Saturday, June 19, 2010

driving it away.

Today, I drove my brother to release the cat he brought home a few days ago. Since we weren't allowed to keep it, I think it's just as well we haven't thought of a name. I for one would have given it some real normal name like Tom or Jack or Suzie or something. But I'm not so sure the cat, which by the way is female, ruling out Tom and Jack, even bothers to respond to any sort of name calling. Not even "Hey you fucking cat." garnered any lasting response. It looked more interested in pouncing on a soft toy tied to a string which my brother swung around the room like a puppet, therefore my brother is the Master of Puppets. But I digress.

The word the cat would use to describe my brother as he was fooling around with her would probably be "fool". But the cat, of course, doesn't know the word "fool", nor any other word for that matter, because she was just a small cat, and if there was any word that she would recognise, it would probably be her name, which we haven't come up with, so it's dictionary would probably have only "fucking cat", because that's what I tend to call it. So anyway, since we weren't allowed to keep it, I drove my brother back to where he found the cat and let it back into the wilderness of the lobby of my brothers friends condo. And realised that my driving skills have severely deteriorated. FUCK.



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