Sunday, September 03, 2006

why 2 post?

because these 2 posts have no link so i think that it's better to seperate them. here i am to talk about my dear college again. why? no reason actually. i had decided to wear a cjc tshirt plus my own shorts plus slippers for extra lessons tomorrow and informed johnson about the decision. he told me i could not do so as during the ptm, he also did that and several teachers told him it was not allowed. which led me to think, why not?

brother pauls reason is that even though it's the school holidays, we are still in the college, which requires us to wear our school uniforms. i find it very reasonable, yet i do not really accept it. since it's the holidays, why not relax the rules a little? since holiday lessons are slightly less formal than in normal school days, why can't the attire be a little less formal as well? in fact, it's the same for formal school days.

i understand that it has long been school traditions to have a uniform to has to identify the students and foster a bond between students. yet how many times has students in uniform brought shame to the school and their fellow students? a very good example would be the recent case of cjc students thinking they owned the bus. i mentioned it in one of my previous posts. i, for one, was ashamed of wearing the same uniform as that guy who talked so loud i could hear him through my mp3. and the public, who does not know too much, would just classify the guy as CJC student. which is not wrong but not right either. he is a cjc student but he does not represent all cjc students.

i was also thinking, what are we studying for? for the teachers to see? for our parents to see? why must the school enforce how their students look? it is basically just to keep students in check isn't it? but how does it really help? doesn't it actually encourage conformity when the society today wants to encourage creativity? it is such a paradox. i realised i have raised this issue many times. but this time i'm not complaining. i am just thinking about how people should actually do something about this paradox they have created. schools want us to be creative yet follow a certain guideline for everything. isn't creativity the ability to think out of the box? yet they want us to "THINK OUT OF THE BOX, WITHIN THE BOX". this is technically rather impossible.

it is a rather deep thing to infer from something seemingly innocuous like school uniform rules. but i hope to show that there is a link between these two seemingly linkless things. however, i think that it requires certain abstract thinking and thus this would be quite hard to get if you are not me or think similarly as me. oh well.



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