why does X-Men movies not have this guy?

gambit is cool. haha.
no link.
hmm. holidays are here already. it seems funny that i usually see school as a chore. but when it comes to long holidays, i usually find myself bored to the extent of just sitting there and watching my own body decompose. and the likes. i realise school is what makes us appreciate a break when it comes, such as the weekends or an occasional public holiday, which is even better when its either friday or monday because it means long weekends. during the long holidays, i think the case for most of us who do not enjoy studying is that the brain is "dead". it does no work whatsover, letting the body slacken or do whatever mindless activity it fancies without passing through that special body part that resides in the skull. thus, unless theres some studying going on, i doubt anything will pass through the brain except stuff like what movie to watch next, where to go play next and other similar stuff.
LUCKILY FOR US (or some might say unfortunately*), there is this magic show on tv from june 9 onwards called World Cup 2006. it is the salvation of all football-loving people and some non-football-loving people. it is the sporting event of the year. BUT the downside is that we have to wait for 11 more days. i shall rot until then.
*why unfortunately? because the mid-years(the count for 20% of the promos) are right smack in the midst of the world cup i believe i have mentioned it before. thus time has to be taken aside for studying, which is what i am not doing now. oh well.
hmm. i quite tired and quite bored. amused myself with clips of little britain on youtube. i think its damn funny, especially andy and lou. damn cock. shall post a link here some other time cos i am lazy to do it now. hmm.
holidays or so called holidays are here. theres the wrodl cup coming up and in the midst of it mid-years. but the mid years will be over before finals so thats quite cool. haha. hmm, thus i think that this holiday, i must plan my time well and actually do some studying if i don't want to retain again. oh well. too tired to talk any more haha.
i don't know....
.. somehow i think someone is screwing with me. its just a gut feeling. i might even have a pretty good idea who but maybe im thinking too much. oh well. should just let it go for the moment. i guess.
you know...
... sometimes you just gotta wonder why on earth am i staying up at this hour? i dont really know. left the hse at 11 plus, played ps2 until 2 in daryls hse, eat supper then went to yogi/yohan house to watch a movie. maybe thats why i am wide awake now, with my stomach feeling just a little weird. i think i need to shit. at this hour. sheesh.
gp exam and more.
today was gp exam but it was in the afternoon. supposedly 1pm la. so i met dinah and gillian and jenny and dina and darren and fiona at toa payoh station at 11.30 and we went to mos burger and after that decided to cab to sch. so we split into 2 cabs. actually the dsitance from toa payoh to cjc is like damn short. cab fare shld be like $3 plus.
in the end cab fare became $4.80. all the moron taxi fuckers fault. then gp paper. nth much to say about it other than that a huge swarm of bees decided to become a ball of clustered bees at the top of the flag pole. it looked like a huge Ferraro Roche if you didnt look at the flag pole and a huge match stick if you did. haha. then went home liao after gp. nothing to do. up till now still nothing to do.
the lack of urgency...
... that i appear to have is appalling to even myself. look at it this way. friday is the gp exam. these are the things i did up till now
wednesdaysch. pon bridge to go home and sleep. woke up. ate dinner. use com. watch tv. sleep at 1.30.
thursdayforced up at 1.45pm. bathe. eat. play fm. chat online to find out who is as slack as me. go out with the intention of soccer but went gym instead. swimming. more fm and typing this dumb entry.
my intentionsthursday eveningmore fm. supper. watch international friendly at night. MAYBE read some gp stuff.
fridaywake up at about 9 if i can. if not 11. bathe eat go school for exam.
exam plan
choose a philosophical question so that i can smoke and argue my way through essay. compre is just hope for the best. if all fails pray that i do much better for end-of-year. if not it will be end of me.
i am bored.
hmm. came home and slept for a fucking long time. now i awake and bored. neways elson showed me this cool phone. w850i. probably the 1st time i am posting a picture but its really cool so ya haha.

