好久没写华文字了(其实这也不算写)。 也好久没有自己的想法了。 昨天, 我看完了《光陰的故事》,心里有些怀念,怀念自己的童年,又有些羡慕,羡慕这故事里主角们的童年。他们的童年比我们少了一些物质的享受,但比我们多了好多纯真。我羡慕他们无论有什么纠纷,最多打一架就没事了。我羡慕村子的邻居,大家都抱着守望相助的精神,就好像是一家人。“远亲不如近邻” 这句俗语,在这儿形容的最好了。他们虽然过这贫穷的日子,但脸上总是带着笑容。他们的生活简单,却不平凡。
《光陰的故事》在戏中也说到了人生许多的大道理,也说到主角们自己不少的歪理。其中,让我感触良多的,就是一元(许毅源)对复邦的一句 “人生就是有那么多的选择题,而每一提的答案多是那么烂,但你非选不可.” 这一句话,可说是把每一个人的人生缩成一句话。还有好多的道理,歪理,要写也写不完。
it seems.
Guard duty fiascoes are just unavoidable. At the old camp, I was replacement for someone who never returned me my duty, nor paid me. Today, someone replacing me for my duty wants me to sell my duty to him. And I'm sure I have a perfectly good reason for not doing my duty, as well as offered to do his next duty for him. But I don't think I should have had any of this trouble in the first place. But humans are selfish, and if I'm not selfish this time, I'll be at a huge loss.
the reason.
I just found another reason for me to be lazy. When my heart beats faster, it pumps blood quicker to my finger, increasing the pain, as well as the rate of blood loss. Therefore, until I recover, I shall not be doing anything requiring the least bit of effort, lest anything happens to me.
just a little reminder.
So on Tuesday, someone gave me a little reminder, on how maybe we aren't as invincible as we think we might be. Not that I think I'm invincible, but I never thought I'd be the victim of a finger barely hanging on its joint, bleeding like a tap. So you get the idea.
It happened at the speed of bad news, which according to "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is faster than the speed of light, so I can only theorise what exactly happened. The speed at which I will be typing the theoretical incident is much slower, considering only my left hand is of use at the moment. Because it is the middle finger of my right hand(top phalanx) which was nearly ripped off at it's joint.
My theory goes the way of my finger being caught in the BX handhold while i carelessly stepped into a hole in the drain cover. Since it happened so quickly, I can only assume it was the tearing action that ripped my ligaments apart and caused the unwanted bloodshed. I was surprisingly calm throughout the incident, walking to the Medical Centre with another guy. Hell, I was even calmer then some of the medics, who basically went "UGHH". I went "I need to see the MO now" and proceeded to wait for about 10 minutes, which was quite a long time the MO needed to walk roughly 50m. But this has already exceeded the theory part.
So at the hospital, after a few rounds of temporary treatment and waiting, I finally got into the operating theatre at 7.40pm (I was first injured at 2.30pm) and under local anaesthesia. So they proceeded to rip my nail off, sew the ligaments together and insert 2 pieces of wire into where the fracture was and wrap my finger like a corndog. And everytime I look at the "corndog", I think, WHAT THE FUCK ONLY 14 DAYS MC??!!
merely a misuse of the word merely. and more.
This morning (afternoon really. Not even early afternoon, considering I'm blogging really soon after I woke up), after merely a measly fourteen hours of sleep, I woke up. I understand that merely, is used to describe something that is just enough, or too little, but
that's not going to get in the way of some alliteration is it? After all, a little insanity is always allowed in the name of alliteration. Besides this senseless jumble of words, it appears that nothing else has emerged from my brain in my wake up shower. Saturdays sans soccer seem so senseless.
mid-morning mare.
I was in the middle of the store in the middle of the morning taking a mid-morning nap(secretly, but it's not so secret now is it) when my mind drifted into thoughts of death(after a dream, which elapsed about 10 minutes but felt alot longer. Such is the way with time in dreams. But I digress).
I briefly wondered why before proceeding to think about what really happens after death and whether religion has a part to do with any of it(briefly as well). Then I finally came to a conclusion. That as long as I had a chance to meet my loved ones after passing on, where I ended up was merely a triviality.
ha. right.
It's been a real long time since I've had anything of note to blog. Today is no different. There has been so much going on, yet so little to say about the so much. Goes to show how mundane life has been for the past year or so. I dread to think that this mundane-ness will go on after we enter society, to fight for our rice bowl. And then there is the fight to fill the rice bowl with rice and various other foods. Going to be 21 this year, and no achievements of note. Mediocrity beckons for the time being, until I find something interesting to say. Perhaps it is time for me to pick up Catch-22 again. Hello Yossarian.
Oh and university applications have officially begun. There is just no way to avoid the rat race perhaps, and as we grow older, we learn to just go with the flow, the idealism of the young out of the window. In a parachute perhaps, so that it disappears slower, but nevertheless drifting further and further out of reach.