looking back on the things i've done.
On another note, while surfing my even earlier posts, I came across the 1T01 PAE posts, including one by Daniel and one by Kenneth, which we wrote for each other. 2 quotes that I read courtesy of Bobby's MSN nick two years ago and Ashin particularly struck me. Both are about memory.
"Memory is something that has happened and does not completely unhappen" -Bobby's MSN nick
"不要说什么时光倒流的事。因为如果时光真的可以倒流, 那些回忆就不会那么美。” - 阿信
Loosely translated, it means "Don't talk about turning back time. Because if time really could be turned back, the memories would not be so beautiful." It rings true. Looking back, one only remembers the good times, and throws the bad times away.
a LITtle piece of heaven.
I woke up today and looked back at my blog archives because I was up way to early for Saturday and I realised how I missed Mr Pang's Literature lessons, which wasn't merely about books and the analysis of books and poems and how it's all just lingual and fantastic nonsense which does not concern our lives.
It actually does.
How? Take for example Brave New World by Huxley, which is a portrayal of the future back in his days. Compare it to our world today. There are the wide differences but there are also similarities too haunting to ignore. The exaggerated lack of freedom in the book make us chuckle. But how much do we realise that the exaggeration is actually not as much as we think it is? We are equally shackled as any Bernard Marx or John the Savage, but by different chains. And how automation and efficiency will take over the world. Look at the world today and ask yourself. Has it happened already? Has the world been caught up by efficiency and the exploitation of the Deltas and the Epsilons? It sure looks so, as the so-called Alphas of the EMDCs exploit the Deltas and Epsilons of the ELDCs. In our case, they are not so much affected by the lack of intelligence, but by the lack of development and education. Just as in BNW, they are not allowed to develop and will probably never do so, as that would mean the end of cheap labour.
Or take Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. How much as the world been taken over by religious groups claiming their own different interpretations in their holy texts to be correct. Religion has become an excuse for the terrorist groups for their widespread violence. People look at the Islamic terrorist groups but long ago there were the IRA, a Catholic group. BNW also degrades religion and mass into giant orgy groups. Bernard Marx just cannot "see it" but pretends to anyway, as everyone is doing it. In our world, Christian churches actively recruiting new "Christians" through fun-filled and exciting activities have also popped up, making their religion a farce as people choose to belong to a religion for social rather than religious reasons. Of course there are the really religious who do not belong to that group but I digress. My point is how much have people been enslaved by religion, not physically but through fear in their hearts in the case of terrorists, or through "fun".
These two books are just an example of how Lit lessons actually make me think and how the books are actually just a distorted reflection of our own world, not unlike a circus fun mirror. The features might be exaggerated and contorted to look fatter, skinnier, taller or shorter, but the actual truth remains. No matter how distorted the reflection of an object is, the object has to be there in order for the mirror to have a reflection. We might never get to the distorted world on the other side of the mirror, nor they to us, but the truths which are reflected should not be ignored.
I do not have a suitable conclusion and it shall not be thought upon later. I shall just end abruptl
to join the green parade.
A wave of green had invaded the dusty gray square. Three contingents stood at attention. They would be standing at attention for the next fifteen minutes, awaiting the arrival of a talk they could not choose to avoid. Cirrus clouds floated lightly overhead, as the breeze gently shook the leaves and brushed the flag, briefly expanding it like a sail. Birds rose into the sky, the morning and beyond. The green parade remained unmoved.
In the 3rd row of the 13th column of the rightmost contingent, part of the green moved. Unseen. Movement in files was not allowed, yet wriggling of toes was encouraged to aid in blood circulation, so as to avoid fainting. Toes were concealed by footwear. It is only illegal if you get caught.
4 columns to the right and 1 row ahead, green pants buzzed loudly. Or rather, the mobile phone in the green pants pocket did. There was an internal struggle. The hand longed to follow its natural reaction and reach into the pocket, as it always did. The mind held it back, with its invisible tentacles. The mind faltered, wondered what was the important message the electronic messenger had so urgently delivered. Had something happened? He would never forgive himself for not reading the message if something had.