nice right? haha.
what if.
today ponned sch. woke up super late and met ronald, johnson, kenneth and james to buy mc then watch da vinci code. it was overall a not bad movie, though there will always be comparisons to the book. still not bad la, but like all movie adaptations left out a few parts here and there. however, it was only after i watched the movie that i thought, how come everything has to be so grand? why does it have to be so complicated to keep a secret? i wondered what would have happened had the "holy grail" been hidden in a public toilet without any clues? even if the secret keeper tells someone the holy grail is in a public toilet, he would be ridiculed while he alone holds the secret. surely this is more effective? anyway i cant really think any much further. got some work to do haha.
kena tagged again and i will do a dumb thing again because i am a good sport.
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover. 2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover. 3. Tag eight other victimes to join this game and leave a comment on their blog. 4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN. 5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE. FUN. DOING
1. be of a suitable height. i dont want some yao ming woman towering over me like an overpowering presence
2. be quite good looking. please dont say i am shallow because i know everyone wants a good looking lover. yes including you- that guy/girl who says" i only look at character". stop kidding yourself.
3. good character. haha i think it is important even after what i said in point 2.
4. understanding and trusting and thus is willing to give me some personal space.
5. hmm not flirty. saw from daniels and thought it was a good point.
6. fun. which means can take jokes and tahan my nonsense and actually return some nonsense of her own. which is quite alot to ask for actually. but perfect lover what. haha.
7. unpetty. whats that word? magnanimous? haha. because i cant stand petty people and they 100% cant stand me.
8. can get along with me. which seems redundant after all i said above. but its not. because one may be all i said above, YET not be able to get along with me. somehow. haha.
Gender of perfect lover: FEMALE. please this is a dumb qn because if you know my blog, you will know i am a guy, thus you will know my sexual preferences.
some people who kena do this- johnson[HA who ask you tag me the other time], kenneth, ozy, gillian, glen, zixiang, er.. RONALD[no blog], boris[no blog]. run out of ppl who has a blog. plus those i list probably wont do it.
i am more awake and coherent now.
yesterday was basically linked to today for me. it was like a 6 to 6 to 6 to 11plus affair so i spent almost 1.5 days awake. well i woke up and went to sch in the morning and all the boring stuff like tests happened. then after that i went home and met kenneth, johnson, james and boris to go watch ICTALENT because ronald and gang were playing. and they WON!! whee. they played I Want You. quite nice but for the fact i cant really appreciate such music. ya hah so they got like $500 so its $100 each.plus we tau pok each other until all of us almost died.
so after that to celebrate we go and eat supper, which is kueh chup + all the stuff that comes with it like pig intestines, pork, tur kwa, tau pok[HAHA], tau kwa and the likes + bbq chicken wing + fried chicken wing + hokkien mee. eat until die. then me and johnson and james went to ronald hse and stay awake until dunno wad time then sleep for abt 1 hr plus each only. thus my previous post. then went for prata at prata house and i ate FOUR pratas.
walked some distance to see if got cab cos johnson and james were walking to the 74 bus stop and home respectively also. then i saw ozy at TCC. then i went home on a cab and spent $7.50 on the cab fare and bathe and sleep at about 11plus and woke up at 7 plus when the family members forced me to get my lazy ass up for dinner. feeling much more refreshed now but it now feels abit like a wasted saturday cos i didnt play much. oh well. i know the post is still not coherent but if you are gonna complain about it, please kill yourself before you do so. haha.
why? why? why?
(emo tone, slash wrist, drink blood, whatever other emo actions)
this is crazy...
hmm.. today has basically been fucking boring. after watching arsenal vs barca, i had no energy in sch at all. it is difficult to pay attention with not enough sleep. oh well. anyway ozy showed me a crazy video with this guy with a V mask.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=vbSR5_boMcc&dpos=1it is really crazy. i don't even know if its real or fake but damn nice anyway. hmm i am reminded of a phrase in V for vendetta after seeing the mask. the part where v is shot like 1 billion times but still nth happen. then he kills everyone except mr creedy. then he says
behind this mask is more than flesh. behind this mask is an idea, and ideas mr creedy, are bulletproof".
actually i am reminded because i heard this in morning devotion la. and it sounds cool. haha.
hmm today went to sch and shit and after that went to see ronald and gang jam at some ulu place. got abit lost when we got there and damn lost when it was time to go home. so went to eat some dinner 1st. on the subject of bands, here is a great prospect for DEATH METAL/SCREAMO bands lead singer.
