Monday, January 31, 2011


In light of the heavy rain in Singapore for the past 30 hours, an ark should be built, in case there are further cases of severe flooding and Singapore goes the way of Venice(sinking). Should such a situation arise, we should board the ark two by two, in orderly fashion, with a member of the opposite gender, to ensure survival. This is done in a first come first serve basis unless the captain of the ark, whoever it may be deems the individual unsuitable for boarding. There may be several factors, including but not limited to:

a) Health - Individual should be healthy and free of diseases. Especially those of the venereal variety.

b) Aesthetic quality - At the captain's discretion.

c) Skill set - Should be able to contribute to society once the flooding subsides.

The above may be changed at the discretion of the captain, or the person letting people in. Thus it is advised that one should be on good terms with that person, as yet undecided.

Citizens are also advised to learn swimming, should the situation arise that one might need to travel across a water body to safety or does not have a place in the ark(STD carriers take note). There is an alternative - drowning, which is not as attractive as swimming. Using of flotation devices are also an alternative, if an individual does not wish to learn to swim, nor suffer the forced entry of water into the respiratory system. However, it is not foolproof. Besides the fact that they might not be able to support a large mass, the sight of one clinging on to the flotation device in desperation might lead to a total loss of dignity. Should an individual be seen as such, he/she should consider letting go and instead fall into the sweet embrace of death.

*While it is understood that the ark is also a flotation device, one should understand that they might not have a place in it, one they do not meet the criteria.

It should also be noted that as this article is being completed, it seems that the rain has stopped. The proposal is thus shelved until the next 30 hour thunderstorm.


Saturday, January 08, 2011

another new year huh?

So the first post for 2011 comes on the 8th of January. Nothing to do with resolutions and shit like that. This years New Years Eve party was the best ever. I think everything should be left untouched in memory and conversation form rather than be made to sound boring here. Great company, great drinks, great games, great fun. Participated in my first interhall games, which is still ongoing. In the process, I have lost my voice in totality, making it impossible for me to speak in any way except for whispering. Anyway, I don't have much to say. It's posting for the sake of it.
