Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i am a slippery person.

why? because i am going to wear slippers to school for the rest of the year. okay, this lame joke is belying my genius here. and here is a quiz from s-j's blog. which perhaps will reveal my genius to any reader out there.

maybe i should: be less lazy? only maybe because....[justifying why i can be lazy]

i lose sleep over: football mostly. but sometimes it might be storybooks or my thoughts and musings in which i do not know if i am really awake.

people say i am the epitome of: don't know. but they usually describe me in terms of a something-nym of garbage. or a full of a word meaning organic waste.

love is: what a cliche question. NEXT!

when i like someone: i do not have any significant changes in behaviour.

somewhere someone: is earning millions of dollars per minute and not sharing it with me.

i will always remain: a little prone to accidents.

'forever': please refer to blog entry somewhere down the page. i have almost an entire essay on it.

i never want to be: anyone else. maybe i do sometimes but not really.

i think the current US president: is quite stupid. unfortunately i do not enjoy politics thus i can't say much.

i will never: do something i feel is really wrong.

my past: is not much, but something which is very important to me.

my greatest fear is: i am not sure what i fear until i see it. after not seeing it, i forget about it.

i get annoyed when: people behave like assholes. then i begin to wish a gigantic toilet paper from the sky will come down and wipe them.

my dog will be: any dog. i like dogs in general. maybe not rabies infested types.

kisses are the best: i don't know. case by case.

tomorrow: is when i am not going to school. in more cheemer terms, tomorrow always exists for people who love to drag time. even when there is no time to drag.

i really want: a lot of money, a long trip around the world, nice friends[to go on that long trip with me]

i have low tolerance for people: who behave as is they own the world. the gigantic toilet paper can once again come and wipe them off.



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