It's my 3rd day and half in Sungei Gedong out of the 1 week and 1 day. What we've covered can be counted on the hand by a man with no arms. The only thing we've ever did was tuang. There's a general lack of purpose to life right now. What can I say? Awesome.
third time lucky.
Today I passed my BTT that has nothing to do with turrets. That is something to do with driving. I hope soon enough, my mode of transport to camp will have nothing to do with EZ Link cards. After failing the 1st two times, I was quietly confident of doing well this time, no thanks to the simulated test I have been doing online last night, waiting for the Spain match. But the questions were nonetheless tricky and I had my heart racing like Robert Kubica was driving it during some parts of the 10 minutes I had spent doing the test. First guy out and pass. Awesome possum.
hello goodbye.
Today marks the start of a new routine.
Goodbye to waking up at 6.15am, hello to waking up at 5.15am.
Goodbye cheap and convenient transport(only taking 14, at $2 a day, 20min bus ride), hello to expensive and inconvenient transport to camp(bus to MRT to shuttle bus at god knows how much a day, approx over 1 hour travelling time).
Goodbye to ARC, hello to SGC(not the student graduation certificate but Sungei Gedong Camp).
Goodbye to OETI, hello to 42FMP.
After this cheesy hello goodbye part, I'm going to say Sungei Gedong is not such a fucked up place as it is made out to be. Had it been nearer to civilisation. This place is really like Pulau Tekong on Singapore, only more inconvenient. But on the upside, the regimentation there is less, thus we have a more relaxed environment(so long as there are no vehicles waiting to be repaired and no Armour Mechanics chattering about whatever the fuck they are chattering about). The place looks a depressing shade of gravel, with rather poor facilities. But the canteen has fucking arcade machines, so that a big plus. There's no more familiar voice of Staff Martin, Sergeant Kwa, or Sergeant Marcus, no more "eh Ah Kwa" from Master Tay, but the new instructors look pretty fine all the same. All in all, could be better, but could be worse.
My right nostril is experiencing jams due to the ERP gantries in my left nostril, causing traffic to avoid traveling there. As such, it is causing a high level of discomfort and I wish all ERPs be removed.
silver surfer speaks of journey to the west.
"All that you know will come to an end" -Silver Surfer
Why this quote? Because today is the end of our 13 week turret course at OETI. Thirteen weeks suddenly feels very short. Just as we were getting rather comfortable with our surroundings, the thirteen weeks are up. Of course for all the fun and good times, there are some fucked up things that happened, but overall, the 13 weeks were rather enjoyable. The first week, I struggled to find anyone to talk to, but as it went on, it became easier to talk to course mates, occasionally screaming and ranting at them(admittedly sometimes unnecessarily but I felt it was needed at the time). The instructors were generally awesome, even Master Tay, whom we did not hold in the highest esteem. The ATTs were awesome as well, Sgt Keith, Sgt Eagle, Sgt Edwin all talked to us without the rank. Though I suppose army gets to the point where rank doesn't really matter. All in all, cheers to BTT23. =D
Now for OJE, the journey to the west. Getting our new units on Monday, all in Sungei Gedong Camp probably. Hope for a good combination of coursemates doing the same OJE as me.
royal rumble.
in my intestines.
weird words.
If wisdom teeth were really that wise, why weren't they wise enough to all grow out straight?
wasted time.
Today, I woke up at 6.08am. It was 7 minutes earlier than my normal waking time of 7.15am. Yet I was not satisfied with my sleep yet. 7 minutes was too little to continue with my slumber, yet 7 minutes less than what I was supposed to get. So I suppose the 7 minutes spent in anticipation of my alarm clock was the longest 7 minutes I had for some time.
Today was also a rather smooth and easy day. No waves or incidents of note. I went home, read the papers on the throne. There was the world news, local news, entertainment news. Same old new things happening. Oil prices up, Obama vs McCain, comics, teen voyuer banned from camera phones(who admittedly does look pretty familiar), comics, the Japanese man who killed 7 and wounded 10. He had posted so many messages for all to read and yet the tragedy still happened. Was it the man who killed all those people or was it apathy? Or am I very much mistaken and read the article wrongly? Newspaper time was over for business hours are over. Business was conducted smoothly as well. *wink wink smirk smirk*
Shower singing sessions went alright, with the bathroom making my voice sound richer(as proven by physics). I thought somemore, about the silk road article I read in life! and 丝路 the song. And how that should be added to my list of to-go places. In real life and not by the power of click. Then shower singing/thinking came to an end of this typical day. They do pass quite quickly.
sometimes words are plentiful and yet lack meaning.
This is yet another of my bored moments. When I get bored, I tend to lack inspiration, thus any blog posts that comes out of my bored moments are boring. I think. But thinking too much tends to restrict whatever comes out of your mind and thus shackles the whatever inspiration I get.
So now seems like a good time to just do therapeutic typing and let the words flow like a river of words. I see a redundant repetition there but that's just the way things work with me. They don't. I totally dislike work, so I try not to work. So do things I use. But I digress.
Sometimes, when I do a blog post, I think too much about it and when the resulting post comes out, it doesn't convey what I'm trying to say at all and I end up wasting my time. It's not to say that thinking about something doesn't work but sometimes, something that's done in 10 minutes could end up being superior to something done in 2 hours. Or even longer.
The line above signifies a break/intermission, or actually just the beginning of a new topic.
Now I am going to talk about the power of a left click. Just think, how a left click can bring you from the sweltering heat of the Sahara to the biting cold of Antarctica, from the free and vast plains of Africa to the towering rainforests of the Amazon, from bustling cities to quaint countrysides. How empires can be built and destroyed, how enemies can be shot in the head, how you can take control of your favourite football team, live a totally different alternate life without anyone ever having to know.
Of course, this power is limited. It fulfils all your fantasies on a computer screen. But what one sees is not always what one gets. While it shows you the places you want to go to, lets you simulate what you have always wanted to do, doing something in real life is always different. It brings you to the Sahara but you do not feel the heat, the sand, the dryness of the air. You go to Bangkok or Barcelona but you do not smell the city, the streets. You do not feel the sticky humidity of the Amazon, nor the frostiness of Antarctica. Your legs don't even have to move. You will not enjoy the exhilaration of having a wild giraffe being less than 50m away, nor get to enjoy the food which the markets sell. You can shoot a person in the head with all ruthlessness online but you cannot hold a gun in real life. You can build an empire from scratch online but you are a part of another's global empire offline.
The left click is so powerful, yet it is not something you can grasp or immerse yourself in. Once you close the window, exit the game, the facade is broken. The power of the left click is the power of illusion. No more.
is there nothing else?
Recent days have been ironic. Mildly put. When I have something to do, like guard duty, I wished I was at home. Now that I am at home, I wished I had something to do. I do, but those are the mundane things I don't wish to do. The good thing about this is that the mundane things do not include guard duty. But they do include some cheesy skit, which will attract all the cartoon mice in the world, as well as looking for a lost dvd(actual meaning and not of the series), which proves just as difficult as deciphering what the fucks going on in the series. Meaning next to impossible! I found just about everything else.
make music not war.
Copied from the cover of my new dvd due to excessive boredom. It's June already.