那陽光 碎裂在熟悉場景 好安靜
一個人 能背多少的往事 真不輕
誰的笑 誰的溫暖的手心 我著迷
全劇終 看見滿場空座椅 燈亮起
這故事 好像真實又像虛幻的情境
只是那 好不容易被說服 的自己
好後悔 好傷心 想重來 行不行
再一次 我就不會走向這樣的結局
好後悔 好傷心 誰把我 放回去
我願意 付出所有來換一個時光機
對不起 獨自迴盪在空氣 沒人聽
it's nice and poetic and i am sure i have posted this before.
the most irritating thing in the entire universe
The Alarm Clock.
need i say more? yes but not right now because my mum is chasing me to sleep.
I have not made a post like this in such a long time.
Today was the ultimate boring day. I woke up at 1, slept at 4, woke up at 8. Which is 40 mins ago. In this 3 hours and 40 mins, I did nothing except eat and stone. Not much. And I have already run out of things to do. Except things that I do not want to do, of which I have a neverending list of. They include studying and... I think studying in itself is a neverending list enough.
To go back to the June 15 post. Guess what? I still haven't watched Harry Potter. Why? I don't know. I guess I'll wait for the pirated DVD. Finished the book already, though I'm not really a Harry fan. Probably because I can't tahan people talking about something I don't know about, me being the creature who cannot shut up. Not very often anyway.
Greek Mythology is pretty interesting. Maybe I should read up on it. There I have found something to do. Anyway, I don't know why I added this sentence because I had totally nothing to say but I was still tempted to write down anyway and add this sentence to make my post seem longer and therefore seem like it has more substance which unfortunately looks like it's failing because the sentence is getting longer but there's not much more substance being added to it which means that I PROBABLY should not do this for my GP mock coming up on Monday that I have to stay back until 1715 even though school ends at 1400 because I realise I have not added in punctuations for exactly don't know how many words but it's alot of words anyhow.
There I'm done. =)
wise words from the sage.
Wrigley's Flying Gum says:
there comes a time
Wrigley's Flying Gum says:
when you have to put down everything and concentrate on distractions
Wrigley's Flying Gum is Kenneth Fang.
How true these words are.
paint a picture in your head.
This post was inspired by some incidents which happened in the past week and some thoughts which lay dormant. Firstly, it was before the class Harry Potter outing which I didn't go to. My reason was that I was going to watch it with someone else. I had another reason as well. I prefer the book. It was the same case for LOTR except I really enjoyed the movies as well. The other just happened. I was talking to Zhen Yu about song lyrics for some reason or other. And the lyrics to some songs are so good they allow you to imagine a place, an idea or stir up feelings.
What exactly do these two incidents have in common. That the pictures don't do the words justice. The movies don't do the books justice. The music videos don't do the lyrics and tune justice. Why? Because they are so limited. They bind the words to the mere things they are showing. Before seeing things with my eyes, I see it in the words. The lyrical description allows for my own interpretation on what the place, the person looks like and feels. Once I see the movie, the sight is narrowed down. I am being limited to what is being shown to my eyes. It might be good but it's not as good as I thought it was.
To quote a movie director(ironically) whom I forgot his name:
No budget is as big as your imagination"
I think he's right. In my head, the budget is unlimited. I can make the scene as I like it. Movie directors have to contend with feasibility, budgets, time limits, actor capabilities. The product therefore comes out inferior to what the director has visualised in his head. A book full of words may paint many different pictures to many different people. If what I visualise is different from what the director of a movie visualises from the same words, I am more likely than not to end up disappointed.
I think the saying "A picture says a thousand words" should say
"A picture says a thousand words, but a thousand words can paint a more beautiful picture"
Dream on.
It's 2am and I am very bored because I don't feel like doing anything. Which probably explains why I am bored. I should go to sleep. But I don't want to. Which leads me to think. I like to think thoughts. Thoughts like why when people want to discourage other people, they say "dream on".
Aren't dreams supposed to be good? Doesn't everyone have dreams? What would a person be without dreams? I cannot imagine. Only with dreams can one achieve something better than what they have at the present. So instead of being taken in a condescending tone, shouldn't "dream on" be taken as an encouragement to continue pursuing ones ambition? I cannot think a lot now because my brain is quite rusty now. No new and interesting ideas lately.
