Monday, June 28, 2010


I'm not doing this on facebook because then I'd be a bastard, as well as using facebook much too often for my own liking. But seriously, making a status that's directed at one person is really quite retarded isn't it? And then when the person it's directed to comments on that status in the most indirect yet easily inferred manner and the original person replies likewise. And this goes on. For fucks sake(even though I am just being a busybody and have nothing to do with the people in question) why don't you just call each other or even use MSN. That would take away the need to attempt to conceal what you really want to say under a thin veil of tissue paper. That is to say, the concealment stands out as much as a hippopotamus in the Central Business District.

The reason I'm even ranting like this is because online virtual reality seems to be increasingly closely tied to actual reality. Not looking too good for the real world.


my my that was quick.

Someone found my team member pass. Thank you whoever you are.

On a quite different note, we were talking about music somehow during the ending hours of last nights shift. And then I listened to Pinkly Smooth on the way home, and felt(again) that it's such a shame that a musical talent like The Rev had to leave us so early and unexpectedly. Then again, quoting Ronald(maybe again),

"You either die a legend, or live to see your legend die."

Sunday, June 27, 2010

the distant future. the year 2000.

I was thinking to myself 5 seconds (7 seconds now) ago, what is going to happen to my life, merely weeks from now, when my job has ended and some of my friends have gone overseas, and university starts. Then I suddenly remember that I'm not a psychic and cannot tell the future, so I gave up thinking and went to play Football Manager instead.


now that i've lost you it kills me to say, i tried to hold on as you slowly slip away.

I lost my team member pass.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

like a virgin.

I woke up with a mosquito bite on my left testicle. At least now I'll die knowing a female had sucked my balls.

driving it away.

Today, I drove my brother to release the cat he brought home a few days ago. Since we weren't allowed to keep it, I think it's just as well we haven't thought of a name. I for one would have given it some real normal name like Tom or Jack or Suzie or something. But I'm not so sure the cat, which by the way is female, ruling out Tom and Jack, even bothers to respond to any sort of name calling. Not even "Hey you fucking cat." garnered any lasting response. It looked more interested in pouncing on a soft toy tied to a string which my brother swung around the room like a puppet, therefore my brother is the Master of Puppets. But I digress.

The word the cat would use to describe my brother as he was fooling around with her would probably be "fool". But the cat, of course, doesn't know the word "fool", nor any other word for that matter, because she was just a small cat, and if there was any word that she would recognise, it would probably be her name, which we haven't come up with, so it's dictionary would probably have only "fucking cat", because that's what I tend to call it. So anyway, since we weren't allowed to keep it, I drove my brother back to where he found the cat and let it back into the wilderness of the lobby of my brothers friends condo. And realised that my driving skills have severely deteriorated. FUCK.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My brother just brought a stray cat home. It's fine, but for the fact that it's not fucking Garfield. I only want a cat that thinks sarcastic thoughts at me so I can think back more sarcastic thoughts and we can have a telepathic battle of wits. And it sleeps on my bed. NOTHING SLEEPS ON MY BED BUT ME!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

you can feel my strength destroy you.

Consider this situation. A customer at the carpark asks for the parking rates. The buggy driver in question(me) gives it to him. He gets another driver to top up his cash card for him(only $15 and rudely asks him to hurry). The customer asks the driver to calculate his total rate if he came in at 10. So he did. Then he asks the rate for if he came in at 9 plus. So I was doing it halfway, because of the fucking half hourly rates, when the below conversation happened.

Customer: Stop. Don't count already. You go to the gantry and let me out now.

Me: I'm not supposed to do that. Besides there's already people at the gantry.

Customer(aggressively): Then why you still ask me top up?

Me: The carpark is not under our control, we are just buggy drivers.

Customer: Damn it(他妈的) lose money still need to pay parking.

And I have had enough and walked away. Of course he had to pay. You pay the parking fees because you use the carpark, not because you win money. Who gives a rats ass what you use the parking for. I seriously don't understand how he believes himself to be right. A casino is where many people lose money, and that person is just one of millions. What made him believe that he was special and exempted from paying parking fees, expensive they may be. That he was Malaysian? Probably, since it was mentioned in a further exchange. But this type of people is probably why our neighbours up North still have a bad reputation with us.


Friday, June 11, 2010

more reflections on that same short time on the throne.

When someone says I'm full of shit, they're usually right. I suffer from acute constipation.


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

reflections on my short time on the throne.

When you call someone a bloody asshole, sometimes think about when you have diarrhoea or when you accidentally wipe your ass too hard. It hurts real bad.



Oh, the things I would be able to do if I had a hundred dolla... oh. Right.