The man in power had arrived. But before his speech was the national anthem. The green parade was told to sing with pride and gusto. The result was a mixture between soft mumbling and loud off-key notes. The speech began. Despite sharing the same chinese name as Hong Kong comedian Eric Tsang, the speech proved the Man to be anything but. The microphones projected the endless droning, as if prompting the entire parade to fall asleep. The words buzzed and hummed around the ears like an irritating insect, waiting to be swatted at. Many a member of the green parade fell asleep on their feet. Their minds wandered from Australia to Zimbabwe, but never stopping where they were supposed to be.
Legs began to shake. Too much pressure on a single position. Beads of sweat crawled down cheeks, backs and legs. The seconds were passing like years. Yet the years passed like seconds. It wasn't too long ago this same group of people were little boys pretending to be soldiers. Now they were soldiers pretending to be little boys. The droning stopped, and the green parade stood at attention. Salvation was near.
The command was given. The green parade scattered. The gray square had beaten off the green invasion. Cirrus clouds still floated overhead. The hand reached into the pocket after 20 minutes of struggle. He saw the urgent message.
who's the motherflippin.
The title was just one line from Flight of the Conchords' Hiphoppopotamus vs Rhymenoceros. What I really want to share is this picture.

This is what is known as "the roxzorzxz".
guard your paradise.
After my 3rd day in paradise, I still have no idea on what is really going on. Partly because they haven't really informed us. Other than the fact that on April 5th, I have the duty to guard and protect my paradise. April 5th is a Saturday. Now my Saturdays are so much more meaningful.
On another note, I have really nothing much to say. I'll be back when I do.
edit: I do have something to say right now. I desperately need a new cameraless handphone because the 8310 takes 24seconds to access my inbox and it is a real pain when I have to delete smses(not that I get alot). I want one as fast as Robert Kubica.
sleepy saturdays lead to sundays anyway.
As I am sure all who read this may have expected, the post title has once again no link to the post content. This has become a bad habit of mine, which tends to mislead readers, including myself when I am reading my own archives. Anyway, there has been nothing going on, except for me failing BTT again. I think I'm not destined to drive. Not until I begin to actually study before going for the test anyway.
The day has once again slipped by without much activity, besides going out and buying a birthday present for my aunt. It's close to 10pm already and I haven't had any decent brain activity. Other than failing the test, which counts as a waste of my sleeping hours. And EZ Link money. And it was raining the whole day today, which is good weather for sleeping. And so I did. Sleeping seems like a terrible way to pass your time, but when there's nothing productive for you to do anyway, why not give your body a much needed recharge before ending this long period of break and diving straight into another few months of NS.
I don't know who I am exactly giving advice to because I'm not the best person to get advice from. That's because I'm pretty much an actionless and unmotivated guy. Which once again fails to link up. My brain is pretty much chopped to bits from this inaction and unmotivation, since I'm not any closer to getting a driving license, and there seems to be little chance to touch a football in the coming weeks due to my other friends' postings. It's just me and yams and even he has his "gurgle". No wonder I said I was a hermit snail bear.
i am a hermit snail bear postman.
Waking up at 4pm on Good Friday and having breakfast at 5.15pm certainly qualifies me to be a bear. A hibernating one while we're at that. And having only 6 hours to go until Saturday, it certainly qualifies me to be a hermit, having spent more than 3 quarters of the day without human contact. As for snail, it's probably just how slow I move. Having made plans to go out myself today, I see myself being too lazy to do so, which is economical since staying at home doesn't require the spending of things I have in scarcity, such as money, despite me claiming to have it in abundance.
On another note, I have gotten my posting. In the exact words of the SAF website:
NRIC: | S******** | Name: | TEH JIA PIN, JUSTIN |
Comd SAF BMTC wishes you all the best in your future posting. |
Your Posting Order is listed below: |
1. | You are posted to | SAF OETI. |
2. | Your vocation is | ARMT TECH - TURRET. |
3. | Your are to report to: | Ayer Rajah Camp, BLK ***, RM #01-02. |
| Reporting Date/Time: | 24/03/2008 at 0800 hrs. |
| Person to report to: | Course Clerk / AS |
| Contact Number: | 65590861 |
| You are required to report in smart no.4 uniform (PES E recruits to be in No 3 uniform), except for those assigned to Police Force. |
4. | Special Instruction: | No Camera Handphone is allowed. You are not required to bring along the SAF issued items given during BMT, except for PT Kit. This is a staying-out unit. |
This is all that's required. Further attached is a map on how I'm supposed to report to my new unit etc. 8 to 5. WHEE!
