medicine is the best medicine.
Right. Now that Hall Productions are over I've got a big swollen lump of flesh in my mouth, a nose that's blocked and runny at the same time, and a deep throaty cough that works up a little bit of my lungs every single time without fail. As the saying goes, what doesn't kill me makes me even whinier. So here I am. One of these days I think people who get sick of my whining might just shoot me instead.
Some reflections on Hall Prod though. The thing I want to say most to everyone is
FUCK THANK YOU! For making the long and arduous journey more interesting, fun exciting, and sometimes even more long and arduous. Not gonna mention names but special mention to Props and Sets and the people who helped out. Late nights working have never been so interesting. What props and sets have gone through together is close to army, and that's something that brings people together to a certain extent. There was also a certain lack of respect to authority which makes things just a little more fun. Cheers and here's to more good times. Meanwhile, time to get
high well on (prescription) drugs.
prose over hos
My Iron Maiden tees look so damn poser now that I've cut my hair. I'm beginning to lose my flair for writing long prose ever since the creation of fucking microblogging and facebook statuses and whatever the fuck it is. And I'm falling into that trap. I need to reverse it in order to preserve whatever writing skills I have left.
On another note, here's a brilliant insult from Shanks. "Slower than steam rising off a dog turd."
And on that bombshell, I'll see you(myself) again.