Monday, September 25, 2006

something to say.

whoever reads this might wonder why i am so free to keep updating my blog during the period of crucial examination. it is probably due to the attitude i am facing these exams. especially now. everyone is like WOAH PRELIMS STUDY. i(most catholic high educated in fact) would have a rather indifferent attitude towards these crucial exams. at this point in time let me clarify by catholic high educated i mean the normal types. not the triple science scholarly type. ok lets continue.

it is an unexplained phenomenon, this attitude. i can only guess. but i think that its a very case by case thing. somehow all the cases just end up in catholic high. it affects people to different degrees. some minor cases really study when there are major exams. serious ones like me are just as indifferent when a major exam is less than 10 hrs away and they have not studied. in fact, they go on to do other things without studying the night before the paper. like me. people will ask if i get scared or nervous before the paper. up till o levels the answer was no. now, the answer is slightly because of my bad experience in sec 3. yet i behave like i couldn't care less.

the time when i become nervous is when it is time to get the results. i will be damn scared, expect to fail, and when the paper comes, either heave a sigh of relief, or resign to the fact that i deserved to fail. of course there is always the chance of a borderline pass. but how many times can that chance be depended on? i know i should change my attitude but i probably won't. it's not my style. haha. if i ever worked on my thoughts i wouldn't be blogging now anymore.



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