'tis thursday today
So? What is the big deal about Thursdays? Nothing I suppose. But on this particular Thursday preceding Good Friday, Darren, Stix and I had met up with Ms Foo and Shaun, her 6 month old kid(by kid I mean baby human and not baby goat). Just to catch up. Apparently, she had not considered any of our opinions when naming her human kid. Ingenius names such as Cosmopoli Tan, Gos Tan, Kazahks Tan and various others were rejected. However, we did find out that Lester's daughter is named Jewelle. Which is partly our suggestion. I think.
Anyway, Shaun is a cute 6 month old with vice like fingers, a vacuum cleaner mouth and a mood swing that is the mother of mood swings. Even menopausal women couldn't have mood swings like he does. In fact, Robert is like the McDonald's advertisement baby, laughing and crying at split seconds. It is the food factor that causes Robert to have the mood swings as he is a greedy baby. Robert, by the way, is our new name for Shaun. Why Robert? Because it can be said in such a tone that is similar to Liang Xi Mei of Comedy Night in the years gone by. Therefore Robert. Anyway, he is very cute and I sure hope he doesn't grow up to be like any of us, who were his major influences since before he was born. It's not because we're bad influences but because too much of a good thing can be bad.
Anyway, after bidding Ms Foo and a semi asleep Shaun/Robert behind, the Thursday preceding Good Friday unfolded as it was and I am lazy to say how because that's the way geniuses tend to be. University applications are a pain in the ass. And Panadol doesn't work. Oh and it's actually Friday already. It just still feels like Thursday because I haven't yet gone to bed.
the mad rush for papers.
This period happens to be in the rush hour. The middle of a rush for university applications by students who have recently gotten their A Level results, be they dazzling or mediocre, Polytechnic students with their diploma and a mish-mash of other students. In todays dog-eat-dog world of business, politics, McShaker Fries and George Bush(okay so the last two were rather irrelevant but some know where I got the idea from), a piece of paper known as a degree is the minimum to survive. In fact, it is the minimum to even have a chance of survival, meaning having it does not guarantee survival. Therefore this mad rush, which I'm sure has come to be a part of every students life whether he likes it or not, ensues.
In the rush for the papers, which cannot be purchased for a mere 65cents like The Straits Times or Lian He Zao Bao, applicants rush to do all sorts of community service to polish up their application forms. This factoid was obtained from the papers which CAN be purchased for a mere 65cents, proving how much more useful it is to an everyday man. But I digress. The thing about discretionary admissions based on non-academic achievements is that it's meant for people who really care and do their part for the community, sports and whatever not. The other thing about it is that it also creates this group of actors who PRETEND they do their part for whatever and then stop doing it when they get admitted into their faculty of choice(or not). (This factoid was once again obtained from the same article in the same purchasable paper people are not rushing for.)
My point is that if one doesn't have any non-academic achievements, surely by doing some last minute thing, it wouldn't help much. Besides, if one gets admitted, it was not by their own abilities(in acting yes, but other than that no). And if that's the case probably the Arts Faculty would like to invite them over for a degree in Theatre Studies. But once again I digress. Besides, even though doing this CIP thing is not morally right, students don't give a shit once they get what they want. Tragic but true.
I myself have done the university applications, without the added lustre of the non-academic achievements glossed over, despite having gone for some CIP myself. Firstly, contacting the organisation in Thailand will result in a lot of inconveniences. Besides, I do not believe CIP should be what gets one into university. If my application gets me nowhere, then I know it's got to do with my mediocre results and probably my lack of ability to gloss over what little achievement I've rushed out during this period. At least I don't lie to myself. (And I hope an unpolished application stands out from loads of polished ones =D)
the future.
"Southern California was shedding all its yesterdays.When the future proved to be a cruel place, no evidence of a better past would exist, and therefore the loss would be less painful." -The Good Guy, Dean Koontz
it's just for show.
It was such a relief to have finally booked out. An organisation which prides itself in efficiency is actually so fucked up. I'm glad the parents have seen the other side.
