tick tock, body clock
my body clock is screwed up these days. must be the exams. i have been sleeping early in the morning and waking up early in the afternoon. and today, it was the most screwed up of all. i slept at 4am, woke up at 1pm and slept from 3pm-7pm. what a pig. i wonder how the body clock works though. after taking basic primary school science, i realise we do not have gears and stuff in our body. so how does our body know when to wake up, when to sleep, when to eat? i think my body doesn't know already. it is confused with late night studying[very little], late night/early morning football matches, and the availability of the computer for use until the wee hours of the morning. and that is also the reason why i am blogging now.
johnson wants to play soccer tomorrow morning at 10am. i doubt i can wake up at 12pm. why? i haven't visited the clock maker to rewind my body clock and set it to the right time. and since the body clock is a clock, is it in analogue or digital? does it have an alarm? i hope not...
what time is it?
you know, sometimes you watch tv and the lead actor, who is exceedingly handsome to 13 year old girls and 50 year old aunties tells the lead actress "I LOVE YOU FOREVER." i am pretty sure this old cliche has been seen by all unless you happen not to own a television set.
now that made me wonder, isn't forever an awfully long time? what do you mean by forever mr lead actor? forever until you die or forever ever ever ever until 10000 years into the future? forever until the Earth is destroyed?(this might be quite soon). forever that lasts through all time and space even after humans are wiped out? forever until a long long time into the future in a galaxy far far away? who invented the word forever anyway? its just an infinite time. so technically, i think it is difficult, or rather impossible to use the word forever. "i love you till i die" is still acceptable, but getting less and less believable nowadays.
in any case, if anyone was wondering if this post was meant to be about that word called love. its not. i was just using it as an example to show the uselessness of the word forever. in any case, it should be used sparingly because one is unlikely to anything forever. you can't even rot forever. there is a limit to ones body mass to rot.
what an idiot post. i am ashamed of myself.
today, as i left the house, i could see the sky in a shade of hazy greyish yellow. the literary part of me wondered if it was an ominous sign of things to come. after all, i had been awake the whole night. i stopped myself, telling myself i was thinking too much. turns out perhaps i wasn't. i walked to the 54 bus stop as quickly as i could, but either the bus came early or i went late. so i took another bus and tried to walk about 2 bus stops to the stop i needed to get to to take the bus to school. at this point in time i would like to tell everyone this would be a rather narrative piece. but it is peppered with good english. so if you dislike narratives please go somewhere else. bye people who do not like narratives.
so the ominous signs were getting ominouser[did i say something about good english?]. the sky darkened. so being the ever ready guy, i wore my windbreaker to prevent rain from getting into my clothes. how wrong i was. somehow, the omnipresent being, whoever he/she is, decides that Singapore has a scarce water supply. so he/she decides to increase that water supply by pouring water from the sky[oh yea i forgot to say that the omnipresent being was omnipotent as well]. at the same time, probably seeing i wasn't awake enough to take the exam, he/she decides that i need another shower. but he/she forgot to magic some head and shoulders shampoo out of thin air as well so that i could do the commercial on tv and swing my head full of short hair around. anyway, so other than the part covered by my windbreaker, every other part of my body looked like i had just jumped into the pool. so i had wet pants from the butt all the way to the leg, wet underwear, wet shoes and socks. BUT a dry shirt. so i decided it wasn't all bad, calmed down and shouted and cursed and complained to my unfortunate friend(s).
so i went into the hall, with my pants rolled up like a farmer, plonked my wet ass on the chair, and started writing god knows what. and went to buy a whole set of pe attire so i could change out of my wet pants because i couldn't possibly wear pe shorts with school shirt. i would look like i had no shorts on. despite writing the be different article, i wasn't about to practice what i preach because i am not cool anyway. paper was very easy because i didn't know most of the things. took my third shower when i got home[scarcity of water huh?] and the weather is good. in fact, it's fine weather.
oh when the weather's fine you've got women you've got women on your mind.....
