bored, hungry and not tired
fuck. i am fucking bored, hungry and i can't sleep. been bumming around and looking at some cars from The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift website. Must say the Fairlady looks really good.

Tokyo Drift Nissan Fairlady 350 Z
fucking sian. now is barely hours after midyears and i have nothing to do. i think i'll just go for supper and maybe a beer to get myself sleepy. no match today so theres no point staying up anyway.
its a bird, its a plane. eh? no its a bird.
exams are over. just over only. yay. now got 4 days break for me to sleep. and maybe go get a massage. only. no special services. and play soccer and watch soccer. and all the shit that i do. whee.
on the another note. today is the opening of superman. and it led me to go listen to 超人 by mayday. i think it is very nice and i think i haven't put lyrics up for a long time already. haha. it looks at superman as a very human person rather than the undefeatable superhero who transforms in a phone booth. very nice but you have to have a fair command of chinese as well as the tune to fully grasp the poignancy of the song. wahahha lit paper has influenced my blog entries to a certain extent. alright here goes.
世界如果被残酷攻击 只要给我一个电话亭
把内裤当外衣 如果你能够开心 展开披风 带你飞行
谁赐予我这一身 无助的能力 神也不能阻挡 你想离开的心
为什麽拯救地球 是那麽容易 为什麽束手无策啊 我和你的爱情
为什麽我能飞天 也能够遁地 为什麽我却没办法 长驱直入 你的心
曾经你赞美我手臂 逛街多能提 日日夜夜贴身保护你
最凶狠的怪兽 也不能与我为敌 那为何害怕你的泪滴
我给了我这一幕 难堪的结局 谁要这样超人 连自己也救不起
为什麽拯救地球 是那麽容易 为什麽束手无策啊 我和你的爱情
为什麽拯救地球 终於完美结局 为什麽 我只能够 眼看著爱燃烧成 灰烬
世界如果被残酷攻击 谁来接手我的超能力
Lamborghini Concept S and more.
my blog has a lack of pictures. so i have decided to post not one but 2. let the pictures speak for themselves.

Lamborghini Gallardo

Lambourghini Concept S
funny little shit.
today is a sad day. i dont know how to do my maths exam at all. spain got knocked out. and i didnt sleep enough. and there's geography tmr. and all the shit. i was getting rather tired when i remembered before the match, jeff said that if you get a girlfriend, your energy will be boundless for the 1st week or so. so i was thinking if i could get a girlfriend now[preferbly a hot and pretty and sexy girl]. so that i have energy to stay up late for matches and go to school. 1 week can already. haha. another more feasible idea would be to take naps but oh well.
more weird and random stuff.
hmm. i get this everytime i have something i need to do. i will think of other stuff other than what i need to think of right now, which is maths paper. instead i thought of what i thought of last night, while lying on my bed. you know when you're half asleep and lots of stuff run through your mind at a stage where you are halfway between conscious and subconscious. thats where many good ideas come out from. however, it is difficut to harvest these ideas. this is because part of the idea is from the subconscious side of your mind. or so i'd like to think. so once you get up to get a pen and paper to jot down that idea. its gone and you stare at the pen and paper and go "uhhhh". you know? and sometimes these are the things that keep you up at night. they make you half asleep yet unable to fall asleep because the stuff runs through so fast, when you wanna recall what you thought about 5 seconds ago, you CAN'T. sometimes, what should be a minor incident that happened billions of years ago, pops up in your head and you go "hey i remember that", yet you cant remember those horrific equations which you studied for amaths paper a few months ago. i also thought of something else while in that "halfway house" between conscious and subconscious. i guess its quite lucky that i recall what i thought of. that something else is how maybe sometimes just one thing that is said to you at some unrememberable point of your life changes you forever. it may not even be directed at you. maybe when you were a kid, someone said you were very competitive. you were so determined to prove that someone wrong that you become the exact opposite. you become so un-competitive that you veer on the life of a bum. you know that sorta thing? not exactly the questions that are easily answered. after all its different for different people right? then you keep thinking if its possible until you feel a vibration. and then that sickening alarm tone of your handphone telling you to get out of bed and get ready for another dull and boring day. just when you were about to get the answer. or something like that. then sometimes the idea which you thought was genius while half asleep turns out to be bullshit the next day when you are fully awake. i dunno. i seem to be getting many weird thoughts nowadays. you know. stuff that keep you up at night. i guess with all these shit i didn't really get to paragraphing this entry. im not about to now that im almost finished. there im done. =D
to a certain extent. the mid years that is. and i think i should apply for retaining or withdraw to go NS already, if mid years are as important as they stress it is. so far, the only paper i think i can pass is GP. which is pretty bad i guess. oh well. maybe after the mid years are finished, so will i be.
