Wednesday, July 30, 2014

men at work.

The sound of industrial machinery whirs, slams, bangs, beeps in the background, sometimes softly, sometimes not so softly. In all this noise, enclosed in the little box I promised myself a mere 2 years ago, that I would never be enclosed in, I bend over the laptop, working on yet another instruction. Murky, unclear, and contradictory, like the human. A song plays from the radio, "神啊救救我吧..." echoing the voice of my heart. It wasn't the song I was thinking of though. I was thinking along the lines of "我好想好想飞,逃离这个疯狂世界..." It's a crazy world indeed.

It's a crazy world, where the force of money overcomes the force of gravity, where sleep is a resource as desirable, as scarce, as gold. And this rat, kicking and screaming (in my head), has been forced to enter the race. It is a race, not for victory, but for survival. The aim is not to win, but to not lose. The force of gravity is often overcome by the force of money. But sometimes it wins. In the war of attrition, sleep always finds you, even when you don't want it. Now I do want it, and it's tempting to succumb.

"Hey please send Mr Lee an email regarding......"

"Okay." (fuck)


the essence of this blog.

Today I found out, that in the real world, sometimes, what appears to be logic and common sense truly does not prevail.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

work week.

I figured I might not really have the time or the motivation to write after I start work, so I might as well leave a few words here for myself to remind myself why if I haven't updated this for a long time. I don't really want this to be a recording of my daily life, but sometimes I DO have some brilliant fucking ideas (in my own opinion of course). Now that I've started work, I really really understand why people get so fucking tired that they don't even have time to think and time to dream. The fucking iron cage if you will. At 9pm my mind thinks that the night is young, and my body's all "fuck this shit I'm going to sleep whether you like it or not."

Anyway I'm in the aluminium industry with my dad. I mean I like metal, but come on. Life sure does have a way with irony.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

the last of us.

So it seems we're all going to start work now, and that my moaning does seem a little uncalled for. I should be excited and take every single task as a challenge. Although I really wonder what happened to chasing my dreams? This work doesn't seem like what I envisioned myself doing. Maybe it's is a stepping stone, maybe it's for life. Maybe it's time to really grow up, and be responsible for myself.