Report on newly discovered disease
common name: justin syndrome
scientific name:justintitis 1B
symptoms:-sudden outburst of verbal diarrhoea containing a mixture of expletives, insults as well as many unintelligible words in which only geniuses can understand.
treatment- only known treatment is death.
if not treated in time
- will become an extremely intelligent being in some cases.[see diseases are not all bad]
- however will become very lazy.
- will not result in death.
- studies show that in other extreme cases, patients display actions of insanity.
- above point is linked to small brain capacity which is unable to process ingenious ideas.
what you should do if you find that you are infected
1) decide if you are a genius. it is VERY IMPORTANT not to delude yourself in this matter.
2) once you are VERY CERTAIN you belong to the rare species of genius, let the disease hit you. do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. the disease is good for you. side effects will be taht you will become lazy but that is negligible. however, if you have decided to cheat yourself in step 1, i am afraid this is the end. you will be looking at a long term stay in hougang chalet. the hotline is 6389-0411 if you want an advance booking.
3) if you have decided you are not a genius, the ONLY course of action to prevent a long-term stay in hougang chalet is to kill yourself.
4) pray and hope you are a genius. which is quite rare.
-end of report-
Dr Justin Teh.
some dumb and random thing to do and i dont even know if johnson has tagged me or some other justin.
Post 10 weird and random facts about yourself, then at the end list 5 people who are next in line to do this. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read yours.
Tagged by son son
10) i can be serious. when i want to be. if i want to be. that happens once in 1 billion years.
9) i have nice and hairless legs? same point as johnson but i think mine are nicer. because people say they are nice.
8) i am fat. it is neither weird nor random because it is easily beliveable after you read point 7.
7) this is just as unweird and unrandom. i am lazy. fucking lazy. not too strange for people who know me.
6) i am very opinionated. EXTREMELY. this is also quite obvious if you even know me. and i try to force my point across. if i fail, i whine loudly. VERY LOUDLY.
5) i do not enjoy listening to emo music. even though everyone says i have emo hair. not anymore. on the point of hair, i do not like haircuts. they are uncomfortable because i have to sit still for like 10 mins or more and i get itchy after that. which brings me to point 4.
4) i am fucking hyperactive for a bum. i love to play sports like soccer and any ball games and i cannot sit still. but i am too lazy to get fit. even a little fit. that is why i am so fat even though i play many games.
3) i cant stop talking once you get me started. I CANNOT STOP!!! until someone gets really pissed at my constant poking fun and talking cock. then i get scared and shut up. really shut up. eh but i dont mean it right. so take a chill pill.
2) i am a cheena talker sometimes but i can use english quite well when the need arises. in fact i am multilingual. i can speak english, mandarin, teochew, hokkien, some indonesian[really abit only] but not enough ah?
1) i don't know. all the above facts are like unweird and unrandom. so this one might as well be the same. i think im shy. haha. i am la. i just don't show that shy, unvulgar, nice guy side of me that often. in fact, like point 10, i can be a very nice, sweet unvulgar, mature guy. but i choose not to show it that often. its like my dark side. if i suddenly become like mr nice guy maybe people will think i am possessed and bring me to some bomoh.
tag: whoever wants to do it la. but just to list 5 names, ozy, kenneth[he wont do it i swear], gillian, steff, leon. because i don't know who will even read this. they must be fucking bo liao like me to do this kind of dumb shit thing even i regret doing. but due to my lazy nature, if ive done it might as well post it if not waste my hard work.
now this is one fucking crazy match.
adrenaline still pumping in my heart. i find it very difficult to put this FA cup classic into words. how about "Istanbul Again"? 2-0 down from an own goal and a soft goal. got back to 2-2 with a scissors kick from djibril and a well taken half volley from gerrad that rifled into the roof of the net.
then going behind again to a fluke cross shot then equalizing right at the death with a screaming half volley from gerrard that was well outside the box. i think was abt 35 yards. absolute madness. then the tense extra time and shootout where reina saved THREE out of four penalty kicks. this is really crazy. i'm afraid im not very cohenrent now. havnt really calmed down. till next time then.
for people who understand only. i think.
