the longest phonecall of my life.
i am serious. i think it is the 1st time in my life i have talked for close to 1 hour on my handphone, or any phone. thank you very much to
JAMES for that long phone call peppered with "happy birthday" when there was nothing to say. thank you
ZHEN YU for that early birthday treat on friday.
thank you to everyone else who wished me happy birthday on msn, sms, friendster, or by posting a picture of me on their blogs.
the thing is i am 18 now. there is nothing special with being 18 actually. before 18, i used to enjoy visits to toys r'us, being extremely childish on all occasions and stuff like that. now that i'm 18, i will still enjoy visits to toys r'us and being childish on all occasions and stuff like that. why should all of that change just because i can buy alcohol and take my driving tests now? in fact, why should it change when i reach 21? 45? 75.324325?[assuming i live that long]. in fact, maybe in the future when you see and old ah pek looking at cool transformers toys in toys r'us of the future, it might be me. after all transformers are cool.
less is more.
if i remeber correctly, i read this off abel's friendster account about a year ago.
It is better to spit out what you don't like now than vomit it out true. the phrase just speaks for itself.
my choice of pet.
a golden retriever so that it can help me to retrieve gold. =)
the last day of the year.[some sort]
i was thinking as i went to school today, if it would be a waste of time. after all, i wasn't sure why we were going to school for a lousy ceremony. but before that ceremoney which wasn't that lousy but still pretty boring, mdm goh had our class to write out names on a balloon and gave us each 20 little pieces of coloured paper. we had to write a nice message to everyone else in our class and put it in their balloons so that everyone will have good memories of the class. well, it seems a little lame but it was nice to receive nice messages from the class whom i am quite sure think of me as an annoying and immature little genius except at that point in time where i became a "funny guy".
i wrote nice little messages to everyone else as well, including gems like "Do you like Lampard?", "What is your favourite bird?", "I'm watching you...", "[name] heart attack. blows balloon and gets heart attack when it suddenly bursts.", ending with a ROXZORZ in caps and signing off as justinman, which might be a leftover from my superhero fantasy from 11 years ago. i think everyone who wrote nice things about me may have come to regret it when they read my funny little messages. but hey. ROXZORZ is a nice thing.
after that there was this lousy but not too lousy ceremony which would have been more poignant had it been graduation. it was pretty touching and all but after that reality sets in. everyone realised there was still project work and that we will be seeing each other very soon.
come next year there might be a tear or two. but not yet. not this year.
the n-th wonder of the world.
what is the n-th[8th i think] wonder of the world? the brain of a woman for its sheer complicatedness and the neverending surprises and shocks which they never fail to provide. in fact, it is so complicated that it makes the brain of a genius look like a single cell oragnism. by genius i mean me or albert einstein or somewhere along that line.
but complicated is not necessarily good. in fact, i would go as far to say that it's BAD! BAD! BAD! it's this same complication that somehow can escalate a petty quarrel into full-scale worldwide nuclear wars. which is why we do not have many woman as world leaders[some stereotype here i guess] because maybe a 0.000001% increase in tax would lead to petty quarrels then wars. BAD!
it is impossible to understand how the brain of the female works.[female geniuses are different because all geniuses think the same. then again the number is negligible] i do not understand why the memory space the brain sets aside for gossip, details of "really horrible stuff" to manipulate others in a quarrel is EXTREMELY GINORMOUS. and when provoked by unknown petty causes, there is an increase of storage space for cruel and posionous words. just like adding RAM to computers.
another thing is that women are like Transformers: Beast Wars TM. but they are all of one animal. cats. domestic cats to be specific. they transform in to ferocious felines whenever there is a fight. how? i am not really sure but maybe it goes like "Lucybot TERRORISE!" then Lucy, whoever she is transforms into the domestic house cat with claws bared. the reasons these fight breaks out are very typical on channel 8 7pm and 9pm documentaries. ok dramas. the fight typically breaks out when there is a quarrel over a VERY EXTREMELY petty matter, say 10cents. they start saying sacarstic things, then it gets more heated, then it breaks into a scuffle, then into a LUCYBOT, TERRORISE!!![note: "maximise" is for good guys only and good guys dont turn into cats unless they are cheetor or tigertron]
so i guess the n-th[is it 8th?] world wonder isn't exactly wondrous is it?
kids say the darndest things.
Q: What is your favourite bird?