On another note, no more island resorts for me. Or are there? YES THERE IS! Phuket tomorrow! I'd take that over the island I just fucked off from anytime. As anyone would.
I feel this sudden urge to pick up bass again.
magic mushrooms.
The A-Level results have come out. Not that they were in anything to begin with. I have found out without much interest that my results are the usual genius neither here nor there results. B for Lit, C for Geog and D for Econs. Contrary to what I thought, there was no need to tire my legs and climb to the 5th floor of W Coyline and take the leap. Besides, to quote a genius friend of mine
" don't you feel that life can be explained well with a game of mario.
when you start off it is easy peasy with only a few mushrooms to squash.
but after you level up by collecting the star and flower and become more experienced and powerful, the adversaries also get more powerful with flying tortoises and random assortments (i have not played until so far you see). but even though u have become the giant mario with bullet shooting abilities, one touch of a measly mushroom will turn you back into normal puny mario."-SJ
Which is what I couldn't put into words. There are people who do better, people who do worse. But when you take a step back, this exam is just a mushroom(the bad kind with eyes). There are plenty of the good growing mushrooms or even the flower which gives you bullet shooting abilities. As such, I have lost my ability to type further as I myself am in a state of confusion, because I do not know whether I should be sad that I could do better or happy that I got close to what I think I would get. The hot and cold feelings get mixed into something lukewarm, which is the temperature I should be consuming my liquids due to a sore throat and one blocked nostril.
i wonder weather the whether will be fine.
The 7.45am sun at SAF Ferry Terminal shone brightly for the first time in days. The morning sun had been missing for a few days. The start of a beautiful day, until 2.30pm. Then it gets better or worse.
And I'm just wondering, whether toadstools are a type of fungus or toad shit.
toilet paper for sale. (a cock and bull story)
The title of this post actually does not have anything to do with what I have to say. But I thought it sounded rather interesting. About as interesting as a "TOILET PAPER 99cents" sign you see in NTUC Fairprice. Which it technically can be. What I wanted to discuss, as I said, has nothing to do with toilet paper. It might have something to do with cup noodles though. Cup noodles can be linked to toilet paper in the sense that if you accidentally spill some cup noodles, toilet paper comes into play. Cup noodles in this sense however, actually refers to a person. Therefore, toilet paper does not come into play at all and I struggle to make sense of why I'm still using the word sense in what is essentially nonsense(that's better).
Back to my point(which I actually haven't started on). I was thinking of doing peer appraisals for my platoon, which of course being a genius, I haven't started on. Like the point I was going to make(which I have just started on). So anyway, while doing peer appraisals, I realised how much easier it was to criticise someone and only look at their faults, while being totally oblivious to their merits. That being said, I believe the people I am going to list as the bottom 3 cadets have no merits at all. Which is living proof of my point.
People, myself included, don't look at something from all perspectives before laying down a judgment. I try my best to give someone I don't know the benefit of the doubt before judging him/her. However, I think the case for everyone is that the first impression counts a lot. Which is partly the reason why people are so judgmental. And even though one might try not to judge someone else, the first impression is subconsciously having an effect on the conscious mind.
Therefore, it would be a good move for one not to have this smug look on his face when his status is the same as everyone. And shout like the organisation belongs to his grandfather. It would degrade him to the bottom of the name list. In my books. Secondly, when one already looks like shit, at least try to counter it with air-freshener like behaviour. Because shit looks with shit behaviour stinks(pun intended). It would make the person/people reach the second from bottom of my list. Thirdly, try not to make a big deal out of everything, from slipping in toilets to your weight, to how good looking you think you actually are. Please note that people do have orb-like structures within their head sockets with visual sensory nerves. These are otherwise known as eyes.
There you go. All I have spurted out in the past paragraph was criticism. No good points. Maybe I could say that the shouting guy has a good pair of lungs. And the smug look could be a sign of confidence. And that shit is actually good because it is a form of fertiliser rich in nitrates. So shit looks plus shit behaviour = double action fertiliser. And making a big deal out of everything is good. I don't know why but it is. So is having the confidence to tell yourself you look good when other people wonder if you've ever seen a mirror.
Besides that, I believe I am very tired. I am tired a lot nowadays. But tiredness is in the mind. If I believe I am not tired, I won't be. But why would I do that? Sleep is good.