Saturday, March 29, 2008

a LITtle piece of heaven.

I woke up today and looked back at my blog archives because I was up way to early for Saturday and I realised how I missed Mr Pang's Literature lessons, which wasn't merely about books and the analysis of books and poems and how it's all just lingual and fantastic nonsense which does not concern our lives.

It actually does.

How? Take for example Brave New World by Huxley, which is a portrayal of the future back in his days. Compare it to our world today. There are the wide differences but there are also similarities too haunting to ignore. The exaggerated lack of freedom in the book make us chuckle. But how much do we realise that the exaggeration is actually not as much as we think it is? We are equally shackled as any Bernard Marx or John the Savage, but by different chains. And how automation and efficiency will take over the world. Look at the world today and ask yourself. Has it happened already? Has the world been caught up by efficiency and the exploitation of the Deltas and the Epsilons? It sure looks so, as the so-called Alphas of the EMDCs exploit the Deltas and Epsilons of the ELDCs. In our case, they are not so much affected by the lack of intelligence, but by the lack of development and education. Just as in BNW, they are not allowed to develop and will probably never do so, as that would mean the end of cheap labour.

Or take Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. How much as the world been taken over by religious groups claiming their own different interpretations in their holy texts to be correct. Religion has become an excuse for the terrorist groups for their widespread violence. People look at the Islamic terrorist groups but long ago there were the IRA, a Catholic group. BNW also degrades religion and mass into giant orgy groups. Bernard Marx just cannot "see it" but pretends to anyway, as everyone is doing it. In our world, Christian churches actively recruiting new "Christians" through fun-filled and exciting activities have also popped up, making their religion a farce as people choose to belong to a religion for social rather than religious reasons. Of course there are the really religious who do not belong to that group but I digress. My point is how much have people been enslaved by religion, not physically but through fear in their hearts in the case of terrorists, or through "fun".

These two books are just an example of how Lit lessons actually make me think and how the books are actually just a distorted reflection of our own world, not unlike a circus fun mirror. The features might be exaggerated and contorted to look fatter, skinnier, taller or shorter, but the actual truth remains. No matter how distorted the reflection of an object is, the object has to be there in order for the mirror to have a reflection. We might never get to the distorted world on the other side of the mirror, nor they to us, but the truths which are reflected should not be ignored.

I do not have a suitable conclusion and it shall not be thought upon later. I shall just end abruptl


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