ alliteration sia.
oh ya. france won again. lose money there also but im not as pissed. haha.