Friday, January 02, 2009


Eve. Created from the rib of Adam, cause of man's expulsion from the Garden of Eden, as well the the day prior to an occasion. i.e. Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve, Thursday Eve. Besides that, I couldn't be bothered to even go and read wikipedia for even the simplest form of research and thus am about to proceed into a post armed only with a self-important tone, which will make my conjured up ideas seem like solid facts. Here we go.

The only thing that pops up on my mind about Eve now is that she did something not very smart, which in turn made both Adam and Eve smart, which didn't go down with this certain omnipresent, omnipotent fellow very well. So he kicked them off his turf and made punishments for them. In the history of evolution, it turns out that the only(apparently not) thing that pops up on my mind is just something that popped out of somebody elses mind. It also turns out that using some phrase like "it turn's out" which is a lovely trick I picked up from Mr Douglas Adams is really useful if you don't have any substantial facts backing you up. This is also his idea, and having no facts and research, an idea I found very useful.

And so it turns out(again) that another thing that popped out on my mind regarding eve was guard duty, which I complained about like a little girl. I already did it. So Eve(New Year's in this case) was as much trouble to me as it/she was to Adam. Except this time she/it just happened to be there and existing in time that I had guard duty so it's not really her/it's fault. But I still don't like it. In fact, I don't really know why I decided to bring in the Biblical version of Eve into my post. There is nothing, in fact, in common with the Eve that I was talking about, except for the fact that they are both known as Eve. They're not even the same person/thing. New Year's Eve would probably be very confused if you ask her/it about Adam, just as Rib Eve would be be very confused if you told her that 27 million years into the future there will be life on the 12th planet from the 3rd star from the junction after you take a left turn from Jupiter.

I don't even know what I'm trying to say anymore. But since this is already getting confusing, let me share with you a weird scene in my dream I had. Which is nothing to do with Eve, New Year's or otherwise. I dreamt that I was told by someone(I do not remember who) that if you feel the area just behind the jaw(?) of a frog(?), the temperature would be the same as that of it's eyeball. I don't even remember the exact subjects of what I dreamt of. Confusing, illogical, yet clear. I'm getting nowhere. Not even the 12th planet from the 3rd star from the junction after you take a left turn from Jupiter.



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