on another not, i thought of something while showering. about the chinese idiom called "xiao li cang dao", while means hiding a knife behind a smile. as well as primary school moral education textbooks where they talk about people in a big group making fun of a lone guy. and how they never do it when they are alone. because they are actually cowards who stay in a group to feel strong. and how they both make alot of sense when you actually think about it. but they are just another few random and weird thoughts of mine which i shouldn't be thinking of when i have exams tmr.
power ranger and ultraman
hmm.. saw dan's entry. that a mans best friend is a woman. then i had an inspiration. i went to surf a forum with pictures of pretty girls. most of them act in power ranger/ultraman shows in japan. and i would go back to watching power rangers and ultraman if there were such pretty and hot actresses. i really would. but im not putting up any pics here. i might give the website though. if you'll believe me when i tell you.
oh shit?
lit exam is on saturday. but i dunno a shit. i know i need to study but i don't study. until i am desperate. then i study abit. i wish i can do magic like rafa. then i will magically make all my results very good. oh well. for the time being, all i can do is study hard and hope for the best. i think i will just hope for the best la. studying hard is hard.
another reason why rafa is a magician
rafa's magicjustin.
dear holidays
please get off that rocket-powered jet and crawl along slowly. it would be nice if you could do that for the entire student population. =D
i dont think i am exaggerating...
when i say time is flying by on a rocket! on the other hand its proably only when your enjoying yourself does time take a break here and there when you are not noticing. just like how 3 weeks of the june study break has gone by with me touching books a grand total of 1 day. with mid years starting on the 24th, i think its time to start on my study plan. 7 days for 4 subjects. should be handleable, provided i wake up early enough. ever notice how one month of holidays seems infinitely shorter than 1 day of school or work? why can't it be the other way round? if only it could be that way. world peace would not be impossible anymore.
anway, many say the world cup doesnt begin until you see brazil play. not this time i suppose. with many believing the only thing between brazil and a 6th world cup is a 1 month wait, brazil have failed to impress in one and a half matches. no flair, no creativity, no fluidity and a grand total of one goal. heck thats less than saudi arabia and that says something. their south american neighbours argentina have banged in 8 goals in their group of death and i believe they are the team to watch this world cup, along with spain, italy and holland. in terms of nice football that is. and i bet argentina will be many a persons bet to win the world cup now after the 6-0 mauling of S & M. and the 24 pass move for cambiasso's goal was pure magic. and messi. what can i say. enough about the world cup here, im sure you people have eyes. but got eyes no world cup channel how? then i have something to say to you.
NENI-NENI-POOPOO[i broke it up into parts in case one word gets confusing to read]
anway, there is a solution to end your problems. whine to your parents in your most irritating and annoying voice. it may get you what you want but it may also get you what you dont want such as getting grounded, getting a deduction of allowance, getting a tight slap scross the face and other sadistic punishment only known to a species of people called parents. so use with care my friends.
hardcore porn videos.
haha. now that i got your attention, its nothing related to hardcore porn. NOPE.NOTHING AT ALL! i woke up at 3.30 yesterday and left the house at 4..45 to meet ronald and johnson and james and boris and raynard at marina bay mrt[and jerold tan came later though i don't really know him and raynard i shall refer to them by their names]. it really looks like some ghost mrt station with absolutely NOBODY. unfortunately, i dont have a photograph to prove it to you because i don't bring a camera around with me everywhere, neither do i like snapping pics with my phone cos it eats up the super limited memory. but i digress.
up till now, i still haven't got to my point, which is we then went to one of the many bbq/steamboat buffet places at marina bay area to eat dinner, which happened to be my 1st meal of the day. AND I STILL ATE THE LEAST! WHAT THE FUCK! i think johnson and james eat like pigs! EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT AND EAT NON-STOP!
oh wait i do have some pictures.
<----- JOHNSON
<---- JAMES As we can see from the pictures, johnson is the bigger pig because he want to eat the table. anyway, that dinner which made me feel extremely bloated made me miss the 1st half of korea vs togo, which was a pretty exciting match. world cup is getting better, however, France was pretty disappointing, with switzerland coming closer to victory than them. the result was 0-0. brazil was also not too impressive though they came through with a slender victory thanks to a well placed left foot shot into the top left coener by Kaka'. it was a joy to watch. whee.
