Tuesday, July 04, 2006

money is REALLY very important.

fuck man. i have $5 left for the week after investments in world cup. it had better be a D-D for halftime-fulltime. haha. so anyway the link with money ends here. it is VERY VERY important.

next i am going to talk about this brownish coloured shiny thing you usually can find in the more dirty areas of your house. its something that can move around of its own will and is a source of irritation to most and slight fear to some. its actually something widely known as a cockroach.

picture this:

*slightly spooky music*

its 3:27:43am in the morning. you wake up late for the world cup match you were planning to catch. thus you decide to go to the toilet and wash up to stay energetic. you flick on the lights.

*sudden increase in volume*

you jump back in half shock. that wretched creature is twitching its long feelers somewhere halfway between the sink and the toilet bowl. you tiptoe to the shower, grab the showerhead and turn on an icy jet of cold water full blast at the enemy. it turns over, the body still and unmoving. you smile to yourself, convinced that its already dead. then you wash your face and catch the football.

it is now full time. after some beers and no unwelcome encounters with that cursed creature, you feel a sudden urge to answer the call of nature. you return to the original place of encounter. you turn on the lights. *gasp* the "dead" body of the cockroach is gone. it has gone scuttling to another crevice of dark nothingness. hiding. preparing for another sudden attack which causes much mental trauma to a creature so much bigger.

okay so anyway i got this shitty post because of another highly entertaining conversation with kenneth which i shan't share because its too long. one part he says

"if only there were no roaches in this world. then we'd only have cocks"

shall leave whoever reads this to ponder upon that.



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