i am getting incoherent and blogger is down now. shall save this and post this up later. then the geniuses can enjoy it and the not so geniuses can go to woodbridge.
a break.
i am taking a break from studying late into the night(with sara-jean as my geog crash course teacheress. after all shes staying up for the barca match might as well help me right?). a first in this exams. to talk about what else but exams. to some extent. once geography is over tomorrow, there will be the bane of all humankind and the subject that requires thinking too much out of point. what else but Literature.
some like literature. sometimes i do too. but i only like it to some extent. when it goes overboard, the ideas are very far-fetched. so far fetched that genius people who employ logic do not get. for example how a moon can be linked to death or the word die is linked to sexual climax. and why can't we learn contemporary literature instead of what, Othello? why would i want to kill my brain cells finding links of why a "nigga" wants to marry a white "ho"? it just doesnt make sense. why do people insist on thinking too much over a bunch of words? couldn't shakespeare have written it because he thought it would make a good story, rather than because he wanted to explore human character? i sense weirdness in that.
sometimes, people have a habit of over-complicating things. take a step back and look at the book from another perspective. shakespeare thought that a tragedy involving a black man in a white society would be interesting as a play and could earn him some money to buy some bread and cheese and water so that he could survive in merry ole England. that might be it. i shall write that on my othello answer script.
something to say.
whoever reads this might wonder why i am so free to keep updating my blog during the period of crucial examination. it is probably due to the attitude i am facing these exams. especially now. everyone is like WOAH PRELIMS STUDY. i(most catholic high educated in fact) would have a rather indifferent attitude towards these crucial exams. at this point in time let me clarify by catholic high educated i mean the normal types. not the triple science scholarly type. ok lets continue.
it is an unexplained phenomenon, this attitude. i can only guess. but i think that its a very case by case thing. somehow all the cases just end up in catholic high. it affects people to different degrees. some minor cases really study when there are major exams. serious ones like me are just as indifferent when a major exam is less than 10 hrs away and they have not studied. in fact, they go on to do other things without studying the night before the paper. like me. people will ask if i get scared or nervous before the paper. up till o levels the answer was no. now, the answer is slightly because of my bad experience in sec 3. yet i behave like i couldn't care less.
the time when i become nervous is when it is time to get the results. i will be damn scared, expect to fail, and when the paper comes, either heave a sigh of relief, or resign to the fact that i deserved to fail. of course there is always the chance of a borderline pass. but how many times can that chance be depended on? i know i should change my attitude but i probably won't. it's not my style. haha. if i ever worked on my thoughts i wouldn't be blogging now anymore.
rant and rant.
i just don't understand why some people do things that
SCREAM OUT FOR ATTENTION!!! i mean, are they really that deprived of attention that they resort to doing things like dressing in loud and colourful clothing, or having msn nicknames in CAPSLOCK and saying stuff like FUCK YOU or stuff so that people will notice them. they are like REBELS MAN!! AWESOME SUPREMO COOLNESS!!!! I HATE THE WORLD CAUSE THEY NEVER DO THINGS MY WAY!!! LOOK AT ME!!!! I AM ATTENTION DEPRIVED WOOOOO!!! FUCK THE WORLD!!! anyway the stuff in caps are very obviously not me. just needed to get it out of my system. these people should just kill themselves by jumping off a building. in that case they can get all the attetntion they want from the newspapers and television news channels and whatever not. so this is good advice from me, if any of you fit my description. jump off a building.
what a funny little shit.
it is the 2nd day in a row i have slept at 3 plus am. i deserve to die because it is an exam period and i am treating the extended weekend like a holiday. maybe i should do the cool and emo thing and slash my wrists right now. i could come up with some emo lyrics but am too tired to right now. goodbye earthlings.
mr james queks rant on service.
if service involves the customer and sales assistant... how come the third party(GST) reap from it? shouldnt the "tip" go to the sales assistant instead ?
ok. james has a rant but no blog so im helping him post.
promos are here.