A: kukubird.
enjoy. haha.
something that happened sometime last week
until geography lesson today, i was blissfully oblivious to all the politics and civil war going on in our class. being from the male half of the homosapien species, it is therefore a natural thing, a certainty, that we do not understand how the felines of our female counterparts emerge from what looked to me like sane people.
i suppose being part of a quintet, then quartet of males in a largely female dominated class is educational. i would compare this experience to being in a safari, where animals roam largely by their own free will, but within a certain constraint. sometimes, when you go to a safari, you can see the clash of two giant cats, waging war over god-knows-what. to some extent, it is interesting. yet, just watching them fight it out, claws sharpened, teeth bared, roaring and snarling at each other, it is a natural reaction to not go and try to be a part of it in which the probability of you getting ripped into shreds in very high. and experiencing it first hand is different from watching Discover Channel. or Channel 8.
maybe you can do the linking yourself, but what i have written above just shows how i would detest to be a part of the civil war going on. poisonous words, which although doesn't sound really bad, is thrown about with malicious intent in which someone with language as colourful as mine would flinch to hear. and there is no backing off. like 2 roosters in a cockfight(or hens in a henfight i guess), 2 crickets in a cricket fight, 2 gladiatoresses in a coloseum. it is a fight to the death. maybe i exaggerate but you get the point.
as there is this chaos raging on in class, i wished that i had been in the toilet, tried to pon lesson or did something else which would leave me still blissfully unaware of this nonsense. in all this bullshit, only 1 thing is clear. i do not want to be involved in any part of this. so then it seems the only solution is to stop talking to anyone except darren and zixiang and douglas because the rest of the class would have split into 2 camps. i think. or maybe i should act unaware still. which seems quite impossible at the moment. sometimes, it is better not to know. really.
ok so i wanted to roll on the floor and break into insane laughter. but it seemed rude at that point in time and is not as dramatic. so i had to settle with the "wtf?" face. what i wrote above is actually a gross exageration of which about 98% of it is a figment of my wild imagination. so take it like it's fiction alright? =D
i hope can post.
i really hope so. but if you see this then it would seem quite meaningless cos it means i have already posted. what an irony.
maths is cool. so are you.
Maths - 15/100. lowest in class by 13 marks by my knowledge so far. wow. why did i even go for the paper. get an AB also nicer. but looking on the bright side, i got over 10 and i didn't get a single F for the 1st time in my life since primary school. well since it's the 1st time after primary school they start callling them Fs Us. a really interesting fact is that as long as someone gets 51 or more or any score that ends with 2 or more, they will win me even if they flip their numbers over. except 100, in which they will get 001. which is MUCH lower than me. HAHA!
a wild goose chase.
How to lead people in a wild goose chase
1) Catch a wild goose.
2) Set it free.
3) Chase it and get people to chase it with you.
There you go. 3 simple steps and you have yourself a wild goose chase.
a crap post.
John gave it a mighty heave, beads of sweat trickling off his forehead and cheek. His muscles rippled and veins were popping out. But the task at hand was just too difficult. He held his muscles as they were, for the fear of all his good work going to waste once he had relaxed. This was one job he couldn't afford to relax on. The sweat on his face dripped onto the clear white tiles on the floor. He took a deep breath and gave another push. It was working. He had almost succeeded. One more time and he would be over and done with it. One more time! John took another deep breath and pushed harder than he had ever known he could and let rip the most humongous fart he had ever heard in his life. Unfortunately, that piece of excretion he had been trying to force out was still stuck somewhere between the crevices of his butt. John grimaced in despair as he faced another torturous hour in the toilet.
on the other hand.
promo result collection is always an emotional period.
there are jumps of joy, sighs of relief for for those who made it. on the other hand, there are looks of disbelief and sadness for those who didn't.
You'll Never Walk Alone - Liverpool F.C
When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm,
There's a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on,
With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone.
You'll Never Walk Alone.
ps. i had this as an entry but i think its a suitable time for another. haha.
results, reactions, remarks, resolutions, retain?! re-whatever else.
ok. so firstly, i got back my promo results. they weren't too good, nor were they too bad. they were just average but tending towards not-so-good. i got 44 for Lit, 45 for Geog, 49 for Econs and 50 for GP. which is just about pass.
good thing is, i do not retain. bad thing, i get the same remarks from everyone. which is "you can do better, but you are just not working hard enough." which is true. even i know that myself, which is why i get quite tired of hearing it. it's like people muttering "1+1=2" in your ear constantly, even though u know it already. but then i know its true.
so, my resolution after this, is to carry on playing until the last minute before A Levels. maybe not so last minute but the last few months. =)
boredom is boring.
it is after all the exams. there is nothing to be done for the moment. in fact, there is so much nothing to do that it's really boring. and i wonder why it is always like that. during the exams, i always wished they were over quickly. after the exams, i just let myself rot away doing nothing. this does take some getting used to. people in general will probably tell me to exercise to keep my body in shape, revise to keep my mind alert. i will probably tell them to eat shit. after all, isn't after the exams a time to relax? well, boredom causes restlessness, which isn't relaxing at all. maybe i should take those advices that would probably be given. and probably apologise to the people i would probably have told to eat shit.
the trip home.
hmm. i think i am going to do this entry like a descriptive essay, just for fun.
