Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ideal ideas.

Seeing as there's a one week extension to my already-quite-long MC, I have been indulging myself further on youtube, with the latest show being Circus Action. It's about 4 Taiwanese youths with dreams, chasing their ideals(YEAH RIGHT), which is more or less indulging in idiot activities a la Jackass. Yet, while, doing all of those aforementioned idiot activities, they manage to go around Taiwan with only $100 shared between the 4 of them, earning money along the way. Pretty awesome idea.

Which is what I feel I have been lacking for a long time. Nothing that interests me is coming out from me, which is a sad thing to happen. But I guess that's something army does to someone. The environment is different to what I was used to in school, where much information is shared and debated upon. Ideas go off like an alarm clock insistent on waking you up at 4.30AM, when your cells are at their most dormant, resting state(Factual inaccuracies may arise, since I just made that up). It's like a marketplace, where you can sell your own ideas, buy some from others, or even steal them?

In the army, having your own idea is strictly forbidden, and can land you in serious trouble. Sometimes, it's as serious as being in a comfortable, hot tub on a deserted Pacific Island with a lovely, beautiful panoramic beach view, with vegetables floating around you and the person who led you to the tub relentlessly prodding a wooden spoon into it, sprinkling some powder you(at first) believe to be soap powder, but later realise is not when you don't see soap bubbles forming. When it's all too late of course. You're already in hot soup.

By now, you realise you're going nowhere.

Neither is my post. I do not want my MC to end.



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