and i am surprisingly unperturbed by it. i don't really know why but i haven't even started on my human geog which is tomorrow. instead, i am listening to songs and blogging and chatting. oh well. procrastinate now i guess.
another thing that irks me is that i had a haircut. very short. so it can last until the end of the year.
pretty much self explanatory right? sorry for posting it 1 day late though. haha.
beavis and butthead

Exam stress
i am sure everyone knows that examinations are just around the corner. important exams at that. 'O'levels for secondary school students, promos for jc1's prelims and then A levels for jc2's. it's not an easy life being a student. in fact, it's quite stressful, even more so when faced with a crucial exam which could make or break your future. however, this is not my point. my point is the major behavioural change in many people when faced with stress, most evidently during the examination period.
i, being an ex catholic high boy, was "trained" to fail exams with a smile on my face. after all, failing tests count for nothing. what was important was the final year examinations. thus, catholic high students[or a majority of them], study strictly last minute. by last minute i mean mugging through the night before the examination. thus, the timing of examination is not a problem[i got this idea from ozy's blog]. because whether the exam is 2 months earlier or later, we will be playing right up till about 4 days before the 1st paper, in which we start to panic and mug. failure to do so will result in failure. like during my secondary 3, year 1 days. but i digress.
back to point on behavioural changes. this was much less evident in my secondary school due to what i mentioned above. in jc however, i notice that recently, even up till 50 odd days before the exams, my classmates have mostly become rather tense and uptight. it isn't a sudden change. it is a gradual increment of tenseness in them. an interesting point to note is that my class has 3 catholic high boys out of 4 boys. the rest are of the opposite gender, the so called fairer sex, ladies(this term calls for severe questioning), women. so while the catholic high "gentlemen"[actually only i am a gentleman] and lone sji boy are still having fun and sleeping during lessons[less already], the rest all around us are frantically scribbling notes with their pencils, pens, working out maths sums, highlighting notes, etc. any noise we attempt to lighten up the atmosphere is met with either
a. contempt
b. disgust
c. dirty looks
d. sarcastic "ha-ha very funny" laughter with an equally sacarstic face and sometimes even
e. genuine laughter/smiles but more of relief/whatever they are thinking of anyway than anything else they are thinking off.
however, i realise a-d may be because what we say is supposedly funny in catholic high[men's brain] but not funny to females of our class[woman's brain]. this includes teasing[67.8%], dirty jokes[30%], others[2.2%]. i realise choice e may be from the 2.2%, which isn't much. again i am leading whoever reads this off-topic.
what i mean to say is that, even though exams are around the corner, everyone feels stressed. it's just the degree of it. heck even this catholic high boy is feeling the heat. doesn't want a repeat of sec 3, year 1. there is no need to get catty just because you feel stressed and a little noise gets on your nerves, gets your blood boiling, tearing your hair out. ok maybe you can get a little catty instead of tearing your hair out but not too much. and by "you" i mean a generic "you". not refering to anyone in case anyone thinks of it that way. if anyone reads this in the 1st place.
anyway, i really understand why people do get a little more easily agitated under stress. however, i do not think that getting agitated helps. by being agitated and maybe giving the hair dryer treatment ala alex ferguson to someone else, you might increase the other person's stress, as well are your own. so take it easier[?]. every problem should have a solution. so now that i have addressed this problem, i will provide a solution. RELAX! but not to the extent where you don't give a shit about the exams. how to relax? only person who knows is yourself.
HOWEVER, if you really relax too much and "could do better" for examinations[anyone who reads this], i will not take any responsibility. this post is written purely for fun[in case anyone decides to take this seriously. it's the exam period and people take whatever they read seriously]. do not take me seriously at all. unless i sound serious. even then, take note in what i say because sounding serious may not be equals to seriousness itself. i am rambling on. i shall end with some serious advice.