11.08pm. It wasn't that late into the night, but it wasn't early as well. The in-between time, where the bus service was about to end and taxis were a rare sight on the road due to changing of shifts. I bade a hasty goodbye to Johnson and James before making my way to the 54 bus stop as quickly as my sprained ankle would allow me. Lady Luck was shining even though it was already dark. I had reached the bus stop just in time to catch the bus.
Upon boarding the bus, I realised that it was empty, except for the bus driver. I plugged in my earphones and switched on my mp3 player. Nobody boarded the bus throughout my journey home. It was just the bus driver and me, silently accompanying each other. I thought that it must be really boring and rather scary to drive the bus at night with so few passengers. The driver might be enjoying my company, or complaining that it was people like me that made the bus service end late. I would like to think that it was neither. The real reason was probably that he simply did not care. The bus was empty, but I wasn't lonely. I had the company of my music, and perhaps, the bus driver. I wondered how it all would be without music.
The view outside the window was different at night. It was like a different place altogether.
After alighting, I had to walk a distance before I reached home. The road was empty. As I walked, I turned off my mp3, giving my ears some respite and enjoying the silence of the night. I walked along the path, lit up by the half bright street lamps, for as long as the quiet lasted. As the first headlights of a car approached, I turned the music back on and continued on my way....
i decided to change my blogskin for various reasons. firstly, i realised that white words on black background is quite blinding to read. and i do not want to be responsible for the increasing numbers of blindness and myopia in singapore.[yea right. as if many people read this anyway]
secondly, i decided that the other design was too plain. so i changed it to an equally plain one. it just doesn't get any more logical. what a stupid thing to do but i did it anyway.
thirdly, i realise many people like to use the black background and white words combination. so i have decided to break away from that. and join the other huge group which likes to use black words on white background. which is yet another illogical decision.
ok i will stop trying to justify my actions. i did it for no reason. just felt like doing it.
psi- 140. haze as a topic in blogs, conversations etc.-14000000 and increasing.
so haze is like a hot topic now. so i shan't talk much more about it. got a slight headache, possibly from haze[yes blame haze for everything], and i hope that it will be heavy enough for school to be cancelled on monday, so that maths exams for h1 is [hopefully] cancelled. highly unlikely though, given the schools way of operation. they probably wouldn't cancel it unless the psi was as high as the blogs and conversations with haze as the main topic.
please give us back our moon so that we can have mooncake festival.
today is the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calender, mid-autumn festival, aka mooncake festival, aka lantern festival, aka zhong qiu jie. it is usually when the moon is the roundest and brightest, when families gather to eat mooncakes, pomelos and drink tea while the children go to parks and carry lanterns.
lanterns come in all shapes and sizes. there are paper ones with candles in them, which burn easily. there is the cellophane types, which make the candlelight more colourful. and of course there is the light bulb types, which comes in all shapes and sizes with a light bulb inside, coming with 32 mono ringtones. at the flick of a switch, doraemon[or ultraman or hello kitty or aeroplane] lights up, with fur elise playing from it. it is the most irritating all of lanterns.
this year, we will be hearing less of fur elise. we probably won't be seeing paper lanterns as well. in fact, we probably won't be seeing the moon. the moon is temporarily missing in action because our dear neughbours Indonesia decided to make a big lantern from their mountain, with trees as thier candles. i must say it is a very bright lantern. blazing in fact. but it is also causing much smoke to be blown to our little red dot of an island, resulting in pollution known as haze[mentioned in post further down the page]. the thing is it has even covered our moon, resulting in a mid-autumn festival without the 赏月.
so dear indonesia. please put out the candles from your giant lantern. other people need to enjoy mooncake festival also ok? we need our moon back.
in preparation of...
i don't know why i have so many comments on school all of a sudden. so, it is generally accepted that we go to school for education to prepare for the long, not-very-easy journey of life. you know what i say? you should know but i will say it anyway. BULLSHIT.
