cool? different? think again
i read glen teoh's recent post on being different and i have to agree with that. people nowadays try so hard to be different, they end up all the same. how do you explain everyone along orchard road looking similar, everyone with spiky hairstyles, jeans 10 sizes too big, piercings everywhere. its shocking. everyone tries to be cool, to be different. yet they want to belong somewhere. so they become different TOGETHER. note the irony there. if you want to be really different, you don't want to be the same as anybody. so to be really different, i suggest doing something noone nowadays will ever consider doing. because it's uncool. let me take you through on a head to toe analysis on how to be REALLY different.HAIR:Everyone nowadays has a cool hairstyle that basically fits into about 4 categories. The spike, the long and floppy, the mohawk, the spike/ mohawk with a tail. Because its cool. So to be different, think uncool. Think pudding bowl haircut. noone wants to do that nowadays. So you are assured of a different style from everyone else.
PIERCINGS:Of course this is difficult to change. You tend to belong to either the group with or the group without. No suggestions. However, I tend not to like adding parts to my body. If you like it, your choice.
SPECS:If you wear spectacles, stay away from emo specs. Which mean spectacles with thick plastic frames of weird and funky colours. Gold-rimmed frames are prefered as noone wears them nowadays perhaps except for that old man who lives 4 doors away from your house.
SHIRT:Popular shirts tend to have some graffiti like design or have popular brands, for example Nike, Adidas etc. This is also difficult to be different in because not everyone wears such shirts to be different. There are those who wear theses clothes because they are comfortable. However, if you don't want to look the same as everyone, I suggest a chaplang brand tshirt from the market. A singlet with holes like the market ah pek or a giordano tshirt that has been used to clean the floor with before are also good choices. TUCK IN AT ALL TIMES!
PANTS:Board shorts and baggy jeans tend to be popular. Stay away. Of course jeans will always be a popular choice of clothing. So to be really different, no jeans. Wear a pair of pyjama pants for long pants. If you like it short or 3/4, cut accordingly. To be worn above belly button.
SOCKS:Ankle length socks are very popular. Stay clear. Higher socks are prefered. It is best to wear socks that are grey and halfay up the calf, with some funny pattern. Like those your dad wears to the office. Wear with cut pyjama shorts for best effect. Knee length socks can also be used. But should be avoided because they are "punk" which is a popular "culture" as well.
SHOES:Bata white shoes with single strap velcro. No questions asked.
SO if you want to be really different, you should end up looking something like this.

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