now i think i understand, how this world can overcome a man.
It's quite stunning, is death. How it can affect people. I found out that one of my primary school schoolmate passed away 2 days ago. I wasn't close to him. Talked to him a little, and found him in general a sound guy. But I was immediately put into a sombre mood nonetheless, despite having lost contact with him and probably not spoken to him for years upon years. Because that's what death does to you. Especially the death of one obviously not ready to go, with his whole life still ahead of him. My first reaction was a "what the fuck?!" in my head, before wanting to find out what could have taken a young man from his life, so suddenly taking away a son, a brother. Death is never easy to deal with, and the humour article I shared about eulogies suddenly doesn't seem so funny anymore.
Makes you want to think of all the wonderful fucking things to do with your life, only to fall back into the cycle, clicking into gear. You think "well it's not gonna happen to me". Well, so does everyone. Probably gone to bed, with plans for tomorrow, the next week. I'd say live your life as if every day was your last, but we all know it's bullshit. People don't think that until it's too late. All the time.
Fuck this mate. RIP, hope you're in a better place now.
turned out pretty good.
For the other people in my class, watching an overweight guy with long hair bumbling through his presentation, umming and uhhing more than speaking actual English, or any other language for that matter. Well, this is something for a week ago perhaps. The here and the now. Well, this isn't turning out well. It's nearly 5 in the morning, and I have to be in hall at say 2pm? God am I fucked. Not even like sexually.
i haven't been back so often since god knows when.
While I've been matching courses, and signing loan agreements and what not, it looks increasingly probable that I will be missing ALL the summer festivals when I actually do haul my ass to Europe. This is of course, not very desirable, and makes me feel like killing someone (no it doesn't). But Metallica are playing the black album in its entirety for Download and Sonisphere, Trivium and the original Black Sabbath lineup are going to be there for Download as well. However, Download is in June, and that is a major pain in the ass.
That being said, A7X are here on April 28, and hopefully I get to enjoy the rest of fucking Europe. And Oktoberfest. Looking too far away. Presentation tomorrow.
my reflection on valentines day.
Long, messy hair. Still pretty fat. Not much different from yesterday.
catching up.
Tonight, I spent quite some time catching up with some old friends. In catching up with them, I was unable to catch up on sleep. I also managed to sprain a knuckle on my right hand. Need to finish my part of the essay tomorrow, study for a quiz on Wednesday and prepare a presentation by Thursday. Long story short, I'm fucked. Not because I don't have time to finish that shit, but because I choose not to do it. What a dick.
haha. fuck.
Now here's a post for the sake of posting. Softball season is over, and we made the semi-finals, but tripped up there. I would talk more about the groin kick and hip bruise, but the initial displeasure at it has diminished, and bringing it up some 6 days after it happened would seem churlish. There's still waterpolo tonight(not playing), and supper hop, and before you know it, mid terms and presentations next week. School is passing faster than I thought it would, and while university is not what I would prefer to be doing for the rest of my life, admittedly, life outside of academic pursuits is still good. And I hope I can make the full use of it before entering into the real world and drifting my way through anyway because working is for hardworking people(not me). I'd probably venture into begging or something.
fat people rule. so shut up.
No, in fact, this post has nothing to do with whatever the title says. It has nothing to do with anything it seems. IH season is still on, and sports this year has been full of surprises, unexpected wins and losses. That's just sports for you isn't it? I have this odd, dissatisfied feeling, that I have to be back in hall to play softball tomorrow. Yet, within this malcontent, there lies hope. There is a chance of making the finals, making history. But of course, no point getting excited if we don't even get past the first hurdle. To achieve the long term goal, the short and mid term goals must be achieved first. Don't get ahead of yourself you fat fuck(me). Head in the game.
Besides softball, I have been trying out waterpolo, which is fun. If I didn't have to swim. Honestly, I tried it for me to become healthier, but my health seems the same, and my weight doesn't seem to be dropping. Maybe its the 2 packs of maggi I like to have for supper regardless of whether I exercised. Oh. Right. So that's why.