Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the trip home.

hmm. i think i am going to do this entry like a descriptive essay, just for fun.

11.08pm. It wasn't that late into the night, but it wasn't early as well. The in-between time, where the bus service was about to end and taxis were a rare sight on the road due to changing of shifts. I bade a hasty goodbye to Johnson and James before making my way to the 54 bus stop as quickly as my sprained ankle would allow me. Lady Luck was shining even though it was already dark. I had reached the bus stop just in time to catch the bus.

Upon boarding the bus, I realised that it was empty, except for the bus driver. I plugged in my earphones and switched on my mp3 player. Nobody boarded the bus throughout my journey home. It was just the bus driver and me, silently accompanying each other. I thought that it must be really boring and rather scary to drive the bus at night with so few passengers. The driver might be enjoying my company, or complaining that it was people like me that made the bus service end late. I would like to think that it was neither. The real reason was probably that he simply did not care. The bus was empty, but I wasn't lonely. I had the company of my music, and perhaps, the bus driver. I wondered how it all would be without music.

The view outside the window was different at night. It was like a different place altogether.

After alighting, I had to walk a distance before I reached home. The road was empty. As I walked, I turned off my mp3, giving my ears some respite and enjoying the silence of the night. I walked along the path, lit up by the half bright street lamps, for as long as the quiet lasted. As the first headlights of a car approached, I turned the music back on and continued on my way....



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