Monday, January 19, 2009


Early this morning, I was flitting in and out of my subconsciousness, at a time when I shouldn't be flitting in and out of my subconsciousness. I should have been fast asleep but I was just halfway there, which means I was rather slow in getting fast asleep. So in my semi-conscious state, where ideas are generated(and lost) at extreme speeds, I suddenly had an idea. Thus I quickly took out my cheap LG mobile phone and typed in the idea at the memo page at a speed faster than the idea was lost.

So, what I actually thought about at that exact moment was this well known phrase ,"Live everyday as if it was your last." I don't know exactly why I thought of it but I did. And I also thought ,"Now that would be pretty chaotic wouldn't it?" Sure, if you live everyday if it was your last, you'd live it to the fullest, and try to live it as close to your perfect life as possible. But what if your idea of a perfect life was different from someone else living everyday like it was his last? What if someone wanted to use the last day if his life for revenge, or for fulfilling selfish desires?

Then, as my mind began to whir into action, I progressed more and more towards consciousness and all of a sudden realised I had about 2 hours left to sleep, and thus proceeded to flit into subconsciousness for the 2 hours before waking up unwillingly, unable to remember what I thought of before the moment of realisation(of my lack of sleeping time).



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