the cai fan auntie who hails from china wanted an english name and thus decided to call herself roger. thus she shall be refered to as roger. original language in white. english translation in green. actions in yellow.
me walking to cai fan stall. enter me and roger.]
roger: lai boy. yao chi cai fan mah?[
come here boy. you want to buy mix vege rice?]
me: ok[
enter rice on big orange plastic plate]
roger: yao jia shen me?[
what do you want to add?]
me: er... dou ya[
er.. beansprouts]
enter beansprouts. dumped onto big orange plastic plate together with rice]
roger: hai you ne?[
and then?]
me: he bao dan. hai you ji rou.[
fried egg. and chicken.]
enter fried egg and piece of chicken. put onto big orange plastic plate with beansprouts and rice.]
roger hao yao ma?[
anything else?]
shakes head] : bu yao le.[
no thank you.]
roger: yao ling zhi ma? ga li zhi hai shi lu zhi?[
want to add sauce? curry sauce or black sauce?]
me: ga li zhi, duo yi dian.[
more curry sauce please.]
enter curry sauce. drizzled with large ladle over rice, beansprouts egg and chicken on big orange plastic plate.]
roger: hao le boy, liang kuai ban.[
okay boy, two dollars and fifty cents]
me: ta ma de yao xiu zhe me gui!?!?![
his mother one!(direct translation) so expensive!?!?!][
i hand the auntie two dollars and fifty cents. exit me, big orange plastic plate, rice, beansprouts, fried egg, piece of chicken and curry sauce on big orange plastic plate.]
actually the last line was made up for dramatic effect. i am a nice and polite boy who doesn't curse and swear.
some boring day.
hmm. the title really speaks for itself doesnt it. i woke up at 1.30pm and felt all ready to go back to sleep at 2pm. obviously i was not allowed to, thus i went through some of the day slouching around doing nothing at all except for breathing. as in seriously. the weather would not allow me to get out of the house, which i wasnt keen on doing anyway. maybe its because its vesak day, thus, the tv programmes are purposely made to be boring so that one can feel zen. well, the tv people are probably succeeding. since it is a buddhist public holiday i shant swear, which i learnt yesterday during the lunch at the cool hair uncles shop is "suba". actually it isn't. i just say it is.
sports day?
today is sports day and a boring day. i went to sports day, wet my ass, played some capts ball, wet my ass again, played somemore captains ball, change to my nice green cat high shorts and then went to far east to eat some lunch at the uncle with cool hairs shop. i am losing my voice because i have talked cock for nonstop for maybe 2-3 hrs. not to mention whining. maybe i shld drink more nin jiom pei pa koa[this is what is says on the label]. that fucking woman pe teacher is a fucker woman. that is why i called her the fucking woman pe teacher. fuck la.
i have listened to some funny shit podcast suaning gomez. fucking funny. now i am tired but i dun wanna sleep. how?
conversation with kenneth fang
just had some interesting convo with kenneth. so i shall show an extract before i say anything else.
justin. says:
kenneth, says:
yi zhi jiang yi zhi jiang
kenneth, says:
and please justin
justin. says:
we shall leave this as a topic of convo for next time shall we
kenneth, says:
the next entry you post
kenneth, says:
kenneth, says:
kenneth, says:
justin. says:
when i give you back ur notebook and parker pen
justin. says:
kenneth, says:
special request lah
justin. says:
kenneth, says:
must write COPYRIGHT
justin. says:
lazy la
kenneth, says:
and no one can say that like more than 1 time aday
kenneth, says:
its exclusive
justin. says:
i shld just put disclaimer
kenneth, says:
cept for me though
kenneth, says:
kenneth, says:
HAHA right
kenneth, says:
by saying that repeatedly
kenneth, says:
you'll feel damn good , but in reality
kenneth, says:
you're hao xiang pang sai zhe yang.
kenneth, says:
kenneth, says:
after this long mess, please take special notice and go with kenneths wishes about the yi zhi
jiang thing. another interesting thing was the difference between reality and facts and the fact
that facts and reality sometimes differ. some hurting comments to other people were made in the process and i shall blog about this in another entry for several reasons:
1. The hurting comments must somehow morph or transform or mutate into less hurting ones
as they are a vital part of the convo and must be there in some form or another.
