Monday, May 22, 2006

kena tagged again and i will do a dumb thing again because i am a good sport.

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover. 2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover. 3. Tag eight other victimes to join this game and leave a comment on their blog. 4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN. 5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE. FUN. DOING

1. be of a suitable height. i dont want some yao ming woman towering over me like an overpowering presence

2. be quite good looking. please dont say i am shallow because i know everyone wants a good looking lover. yes including you- that guy/girl who says" i only look at character". stop kidding yourself.

3. good character. haha i think it is important even after what i said in point 2.

4. understanding and trusting and thus is willing to give me some personal space.

5. hmm not flirty. saw from daniels and thought it was a good point.

6. fun. which means can take jokes and tahan my nonsense and actually return some nonsense of her own. which is quite alot to ask for actually. but perfect lover what. haha.

7. unpetty. whats that word? magnanimous? haha. because i cant stand petty people and they 100% cant stand me.

8. can get along with me. which seems redundant after all i said above. but its not. because one may be all i said above, YET not be able to get along with me. somehow. haha.

Gender of perfect lover: FEMALE. please this is a dumb qn because if you know my blog, you will know i am a guy, thus you will know my sexual preferences.

some people who kena do this- johnson[HA who ask you tag me the other time], kenneth, ozy, gillian, glen, zixiang, er.. RONALD[no blog], boris[no blog]. run out of ppl who has a blog. plus those i list probably wont do it.



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