"What are you planning to do after completing your studies?" It was an innocuous and rather annoying question for someone who didn't quite know me so well to ask. It's one thing to push your insurance cum savings plan to me and ask me to sign up for it and quite another to make me ponder upon my future. Which I hadn't quite planned. Therefore, I made a two syllable answer which answered any further question he had. "Dunno."
I really did not know what my future held in store for me. First of all, I didn't have a place to further my studies yet. Then, the crucial question and answer in the paragraph above. Which led me to think of another question which is not quite so easy to answer if I had to think seriously. "What am I actually good at?" Off my fingertips, I'm good at remembering unnecessary facts, watching football and giving a running commentary, talking cock with my friends, delivering wicked insults, slacking... the list goes on. Basically, what I'm good at is not really useful. And this is really quite a lot to think when I'm just waiting to go home and not in need of someone bothering me to sign up for a savings plan which I obviously cannot afford at this point in time. And yet like a leech, he refused to let go, causing me to miss my bus.
Then I thought of it. I was brilliant at missing buses. I had a natural born talent for it. Every time when I go to a bus stop to take a particular bus, I never fail to see the bus moving out of the bus bay(much to my dismay) just when I move into a position where I can see the bus stop about 30m away. It's too late to start the running and frantic flagging, but early enough to ensure the longest waiting time for the next bus. It happens no matter what time I leave the house. I always looked upon it some sort of bad luck, but now I realise that I can make good money out of it. I can be some sort of reference to people who want to catch a certain bus, and make them leave wherever they want to leave about 2 mins ahead of me, whereupon they are certain to just catch the bus at the right time, leaving me to miss the bus. Of course, since there's only one of me, the service will not be provided at a cheap price. But it has to be relatively cheap since the person I'm providing a service to has to take a bus. Then I realise it's not such a realistic idea after all.
When I stopped daydreaming and looked up, I saw my bus moving off from the bus stop.
the irony of holidays.
Everyone looks forward to them, but at the same time(sometimes), the boredom is unbearable(for some).
eve. (chinese edition)
I am not in camp. I feel a feeling. It's a good feeling. Associated with being away from camp. On a public holiday eve.
and now you do what they told ya.
"America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you've lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn't belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don't care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve." -Tom Morello
"A good friend of ours said that if the same laws were applied to U.S. presidents as were applied to the Nazis after World War II that every single one of them, every last rich white one of them from Truman
on would have been hung to death and shot - and this current administration is no exception. They should be hung, and tried, and shot. As any war criminal should be. But the challenges that we face, they go way beyond administrations, way beyond elections, way beyond every four years of pulling levers, way beyond that. Because this whole rotten system has become so vicious and cruel that in order to sustain itself, it needs to destroy entire countries and profit from their reconstruction in order to survive - and that's not a system that changes every four years, it's a system that we have to break down, generation after generation after generation after generation after generation... Wake up!" -Zack de la Rocha
How ironic that I'm reading all this during Obamas inauguration.
Early this morning, I was flitting in and out of my subconsciousness, at a time when I shouldn't be flitting in and out of my subconsciousness. I should have been fast asleep but I was just halfway there, which means I was rather slow in getting fast asleep. So in my semi-conscious state, where ideas are generated(and lost) at extreme speeds, I suddenly had an idea. Thus I quickly took out my cheap LG mobile phone and typed in the idea at the memo page at a speed faster than the idea was lost.
So, what I actually thought about at that exact moment was this well known phrase ,"Live everyday as if it was your last." I don't know exactly why I thought of it but I did. And I also thought ,"Now that would be pretty chaotic wouldn't it?" Sure, if you live everyday if it was your last, you'd live it to the fullest, and try to live it as close to your perfect life as possible. But what if your idea of a perfect life was different from someone else living everyday like it was his last? What if someone wanted to use the last day if his life for revenge, or for fulfilling selfish desires?
Then, as my mind began to whir into action, I progressed more and more towards consciousness and all of a sudden realised I had about 2 hours left to sleep, and thus proceeded to flit into subconsciousness for the 2 hours before waking up unwillingly, unable to remember what I thought of before the moment of realisation(of my lack of sleeping time).
lets get cracking.
So the toenail on the fourth toe on my right cracked, causing some discomfort and a little bloodstain on my white sock. I am thinking perhaps my mental ability comes from that toenail, because right now, there's just nothing intelligent flowing through my head whatsoever. I'm basically typing a post because there's nothing else(that is really fun) to do(typing a post isn't really that fun so I don't know why I'm doing it really. Probably just trying to rationalise my actions like everyone does. I do realise not all actions are rational though, so once again, I contradict myself).