A LITTLE BIT OF RELAXATION WON'T KILL YOU. too much may harm your academic performance though.
ps. actually i have nothing more to say. this "ps" thing was purely for wastage of precious time in which you could have used to study. but the fact that you[if anyone] are/is reading this means that you are not studying which means you have alot of time to waste reading this sentence which rambles on and on.
my own views on cat high petition.
talking with james on msn and we agreed that the catholic high petiton thing is very similar to taiwan politics. chen shui bian = mr lee hak boon. the other parts, you need to educate yourself on current affairs. haha,
I am a bookworm??
i wondered about many things today while taking a long shower. i still don't know if i am able to post this but i shall try. multiple posts in fact. let me talk about the 1st thing i thought about.
last night, after reading the Sunday Times article on Roald Dahl, i had the sudden urge to whip out my old Roald Dahl books to read. I read many of his books most of which had a little kid, usually negelcted, as the main character. This included Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Great Glass Elevator, which was a continuation from the chocolate factory, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, which was more adult, Matilda, Fantastic Mr Fox, Georges Marvellous Medicine, James and the Giant Peach and more! But one[two rather] of my favourite books up till today is his autobiography, which he admitted might contain some figments of his imagination due to his memories as a little boy, Boy and Going Solo. These 2 books basically are about his own life, seen through his own eyes when he was a 6 year old boy, the simple pleasures which he enjoyed, all the way till he started work with Shell. This is where Boy ends and Going Solo starts. Going Solo is more about his adult life, which i find a little less intriguing than his experiences as a boy. His quirky descriptions in these two books encourage a different perspective at things. Boy, in fact, is like a little kids TOP SECRET journal which only his best friends are allowed to read. why am i rambling on about roald dahl? no logical reason. i thought of it, felt like it and did it on a whim. and i like his quirky and sometimes nonsensical style of writing, which has probably influenced me to a certain extent. if roald dahl was alive today, he would be 90. unfortunately, one of the geniuses[to me] at writing had passed away in 1990. he was quite old considering he was born in 1916.
somehow, after finishing Boy at 2.30am, i went on to read my primary school compulsory journals. i felt like they were like a blog which i owned during primary school. i decorated it with countless monsters, no entry signs etc. looking at my horrendous p4 handwriting writing about what i now perceive as childish, i actually wondered how they had made so much sense then. one word. perspective. i transported myself back in time, back to when i was 10 years old and thought i was BIG because my age had reached double digits. the journal entries actually made sense. but i do not remember some of the people i had mentioned in the entries. ahh the good old days.
when my mind starts to enter a semiconscious state, i start to think of the weirdest things. like... er... let me tell you when my mind goes semiconscious. i remember one thing i thought about during my state of semiconsciousness. that is why do people have to find a rational reason to do something. i thought about this after listening to mayday songs actually. they are good if you are a cheena boy like me and actually understand the essence of them lyrics.
so i was thinking, with my body facing the right side of the bed, the wall, that if people needed to have a reason to do everything, wouldn't their whole life be used searching for reasons to justify their actions rather than actually going about doing the things that they want to do? somehow i think it is because people don't want to feel they have wasted their time doing that some particular thing. so the brain works at mach-4 to come up with a reason[most probably a fake one] to justify their doing of a certain activity, be it as trivial as whether to pluck out a skin from your small toe or something as big as er... dunno. so you say, i pluck out the skin because it will get stuck on my sock and cause discomfort. why not just say, i feel like plucking out because i want to. you pluck out the skin just the same.
or about playing games when its time to study. you say, i play games to relax so that i can study better later. why not just say, i like to play games but dislike studying so i play games instead. that is the more probable and realistic reason. or playing soccer. you say i play soccer to keep fit, but you do it because you like it. so i find it extremely funny why people need to find an excuse to justify their actions to be constructive and not just because they feel like doing it. whats wrong with doing something just because you like it? of course it would be better if what you feel like doing is legal. the human brain works in a pretty weird way i must say. how weird? i'll tell you once i enter my semiconscious state. thats when the genius of my brain is at its peak. why? i already said. the human brain works in weird ways.
cool? different? think again
i read glen teoh's recent post on being different and i have to agree with that. people nowadays try so hard to be different, they end up all the same. how do you explain everyone along orchard road looking similar, everyone with spiky hairstyles, jeans 10 sizes too big, piercings everywhere. its shocking. everyone tries to be cool, to be different. yet they want to belong somewhere. so they become different TOGETHER. note the irony there. if you want to be really different, you don't want to be the same as anybody. so to be really different, i suggest doing something noone nowadays will ever consider doing. because it's uncool. let me take you through on a head to toe analysis on how to be REALLY different.