before anyone in support of this highly ineffective system decides to shit on me, let me first explain myself. school lessons are relevant. they get you prepared. TO TAKE EXAMS. in other words, the school is a place where you learn lots of stuff, take the exams, graduate and get a certificate. the ticket to the next level of studying and memorising and your next, higher level piece of toilet paper. my age old argument of the irrelevance of differentiation, integration, drawing trigonometric graphs to majority of one's practical life then comes into play. so a businessman doesn't need such knowledge, as much as a chemist has little use for geography, nor a doctor for literature, blah blah blah etc. you know the argument. which brings me to the next question.
why is the school doing this?
my logical deduction would be so as to cram as much knowledge into a young persons mind, because knowledge is power and this knowledge would aid in his job prospects in the future because he knows this and this and this and has a degree in that and something else. nice idea, good intentions. but zero for execution. why? because most of this stuff does not interest the students, thus the knowledge does not stay. they memorise the stuff for exams and forget it right after the exams. unless they happen to have photographic memory or are students who are interested in basically everything happening in the entire universe in that case we have found a new species of homo sapiens because that is IMPOSSIBLE. and knowledge would be outdated and we would have to relearn what we learnt every few years. like how pluto is no longer a planet. or how the earth was proven to be round. i am sure people long ago thought for a fact the earth was flat. economic theories, however relevant, is but theories.
however, there will always be some relevant things to learn so that we know how to survive in this world. so it cannot be said that school is totally useless. we make friends and learn new social situations after all. like how to scold a teacher in preparation to scolding your future boss. scolding your peers to scold your colleagues. and scolding your juniors to scold your employees. these are some relatively useful lessons we learn in school.
therefore, i have come to the conclusion that schools exist to prepare the students for most of the part, nothing.
effective problem solving.
everyone in this world has problems. but not everyone knows how to effectively solve them. problems range frm as small as an itchy butt to as big as an itchy butt in ns while singing national anthem when you are not allowed to scratch, or even bigger, like problems bringing in income to feed a family.
effective problem solving means 对症下药, which loosely and literally translated means using a particular medicine based on the illness. many people do not do that. they solve problems by many stupid and unthinkable means, many of which only their own brain can conjure up such an idea, thus rendering me unable to list out. less creative but equally stupid ways of solving problems include suicide, self mutilation, escaping from reality through drugs, alcohol, as well as scratcing your butt when its obvious that your head is itchy.
one major organisation(s) unable to solve problems effectively is my favourite educational institutions. their way of solving problems, are crude and simple. punishment. of course one will argue that punishment is the most effective way of getting the students to fall in line. and i wouldn't argue with that. but think about what the students attitude towards the school will become. granted it solves the problem of students getting out of hand. however, it creates a much bigger problem. the school system has failed to some extent.
schools, as they like to say, are institutions of education, which facilitates a young person to learn the knowledge they need[do we really need it?] to survive in the world. these institutions have a condusive learning environment and caring teachers who make the school a happy and place for learning. REALLY? once punishment comes in, this perfect image is shattered. the students begin to thnk that the school has an oppresive environment, thus it will not be a happy place for learning. the things we learn have no practical use whatsoever, leading to some lack of attention in class. the teachers seem like heartless creatures[thankfully mine are not]. the principal is a dictator, the vp his right hand man[nicer term for dog] and the school is like a brightened up prison camp. sure, punishment puts students in line. problem solved?
beer belly
You Are Beer!

You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"
You Are Heineken |
 You appreciate a good beer, but you're not a snob about it. You like your beer mild and easy to drink, so you can concentrate on being drunk. Overall, you're a friendly drunk who's likely to buy a whole round for your friends... many times. Sometimes you can be a bit boring when you drink. You may be prone to go on about topics no one cares about. |
haze. haiz.
okay. now for a slightly more serious entry. ok i hope you didn't take me seriously because my entries are highly unlikely to be serious. anyway, i am sure that everyone who lives in this little island known as Singapore knows that we are currently experiencing some pollution from another group of big islands known as Indonesia. it is known as haze. haze is generally bad since it is a form of pollution, which causes various health problems, including asthma, and my sinus, which is currently giving me alot of grief.
haze isn't a very nice thing to have. it is like having pollution which is caused by others put in your country. i am sure the indonesians are experiencing much worse but HEY, you are the ones burning trees on your high lumps of rock, and mud and soil, otherwise known as mountains. or is it the ejections from the lumps of rock mud and soil which spit liquid fire, otherwise known as active volcanos. well they are YOUR volcanos. so why are we sharing the pollution? it is just the way things work isn't it?