As they say a pictures speaks a thousand words, thus my entry is well over 2000 words. i must stop.
i am taking a break from a match of which i dunno the score because i am not very interested in how iran and mexico are doing in the world cup. i have a GIGANTIC ulcer pressing against my gum which is fucking pain. i put salt from after advice but there was no effect. other than the pain which made me dance around in well, pain. world cup i feel has been rather disappointing so far, with only the opening match and argentina vs cote d'ivoire having both teams score. i hope it doesnt carry on like that. and i REALLY need to find time to study. can't afford to retain another year.
world cup!!!!!!
WORLD CUP IS HERE!!!! WHEEE!!!!! world cup fever has hit me. and for the past few days i have been sleeping at 5am. my body clock has prepared itself for the worlds greatest sporting event which happens once in four years. i would love to be guai lan about this but i CAN'T! HAHAHA! which means alot of time will be taken up which means i have to follow my study plan below. yup.
justin's study plan.
justins study plan is back after disappearing since after o levels together with the blog i'm not sure existed for more than 10 days. with the exams coming up and with people worrying about how to study and people not being able to turn up for study groups, why not subscribe to my effective study plan. just follow the easy steps.
1) Always study last minute. 1st minute and 2nd minute studying is never effective unless you somehow have a passion for it and love studying and has studying as your number 1 hobby. leave your studies until the last minute, where you are motivated by fear and thus will concentrate on your studies. 100%. if you still cannot concentrate, pray and hope for the best.
2) Even though i said always study at the last minute, it never hurts to read through your stuff. just anyhow read and get some shit into your brain so that last minute cramming isnt that bad and you at least have some basic knowledge. so if you cant remember all the facts you can at least smoke something out.
3) The night before the paper, always always always prepare red bull so you can stay up. because late at night is always when desperation gets to you most. with red bull you can stay awake and study. cool huh? i think red bull was invented for desperate students.
4) When i say study at last minute i mean STUDY and not goof around pretending to study because you are not doing yourself any favours. the most important thing to do while studying is concentrate, which is why i say last minute studying is effective anyway. the desperation helps you concentrate and really study. the actual amount of things learnt depends on brain capacity. which brings me to point 5.
5) THIS STUDY PLAN CATERS TO GENIUSES ONLY! if you happen to be a genius then this is a very effective plan. if not please do your studying regularly and stop goofing around.
pablo francisco
he is a fucking god at sound effects. and damn funny also. see for yourselves.
pablo francisco comedy centralpablo francisco songwritingpablo francisco strip clubjustin.
i am awake at an unearthly hour again, after watching alot of beavis and butthead as well as pablo francisco, some stand up comedy that zhen yu sent me. fucking funny, and his sound effects are god-like. beavis and butthead also fucking funny. i should upload some clips on youtube and share the love.
by the way i am also very hungry and would like to eat some food. because i didnt eat dinner and supper today. i need my breakfast?[because its early in the morning] and i am also very bored. so i sent a very short clip of beavis and butthead to zixiang who is also online at an unearthly hour.
i also watched england vs jamaica and england won 6-0 and peter crouch got a hattrick. whee. dont wanna say anymore about it haha. it will just make this post boringer. not that it is interesting to begin with because my posts are mostly boring. i do come up with some gems from time to time though its not this time because i have the mid years at the back of my head[and just around the corner as well] and i cannot for the life of me come out with any creative[at least i think it is] shit that i was filled with when i had a worry-free not-too-distant past. so i am resigned to coming up with shitty posts.
and if you havnt already realised, this post is yet another shitty post designed specially to waste precious seconds of someones life and make them very annoyed that they are reading this yet keep reading on because this sentence hasnt ended yet and is still not ending even though is doesnt have a particular use other than to let the person keep on reading this endless sentence and get even more annoyed when he or she finds out that at the end of the sentence he finds out nothing but the fact that the sentence is really very long and annoying and is of no importance or significance in the already long and boring post and thus maybe causing a ruptured vein or two and maybe even to the point of a serious heart attack which may or may not be fatal.
wow. i'd like to see someone read that during oral exams.=D
june 2...
sounds like jean II makoun. haha. my fav player in ozys chalet haha. went to the chalet expecting to meet up w some old cat high friends in the end only met some new friends because ALL the cat high ppl ozy invited did not turn up. except me. so ya. anyway stayed over and even though i slept, still took a 6 hr nap when i reach home until now. haha. and now i have nothing to do, hence this blog entry.
mutated convo
hmm.. having a really funny convo with the "class" consisting of 6 ppl. why mutated? because we from xmen talk until dunno what shit. now is like a prison interrogation of liyun. dunno what to say la. haha.