2. This part of the conversation was made due to the reality[remember its not fact] kenneth has
has to go to sleep, therefore we were unable to finish it.
3. I require more expert comments from the expert himself to add weight and credibility to the
4. I am very sure you do not want to see another long convo extract after the first long convo
extract nor would you want to read my explanations of the conversation. Short extracts are
unlikely as it would take the genius out of the conversation.
5. Even if you DO want to read that long excerp plus explanation, i would be too lazy to do it
now. I am not inclined to do more explanatory work for genius conversations. Geniuses are
human. We do get tired.
6. Blogger seems to be down and i am doing this bloody entry in notepad where it seems i have to
know when to press enter or the sentence will just go on and on and on and on and on and on
7. I am typing with a small table lamp as the light source because other members of the family
are currently in sleep-mode, hibernation or having a 1 billion dish buffet in dreamland. thus
it is difficult to type. Genius eyes and normal eyes are the same. They are not cat's eyes.
They also require light.
8. Now that blogger is working it seems that i am going to have to do this all over again because
the arrangement of the post seems pretty screwed up. but i shall not type it again because it
isnt a very genius thing to do.
and so i shall leave it here.
how not to organise bbq.
hmm. i just woke up at about 3 after some bbq last night. actually me, dan, lee ken, kenneth and gillian were supposed to go watch defend your turf. each one of them back out until i ended up playing fm at home. so the meeting time was supposed to be 5 at orchard mrt. i reached there just on time, to realise gillian was the only one there, and dinah and jenny were at ZARA some distance away from the mrt station. so we walked[and i whined] there. and them girls decided to do some shopping for the eyes and jenny bought something which i dunno what it was. then we walked[and i whined] back to orchard mrt for a long time of uneventful waiting and whining[me only].
then we went to great world city for some EXTREME last minute shopping where we bought a shitload of whatever felt right for bbq. everything was last minute with NO preparation whatsoever. even the chicken was marinated on the spot. just as everything was coming right after the initial rush and mess, it started to drizzle. i was like FUCK!!! then in the end it was only a drizzle. food was pretty okay considering the last minute preparation. i guess. and gillian was disappointed ronald couldn't come because " HE'S SOOO CUUTEEE!!" so in the end much of the bbq was spent talking cock, playing catching and acting out jasons reaction when he found out that gillian was staying in cj. and also daniel went around pinching peoples nipples with tongs.
then we wanted to swim but in the end we didnt because the pool was closed. but it didnt stop kenneth from getting wet. it wasnt his choice anyway. i thought the pushing plan was over because we couldnt swim anymore but daniel decided for some reason or another to push kenneth into the pool. then when he came up, boris pushed him back in and when he came up again, daniel pushed him in AGAIN! so he was dunked maybe 4 times in the space of less than 5 minutes. luckily for him, his new twisting nokia phone wasnt with him. however, theodoras present for him was and it was a NOTEBOOK. so ya kenneth. good for you. whee.
after all the shitty pack up thing, we went to lobby to wait for steff and theodoras parents to pick them up and we took some pretty unglam shots of each other. HOWEVER, there was no photographs of everyone together. oh well. another time then. then boris, johnson and kenneth went to my hse to watch election then they went home and i slept and then i woke up super late. so ya. never do bbqs at last minute. never. im pretty incoherent now i guess due to not being fully awake.
anyway i hoped everyone enjoyed themselves cause i did la. partly cause i dont have to go a long way home. haha.
slacking with brains.
if people here have seen my previous posts on slackers being geniuses, you might have noticed i didn't say ALL slackers are geniuses. that is the essential truth. not all slackers can be geniuses and come up with ideas to saw wood quickly. in fact, slackers can be generally categorised into 2 categories, one of which is the geniuses, the other being slackers with brains of volume less than 0.000000000000000000000000001mm-cube, which i believe
MIGHT be smaller than the AIDS virus. or you can say they have negligible or no brains. in the last post about this i have mentioned the contribution of the geniuses. however, after gp, i have learnt to have a balanced viewpoint, thus i will cover the OTHER type of slackers. the dumbfuck slackers and how they become pests of society.