Did catch "The Pursuit of Happyness" just now though. Great movie. My personal favourite part was the part when the boss guy said to Will Smith "It wasn't as easy as you thought was it?" without realising what it meant for Will Smith. The underlying meaning of this simple sentence is so powerful. As is his eventual happiness. Good stuff.
Got back my final mid-year results. Must say it was pretty disappointing in some ways. And thatappointing(opposite of disappointing) in others. Lets start with something disappointing.
Economics - 37
It was a pretty okay improvement I guess. From CT's 24, it was a 13 point leap. However, I felt I could have done MUCH MUCH better, considering I knew what I had to do for the questions. Unfortunately, I think this time, it was a case of no application of knowledge. Disappointing.
Maths - 24
Also a huge leap of 19 points from CT's 5. But from 5, it's not that hard to make such a huge jump is it? Also expected to do much better since I studied quite hard for it. From the paper, it seems that I'm not familiar enough with the sums, as well as some errors which were ultimately quite serious. Expected to fail but not as badly.
Literature - 46
Must say I was quite surprised. I expected to fail very badly this time round because I had changed my idea halfway through paper 4 and had no time to complete my essay. But it's an improvement from 39 in CT. I don't know how I'm supposed to study for Lit though.
Geography - 44
I was quite surprised to even get 44, considering how I thought it would be a major disaster. Dropped from 47 in CT but I feel relieved to get 44 even. Mixed feelings I guess. Need to work on human geog because even though I thought I screwed up physical, I still got higher for it.
GP - 45
Improved from 36 in CT. I don't know what to say. Measly 1.5 for summary and 2 for AQ. Essay only got 20 as well.
Less disappointing, is Liverpool's transfer market action this summer. After the capture of Fernando Torres, we are set to sign Ryan Babel tomorrow and Yossi Benayoun as well. Babel looks like a hot prospect, while Yossi is probably a replacement for Luis Garcia, whom I feel is irreplaceable. I feel consoled that the one taking Robbie's number 9 is Torres though. Hope he lives up to Robbie and Rush. Looking forward to the new season but not Prelims and stuff that comes as well.
PMS - Post Mid-year Stress
I don't know how to say this but for one of the first times in my life, I actually feel really disappointed for failing my exams. This feeling is the epitome of sian. I can't bring myself to say that it's okay anymore because of the implications behind what I thought and still think is mere numbers and a mere exercise to test a students ability at that point in time.
The different thing is probably because this time i actually studied for the exam and even had tuition. While there was marked improvement, the grades are ultimately the same. I would be rather relieved that there is an improvement. However, there is also the responsibility of having to break the news to my parents, which will no doubt be very difficult for me, both in first telling them, then facing the consequences. However, that would be nothing compared to how I feel I have let them down. Not a good feeling.
Neither is realising that after studying, what is my best at this point in time is still not good enough. Prelims in 7 weeks. Must do better. By a lot.
Alright, enough self reflection and semi-emoing. Another thought I have thought about(yes) alot is the power of the subconscious and how to tap into it. I realise my best (in my opinion) ideas appear when I am half asleep, when I am in the shower or when I am generally not thinking alot. However, when I'm not consciously thinking, the subconscious mind surfaces (I think) and these brilliant fleeting ideas come and go. And when I try to recall what I was thinking about 2 seconds ago, I can't. If only there was a way to remember.
There's also another totally unrelated topic which has caught my attention. The fool-proof way to become popular. It can be done in 2 simple steps.
1) Paint yourself blue. All over. In general, make yourself seem as close to a blue 3D stick figure as possible. It helps if you are skinny.
2) Call yourself Mr Inverter.
If you don't know what I am talking about, you don't watch enough TV. If you do, you watch too much. =)
a mighty kick up the backside.
Now I know how frustrating it is to study for a paper and fail. And also not study and fail. Oh well.
The Departed.
Picture tribute to Robbie and Luis Garcia.

You'll Never Walk Alone Robbie and Sanz.
On another note. WHEE TORRES!!!!!