HAIR:Everyone nowadays has a cool hairstyle that basically fits into about 4 categories. The spike, the long and floppy, the mohawk, the spike/ mohawk with a tail. Because its cool. So to be different, think uncool. Think pudding bowl haircut. noone wants to do that nowadays. So you are assured of a different style from everyone else.
PIERCINGS:Of course this is difficult to change. You tend to belong to either the group with or the group without. No suggestions. However, I tend not to like adding parts to my body. If you like it, your choice.
SPECS:If you wear spectacles, stay away from emo specs. Which mean spectacles with thick plastic frames of weird and funky colours. Gold-rimmed frames are prefered as noone wears them nowadays perhaps except for that old man who lives 4 doors away from your house.
SHIRT:Popular shirts tend to have some graffiti like design or have popular brands, for example Nike, Adidas etc. This is also difficult to be different in because not everyone wears such shirts to be different. There are those who wear theses clothes because they are comfortable. However, if you don't want to look the same as everyone, I suggest a chaplang brand tshirt from the market. A singlet with holes like the market ah pek or a giordano tshirt that has been used to clean the floor with before are also good choices. TUCK IN AT ALL TIMES!
PANTS:Board shorts and baggy jeans tend to be popular. Stay away. Of course jeans will always be a popular choice of clothing. So to be really different, no jeans. Wear a pair of pyjama pants for long pants. If you like it short or 3/4, cut accordingly. To be worn above belly button.
SOCKS:Ankle length socks are very popular. Stay clear. Higher socks are prefered. It is best to wear socks that are grey and halfay up the calf, with some funny pattern. Like those your dad wears to the office. Wear with cut pyjama shorts for best effect. Knee length socks can also be used. But should be avoided because they are "punk" which is a popular "culture" as well.
SHOES:Bata white shoes with single strap velcro. No questions asked.
SO if you want to be really different, you should end up looking something like this.
exam fever epidemic.
so how come i'm not infected yet? everyone is mugging their asses off and i am playing soccer and eating supper almost everyday of the holidays. oh well. i guess i will have to start studying when my ass gets almost kicked.
i see shocking parallels with sec 3 year one that should convince me that if i dont do something about my studies right now, i will get my ass seriously kicked. the midyear barely passing. the nonchalent attitude. i get a deja vu feeling. and promos are about 2 weeks away. better get my ass moving soon. before it gets an extremely large kick. with no second chances.
saw on the news yesterday that steve irwin, better known as the crocodile hunter was killed while filming a documentary at a reef off port douglas. how? his heart was pierced by the barb of a stingray, which was extremely poisonous. i thought it was rather ironic that he was killed in such a way because he basically manhandled crocodiles much bigger than him all his life and yet he was killed by a creature much smaller and relatively more docile than a giant crocodile. according to himslef, he had never suffered from a crocodile or snake bite in his life. which was no mean feat considering how he had caught his first crocodile at 9. he will now carry that honour forever.
this actually led me to think how coincidental it was. i enjoyed watching his series, crocodile hunter, with my family. he was just that bit more entertaining, more enthusiastic. they all said if he kept doing this one day he would die in the jaws of a rogue crocodile. and yet he was to die because of a stingray. and the barb of the stingray had coincidentally pierced him in the heart, just as he was swimming over it. had he been swimming a little faster, a little slower, a little more to the left, a little more to the right, there would not have been the death of an active, enthusiastic wildlife conservationalist. the world would not have lost one of its more deserving inhabitants. when i told my grandmother about it, she told me that if it was his time to go, he would go. and i think this was the way he would have wanted to go. doing what he loved.
farewell mr crocodile hunter. in his own words, crikey mate. they got ya now.
just so i can fight with johnson.
johnson drew some pictures on paint and posted it up on his blog. i told him they were nice. adn he ask me to draw also to fight with him. i believe my pictures are more accurate to a certain extent haha. because for starters, my pictures have ears. and i took a shorter time also. if that's anything haha.

