Sunday, April 12, 2009

run, fat nose, run.

This is probably a new record for me, staying awake not only until the early hours of the morning, but at this precise minute 7.47am. I have pretty much no idea why I am not in a deep slumber now, except maybe because of this irritating condition known as blocked(and runny) nose, which has resulted in 4 hours of tossing and turning and sniffling in attempt to clear it, not succeeding and thus ending up in a sleepless night.

Of course, waking up at 4.30pm doesn't exactly help to tune my body clock, but sometimes, I feel like I just don't want to waste MC time, considering how little of it I have left. I understand that time management is arguably one of the things that I haven't really done (haven't done at all) this month, but who manages their time well with one full month of "free"(if you consider a finger almost ripped off a small price to pay) time. I know the lot of you who will raise your hands or some action to indicate yourselves. Well, that question was rhetorical. There was no need to answer it because it's purpose was to make myself sound like a really smart person. Instead, with the previous line, I have managed to at the same time look stupid and sound like a smart alec. Way to go.

Of course I have digressed from the original topic of my nose, which is a semblance of a marathon runner as of now. After 3 days and 7 tablets of Clarinase, it's still running. It's running so much that it might as well be the spokesnose of Energizer or Duracell. So instead of the Duracell Bunny in the future, they have the Duracell Nose. While sniffling to prevent the slimy substance known as mucus from flowing out of my nostrils, I have also disrupted the slumber of my family members. My "sniffling" is almost as loud as a Harley Davidson. And about as effective as Gary Neville playing as a centre forward.

I cannot think of an effective way to end this meaningless and directionless post, so it shall end abruptly in the middle of a sente....

EDIT(8:54 AM): I am going to end this post by finally going to sleep.



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