Sunday, September 10, 2006


when my mind starts to enter a semiconscious state, i start to think of the weirdest things. like... er... let me tell you when my mind goes semiconscious. i remember one thing i thought about during my state of semiconsciousness. that is why do people have to find a rational reason to do something. i thought about this after listening to mayday songs actually. they are good if you are a cheena boy like me and actually understand the essence of them lyrics.

so i was thinking, with my body facing the right side of the bed, the wall, that if people needed to have a reason to do everything, wouldn't their whole life be used searching for reasons to justify their actions rather than actually going about doing the things that they want to do? somehow i think it is because people don't want to feel they have wasted their time doing that some particular thing. so the brain works at mach-4 to come up with a reason[most probably a fake one] to justify their doing of a certain activity, be it as trivial as whether to pluck out a skin from your small toe or something as big as er... dunno. so you say, i pluck out the skin because it will get stuck on my sock and cause discomfort. why not just say, i feel like plucking out because i want to. you pluck out the skin just the same.

or about playing games when its time to study. you say, i play games to relax so that i can study better later. why not just say, i like to play games but dislike studying so i play games instead. that is the more probable and realistic reason. or playing soccer. you say i play soccer to keep fit, but you do it because you like it. so i find it extremely funny why people need to find an excuse to justify their actions to be constructive and not just because they feel like doing it. whats wrong with doing something just because you like it? of course it would be better if what you feel like doing is legal. the human brain works in a pretty weird way i must say. how weird? i'll tell you once i enter my semiconscious state. thats when the genius of my brain is at its peak. why? i already said. the human brain works in weird ways.



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