Wednesday, May 03, 2006

slacking with brains.

if people here have seen my previous posts on slackers being geniuses, you might have noticed i didn't say ALL slackers are geniuses. that is the essential truth. not all slackers can be geniuses and come up with ideas to saw wood quickly. in fact, slackers can be generally categorised into 2 categories, one of which is the geniuses, the other being slackers with brains of volume less than 0.000000000000000000000000001mm-cube, which i believe MIGHT be smaller than the AIDS virus. or you can say they have negligible or no brains. in the last post about this i have mentioned the contribution of the geniuses. however, after gp, i have learnt to have a balanced viewpoint, thus i will cover the OTHER type of slackers. the dumbfuck slackers and how they become pests of society.

stupid slackers usually have 1 distinguishing trait. they are even more slack than smart slackers because since their brain has negligible volume, it doesnt really work, thus their body is only equipped with devices for primitive survival such as eating and breathing. more complex actions such as thinking have been virtually, in fact COMPLETELY unheard of in stupid slackers. thus, one can see that the stupid slackers "work" has no originality as they cannot think, leading to the "ideas" section of the primitive survival instinct to hunt around for something that has already been thought of and claim that they "thought" of the idea.

since they are deprived of thinking ability, the"brain" of the stupid slacker will just take in anything they think can help them pass off as an "idea". essentially, the ideas section is a rojak of other ideas somehow all jumbled into that minute space, leading to incoherence. for example some wise-guy talking rubbish might say "i know that instant coffee comes from that machine in starbucks". the dumb slacker will then go around telling everyone exactly that, believing it to be true and claiming credit for that "idea", since to them there is no concept of originality nor creativity nor plagerism.

physically, the dumb slacker can usually be seen with their mouth hanging open and drooling with eyes as dead as fried fish. this is because nothing is going through the "brain" if it exists. the existence of a brain in the stupid slacker cannot be proven and exists only in theory as a brain is necessary for some actions the stupid slacker is capable of such as knowing when to eat, when to shit, when to sleep. the size is only an estimation as the existence has not yet been proven. the stupid slacker usually looks fat or skinny due to not knowing the amount of food that has to be consumed. looks may vary but the normal sized ones are usually so down to luck rather than a slightly bigger brain.

so why is the dumb slacker so irritating? maybe because of their copycat nature? their dumb look? the lack of brains? all play an important part. the last reason is the lack of any skill or intelligence in the dumb slacker. in fact, they usually only know how to eat and slack. the smart slacker is usually adept at some skill such as sports, art or possess the flair and intelligence to talk nonsense with style and wit while the dumb slacker goes "hur hur hur... er what was it about?" with an easily recognisable dumb voice. thus i believe slacking is fine, as long as you don't become a dumb slacker. if you recognise the symptoms of a dumb slacker in you, CHANGE! or kill yourself. i doubt anyone will though. a dumb slacker would not understand what a smart slacker is talking about. so people always remember:




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