ideal ideas.
Seeing as there's a one week extension to my already-quite-long MC, I have been indulging myself further on youtube, with the latest show being Circus Action. It's about 4 Taiwanese youths with dreams, chasing their ideals(YEAH RIGHT), which is more or less indulging in idiot activities a la Jackass. Yet, while, doing all of those aforementioned idiot activities, they manage to go around Taiwan with only $100 shared between the 4 of them, earning money along the way. Pretty awesome idea.
Which is what I feel I have been lacking for a long time. Nothing that interests me is coming out from me, which is a sad thing to happen. But I guess that's something army does to someone. The environment is different to what I was used to in school, where much information is shared and debated upon. Ideas go off like an alarm clock insistent on waking you up at 4.30AM, when your cells are at their most dormant, resting state(Factual inaccuracies may arise, since I just made that up). It's like a marketplace, where you can sell your own ideas, buy some from others, or even steal them?
In the army, having your own idea is strictly forbidden, and can land you in serious trouble. Sometimes, it's as serious as being in a comfortable, hot tub on a deserted Pacific Island with a lovely, beautiful panoramic beach view, with vegetables floating around you and the person who led you to the tub relentlessly prodding a wooden spoon into it, sprinkling some powder you(at first) believe to be soap powder, but later realise is not when you don't see soap bubbles forming. When it's all too late of course. You're already in hot soup.
By now, you realise you're going nowhere.
Neither is my post. I do not want my MC to end.
i have an inch. but i'm asking for a foot.
The inevitable is drawing closer. In 3 days time, the lovely(to a certain extent) period I'm enjoying will be over. For half a day at least. Withdrawal symptoms are starting to appear. I do not want to return to that mundane life (from this mundane life). Boring, nothing to do, waking up at 4pm mundane is always better than boring, having many things to do, waking up at 6am and maybe not reaching home until 7pm mundane. I even start waking up at 9am these days. What is the world coming to?
sir obsessed.
Found this on the forums. Hats off to the original author.
A Psychiatric Hospital
a tree-lined avenue
a wailing ambulance siren
flashing lights of blue
A shrink in white coat waiting
ambulance screams to a halt
A man dragged kicking and screaming
shouting, “It’s all his fault”.
Two male nurses take over
the patient spits and swears
they kick, punch then drag him
up the hospital stairs.
He bites one nurse on the ankle
then spits in the other’s face
“Sedate the dick will yer doctor
he’s a fuckin mental case”
With that the shrink then pounces
with a massive twelve inch syringe
“Please stay still Mr Ferguson
you will not feel a thing”
The needle misses his bare arse
and jabs his hairy pouch
he’s screaming ten minutes later
lying on the shrink’s leather couch
“Okay Mr Ferguson tell me
when did this all begin?
you say that you can hear voices
which come from deep within”
“Aye that’s right that doctor
the voices appear then vanish
I’m starting to hear them in my sleep
and they’re all in fuckin Spanish”
“It feels like a scene from the Omen
I have a recurring dream
but instead of three sixes on my scalp
I have the number 19”
“That’s worrying, Mr Ferguson
your mind seems so confused
that may explain why you chase cars
in just your socks and shoes”
“And according to your missus
when Liverpool win a game
you’ve started driving to Moss side
and using crack cocaine”
“She said when they beat Fulham
you went into a trance
since then you’ve been incontinent
and regularly shit your pants”
“But doctor – it’s Benitez
I cannae psych him out
and things have gone from bad to worse
since that 4-1 rout”.
“Each time I try to spook him
he kills me with his words
that’s why I’ve started butting walls
and eating my own turds”
“He knows I’m egocentric
arrogant and vile
unsporting and conceited
and talk a load of bile”
“Just lie back Mr Ferguson
you’re frothing at the mouth
I’m ordering a straightjacket
to try and sort you out”
“You’re suffering from delusion
born from real fear
Benitez has you running scared
your time is finally near”
“Consider early retirement
his time is coming soon
that’s why you’ve been eating flies
and howling at the moon”
“But Doc you have to cure me
Benitez has got me insane
even when I shit the bed
the stain is the shape of Spain”
“Feels like I’m being tortured
by the Spanish inquisition
I hear his laugh - see his face
whipping me into submission”
“Unfortunately Mr Ferguson
your heading for a fall
Benitez has higher intelligence
your brain is far too small”
“You’re suffering from paranoia
brought about by stress
there’s no medical terminology
apart from you’re obsessed”
“Please doctor what can I do now
Benitez terrifies me
he’s gonna knock me off my perch
him and that Sammy Lee”
“I’m sorry Mr Ferguson
but you have to face the truth
you spit and swear and spew out bile
you really are uncouth”
“Your illness is incurable
I have no doubt of that
there is no cure or remedy
for a thick ungracious twat”
run, fat nose, run.
This is probably a new record for me, staying awake not only until the early hours of the morning, but at this precise minute 7.47am. I have pretty much no idea why I am not in a deep slumber now, except maybe because of this irritating condition known as blocked(and runny) nose, which has resulted in 4 hours of tossing and turning and sniffling in attempt to clear it, not succeeding and thus ending up in a sleepless night.
Of course, waking up at 4.30pm doesn't exactly help to tune my body clock, but sometimes, I feel like I just don't want to waste MC time, considering how little of it I have left. I understand that time management is arguably one of the things that I haven't really done (haven't done at all) this month, but who manages their time well with one full month of "free"(if you consider a finger almost ripped off a small price to pay) time. I know the lot of you who will raise your hands or some action to indicate yourselves. Well, that question was rhetorical. There was no need to answer it because it's purpose was to make myself sound like a really smart person. Instead, with the previous line, I have managed to at the same time look stupid and sound like a smart alec. Way to go.
Of course I have digressed from the original topic of my nose, which is a semblance of a marathon runner as of now. After 3 days and 7 tablets of Clarinase, it's still running. It's running so much that it might as well be the spokesnose of Energizer or Duracell. So instead of the Duracell Bunny in the future, they have the Duracell Nose. While sniffling to prevent the slimy substance known as mucus from flowing out of my nostrils, I have also disrupted the slumber of my family members. My "sniffling" is almost as loud as a Harley Davidson. And about as effective as Gary Neville playing as a centre forward.
I cannot think of an effective way to end this meaningless and directionless post, so it shall end abruptly in the middle of a sente....
EDIT(8:54 AM): I am going to end this post by finally going to sleep.
top of the morning to you too.
Everytime I hear the loud chirping outside the window, I know I have gone over my bedtime by about 6 hours. Which of course is time for my new bedtime. Everytime I hear the chirping, my heart drops, because this means another day has passed, without me getting some sleep. So I sleep the day away, only to be rejuvenated at night. It's very unenvironmental to be wasting so much electricity(especially since I was from Environmental Society). Yes, Mr Bird. Top of the morning. Now would you please quieten down? I need to sleep soon.
and the river flows on, waiting for noone.
I realise how I've been wasting my time ever since I injured my finger some two weeks ago. I really cannot think of many constructive things I've done over the two weeks other than applying for university, which was done fairly quickly and gathering information on insurance, which was done fairly quickly as well. Mandatory hospital visits were sandwiched by long hours on the bed or in front of the computer, trawling the same websites over and over again, as well as watching the show on my previous posts into the early hours of the next day. As such, two weeks have just gone by in 40billion(just a rough estimate) blinks of an eye. I hope the next two weeks pass just a little slower.