At this point in time, I also realise that I have typed quite alot in brackets in this post, which isn't normal, since brackets are reserved for little personal commentaries. Then in the midst of typing the previous sentence, I realised that my blog IS my little personal commentaries, which means there's nothing wrong with typing in brackets. BUT that negates the need for brackets doesn't it? Why do I need brackets for my little personal commentaries in a place that IS all about my little personal commentaries? Because.... (there I go trying to rationalise again. And I'm using brackets again.) there's no good reason really. I can't think of one, what with my cracked toenail.
Changes aren't always for the best. Sometimes, they are hard to adapt to. And your friends aren't exactly helping. It's always hard to accept just being an odd-job worker to people who don't appreciate it. One more year, but it seems like a lifetime.
the law.
The law has prevailed over common sense. All hell breaks loose for the next one year.
can we please.
All I am asking for is a little bit of common sense to be shown. Been reposted to another camp, with reasons given not being very convincing. Why replace us with new guys and post us out? Life is apparently better there, but where you have friends, it's always hard to leave. But it looks like the decision is set in stone. Now where's that sledgehammer?
rocket power.
2009 is passing too slowly. Roll on 2010 now!
a wild goose chase. (refined)
I'm sure some of you guys who have been at my blog since its inept inception have came across the wild goose chase post. It is a post that I am very proud of and therefore would like to post it again. The original was written on 15 October 2006, when I was a mere child of 17 going on 18. Here is a
link to simplify things.
And today, being a mere mild(that is the short form of man-child) of 20, I shall refine it a little. Below will be the refined version.
How to lead people on a wild goose chase (refined)
1) Obtain a single wild goose. It is essential that there is only one wild goose, otherwise it will be known as a wild geese chase. The goose must also not be purchased from the market, otherwise it will not be wild. It must also be alive and not be frozen in parts. These requirements must be met.
2) Let it go, preferably at crowded locations .
3) Get some ladies and gentlemen's attention regarding the wild goose running loose. It is not difficult, as a large bird running around is quite attention catching. At the same time, run after the goose while getting the ladies and gentlemen people to chase it. (Be polite about this, otherwise the chase will not be refined anymore)
4) Question the meaning of what you have just done and why you did it in the first place.
The aforementioned steps are too be followed strictly to ensure the chase's ultimate futility. Thank you for reading.
Eve. Created from the rib of Adam, cause of man's expulsion from the Garden of Eden, as well the the day prior to an occasion. i.e. Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Thursday Eve. Besides that, I couldn't be bothered to even go and read wikipedia for even the simplest form of research and thus am about to proceed into a post armed only with a self-important tone, which will make my conjured up ideas seem like solid facts. Here we go.
The only thing that pops up on my mind about Eve now is that she did something not very smart, which in turn made both Adam and Eve smart, which didn't go down with this certain omnipresent, omnipotent fellow very well. So he kicked them off his turf and made punishments for them. In the history of evolution, it turns out that the only(apparently not) thing that pops up on my mind is just something that popped out of somebody elses mind. It also turns out that using some phrase like "it turn's out" which is a lovely trick I picked up from Mr Douglas Adams is really useful if you don't have any substantial facts backing you up. This is also his idea, and having no facts and research, an idea I found very useful.
And so it turns out(again) that another thing that popped out on my mind regarding eve was guard duty, which I complained about like a little girl. I already did it. So Eve(New Year's in this case) was as much trouble to me as it/she was to Adam. Except this time she/it just happened to be there and existing in time that I had guard duty so it's not really her/it's fault. But I still don't like it. In fact, I don't really know why I decided to bring in the Biblical version of Eve into my post. There is nothing, in fact, in common with the Eve that I was talking about, except for the fact that they are both known as Eve. They're not even the same person/thing. New Year's Eve would probably be very confused if you ask her/it about Adam, just as Rib Eve would be be very confused if you told her that 27 million years into the future there will be life on the 12th planet from the 3rd star from the junction after you take a left turn from Jupiter.
I don't even know what I'm trying to say anymore. But since this is already getting confusing, let me share with you a weird scene in my dream I had. Which is nothing to do with Eve, New Year's or otherwise. I dreamt that I was told by someone(I do not remember who) that if you feel the area just behind the jaw(?) of a frog(?), the temperature would be the same as that of it's eyeball. I don't even remember the exact subjects of what I dreamt of. Confusing, illogical, yet clear. I'm getting nowhere. Not even the 12th planet from the 3rd star from the junction after you take a left turn from Jupiter.