see? no black adidas shoe. follow school rules ok.

haha ok i guess this is it. compare to johnson's by clicking "johnson" on the link bar. all for the sake of competition. and also cos i quite bo liao haha. another 3 post day. =D
why 2 post?
because these 2 posts have no link so i think that it's better to seperate them. here i am to talk about my dear college again. why? no reason actually. i had decided to wear a cjc tshirt plus my own shorts plus slippers for extra lessons tomorrow and informed johnson about the decision. he told me i could not do so as during the ptm, he also did that and several teachers told him it was not allowed. which led me to think, why not?
brother pauls reason is that even though it's the school holidays, we are still in the college, which requires us to wear our school uniforms. i find it very reasonable, yet i do not really accept it. since it's the holidays, why not relax the rules a little? since holiday lessons are slightly less formal than in normal school days, why can't the attire be a little less formal as well? in fact, it's the same for formal school days.
i understand that it has long been school traditions to have a uniform to has to identify the students and foster a bond between students. yet how many times has students in uniform brought shame to the school and their fellow students? a very good example would be the recent case of cjc students thinking they owned the bus. i mentioned it in one of my previous posts. i, for one, was ashamed of wearing the same uniform as that guy who talked so loud i could hear him through my mp3. and the public, who does not know too much, would just classify the guy as CJC student. which is not wrong but not right either. he is a cjc student but he does not represent all cjc students.
i was also thinking, what are we studying for? for the teachers to see? for our parents to see? why must the school enforce how their students look? it is basically just to keep students in check isn't it? but how does it really help? doesn't it actually encourage conformity when the society today wants to encourage creativity? it is such a paradox. i realised i have raised this issue many times. but this time i'm not complaining. i am just thinking about how people should actually do something about this paradox they have created. schools want us to be creative yet follow a certain guideline for everything. isn't creativity the ability to think out of the box? yet they want us to "THINK OUT OF THE BOX, WITHIN THE BOX". this is technically rather impossible.
it is a rather deep thing to infer from something seemingly innocuous like school uniform rules. but i hope to show that there is a link between these two seemingly linkless things. however, i think that it requires certain abstract thinking and thus this would be quite hard to get if you are not me or think similarly as me. oh well.
it's the so called holidays now. an extended period of supposed non-schooling. of all holidays, i believe the current one, the september 1 week school break, is the one that is the one that is welcome[as all holidays are], yet are detrimental to some people. namely me. why so? here are some reasons.
- i am a lazy ass. i will never study, do work or anything related out of school. unless it's the day before major exams, in which i will study until i get the basic concepts and hope they get me through. or major major exams in which i will drink red bull and burn midnight oil. its worse in holidays when i let my brain rust and rot and i know nothing at all when i go back to school.
- this supposed holiday is actually a study break for students to prepare for their CAs, promos etc. link to REASON NUMBER 1.
- sometimes i get this feeling that if i don't study, i will fail badly. but i still don't study. and i somehw scrape past tests. so i get cocky. but i can't help it. i am a genius after all. why don't i study? link to REASON NUMBER 1.
- no motivation to study. i usually don't find a reason to torture myself with something i don't like to do. hard work pays off eventually. play pays off now. so you either suffer sooner or later. might as well enjoy yourself. but i do have motivation when the fire is burning my ass. i don't want a burnt ass after all do i? why this mentality? REASON NUMBER 1.
so mainly i think this holiday is detrimental to me due to the fact that i am a lazy ass. and since i have identified the problems why don't i try to fix them? because i am a lazy ass. haha.