stupid slackers usually have 1 distinguishing trait. they are even more slack than smart slackers because since their brain has negligible volume, it doesnt really work, thus their body is only equipped with devices for primitive survival such as eating and breathing. more complex actions such as thinking have been virtually, in fact COMPLETELY unheard of in stupid slackers. thus, one can see that the stupid slackers "work" has no originality as they cannot think, leading to the "ideas" section of the primitive survival instinct to hunt around for something that has already been thought of and claim that they "thought" of the idea.
since they are deprived of thinking ability, the"brain" of the stupid slacker will just take in anything they think can help them pass off as an "idea". essentially, the ideas section is a rojak of other ideas somehow all jumbled into that minute space, leading to incoherence. for example some wise-guy talking rubbish might say "i know that instant coffee comes from that machine in starbucks". the dumb slacker will then go around telling everyone exactly that, believing it to be true and claiming credit for that "idea", since to them there is no concept of originality nor creativity nor plagerism.
physically, the dumb slacker can usually be seen with their mouth hanging open and drooling with eyes as dead as fried fish. this is because nothing is going through the "brain" if it exists. the existence of a brain in the stupid slacker cannot be proven and exists only in theory as a brain is necessary for some actions the stupid slacker is capable of such as knowing when to eat, when to shit, when to sleep. the size is only an estimation as the existence has not yet been proven. the stupid slacker usually looks fat or skinny due to not knowing the amount of food that has to be consumed. looks may vary but the normal sized ones are usually so down to luck rather than a slightly bigger brain.
so why is the dumb slacker so irritating? maybe because of their copycat nature? their dumb look? the lack of brains? all play an important part. the last reason is the lack of any skill or intelligence in the dumb slacker. in fact, they usually only know how to eat and slack. the smart slacker is usually adept at some skill such as sports, art or possess the flair and intelligence to talk nonsense with style and wit while the dumb slacker goes "hur hur hur... er what was it about?" with an easily recognisable dumb voice. thus i believe slacking is fine, as long as you don't become a dumb slacker. if you recognise the symptoms of a dumb slacker in you, CHANGE! or kill yourself. i doubt anyone will though. a dumb slacker would not understand what a smart slacker is talking about. so people always remember:
bad hair day.
today is a bad hair day. it is. in the morning, dinah and mary goh looked abit like sisters, with dinahs hair unspiked and mary gohs trimmed and mushroom like. zixiang also cut his hair, leaving it long and thin. before long, i was forced to cut off my nose length fringe and other various parts of my hair to give it a weird look. the fringe became ABOVE the eyebrows, the back somehow looks funny and the sides shaved off. now i dont even dare to look into the mirror. actually i do la but i think that my hair is not very nice. i am tempted to shave it off but it would just be uglier.
now how did i get my kukujiao hairstyle? i remember after bro pauls talk, i was sitting on the chair minding my own business when jek suan came down from the stage and pulled my fringe down and concluded with a "wah" that included a mixture of shock, surprise, admiration, envy, failed sarcasm and probably just a tinge of jealousy. then i actually got to SIGN OUT from school to get a HAIRCUT. but someone out there likes to make fun of me. so i reached bishan at 930 to realise all barber shops open at 1030. so i eat breakfast. after that, a moment of madness led me to tell the barberess(she was female) to shave off my sides as well as cut my fringe to a short length. the result was disasterous though it was mainly my own fault. thought the barberess did trim off a LITTLE TOO MUCH of my fringe. i miss it like a lost limb. anyway that explains the story of my kukujiao hair and i am going to swim now to try to get rid of my spare tyre.
a fair trade?
for as long as i can remember, people have told me time is money and i have to cherish it before its gone. they say that when time passes, it will never come back. so WHY in the world do people say time is money? because money that is spent can be earnt back, though its not easy. furthermore, if time is really money, i would be FILTHY STINKING RICH during the holidays because i would have time by the truckloads. if time is really money, maybe work time would be worth less and free time be worth more. if thats really the case, i would give up 1 week of holiday time for the shitload of money its worth. then i would spend it during the remaining weeks of my holiday. whee. and i could even give up some school time for some money. now that would be wonderful.
if only.