so the haze forms an oppresive aura around our clean and green environment. blue skies turn yellowish and greyish. the sun burns scarlet and i can even look at it directly. the temperature goes higher than normal. my sinus acts up more often and my nose sounds like a 100cc Harley Davidson. it is lucky we have lots of trees around that can clean up the air. but only to a small extent. this haze probably will stay until the winds start blowing in another direction. which i hope is soon but i am sure will last for a few months. unfortunately.
even more unfortunately is that it happens ever so often. and noone is doing anything about it. i, fortunately have a solution. it would be a collaboration between the government and Philips, which makes household appliances including electric fans. together, this project would have the construction of a giant electric fan. so whenever the haze comes, a flick of the switch and it all goes back to our dear friends who started this mess. of course this might be seen as selfish. but hey, it's the way things work isn't it?
i am a slippery person.
why? because i am going to wear slippers to school for the rest of the year. okay, this lame joke is belying my genius here. and here is a quiz from s-j's blog. which perhaps will reveal my genius to any reader out there.
maybe i should: be less lazy? only maybe because....[justifying why i can be lazy]
i lose sleep over: football mostly. but sometimes it might be storybooks or my thoughts and musings in which i do not know if i am really awake.
people say i am the epitome of: don't know. but they usually describe me in terms of a something-nym of garbage. or a full of a word meaning organic waste.
love is: what a cliche question. NEXT!
when i like someone: i do not have any significant changes in behaviour.
somewhere someone: is earning millions of dollars per minute and not sharing it with me.
i will always remain: a little prone to accidents.
'forever': please refer to blog entry somewhere down the page. i have almost an entire essay on it.
i never want to be: anyone else. maybe i do sometimes but not really.
i think the current US president: is quite stupid. unfortunately i do not enjoy politics thus i can't say much.
i will never: do something i feel is really wrong.
my past: is not much, but something which is very important to me.
my greatest fear is: i am not sure what i fear until i see it. after not seeing it, i forget about it.
i get annoyed when: people behave like assholes. then i begin to wish a gigantic toilet paper from the sky will come down and wipe them.
my dog will be: any dog. i like dogs in general. maybe not rabies infested types.
kisses are the best: i don't know. case by case.
tomorrow: is when i am not going to school. in more cheemer terms, tomorrow always exists for people who love to drag time. even when there is no time to drag.
i really want: a lot of money, a long trip around the world, nice friends[to go on that long trip with me]
i have low tolerance for people: who behave as is they own the world. the gigantic toilet paper can once again come and wipe them off.
a visit to the bone-setter.
this morning, i was awaken by my grandmother, who got my aunt to drive me to the bone setter, known more commonly as tie da. so i went. the place was quite big for a tie da place. it was like a clinic, with 3 rooms and 3 tie da ppl. the smell of medicated wine was very strong.
when i went in, the guy, who looked in his 30s-40s(my aunt tod me is the shi fu's son), asked me how i got injured and all the standard questions. then i remembered that my aunt also told me that the tie da here was painful but effective. so i answered with apprehension. then he took my foot. i was thus quite nervous.
then it came. he grabbed me foot and with a few twist and turns and cracks and it was all over. i couldn't even shout out in pain. then it really did feel that slightly better. i thanked him and limped and hobbled my way out of that room, which was filled with bandages and all the bone setter stuff.
he told me it was quite bad and it would take about 1 month for it to heal fully. which means no football for 1 month. now i will start whining. damn. no football for ONE MONTH! IT'S A DAMN LONG TIME ONE MONTH! AND IT'S ALL THAT BASTARDS FAULT! so i got injured in a game. why did i blame the other guy? i surely had to be partly at fault didn't i? well, don't ask me. ask OCBC. the psycologist would actually be a better choice.
just gonna be scolding some bastards. not really enjoyable reading material.
today went to play football after school and there came some j2 fuckheads who joined us. unfortunately, they didn't know how to play in a civilised manner. sprained my ankle following some barbaric play, including rough tackles, taking a full swing at the ball and ramming it as hard as they can from basically anywhere, even though there is the half court rule. also got an abrasion on my wrist, suffered from taking a ram at point blank range. so they are j2s. SO FUCKING WHAT? they lack even the basic intelligence of playing football. sure they got skills and shit. once again, SO WHAT? no brains, no common sense and lots of leg power do not make a good football player. now go kill yourselves, break your own leg or something. for fucks sake.