Friday, November 30, 2007

who nose?

Sometimes I really question the way the universe works. How can something which does not let air permeate it allow an endless stream of slightly viscous liquid to flow through it? The answer is my nose, though it does not answer the how. It only answers the what, which of course I did not ask. I also cannot answer how, which is why I questioned it in the first place. However, I believe I would not have the patience to listen to anyone who has the answer.

Another strange phenomenon that is occurring is that I have found myself reading Edgar Allen Poe and The Handmaid's Tale of late. Those were my exam texts, which until the day after the exams I have not fully read. Living proof of how rapidly interest is degenerated by "education". Interest, of course, is not the only thing that education degenerates. Education also degenerates what I'd call an inquisitive and creative mind. If one has to be taught to be creative, it is manufactured. Meaning its at best "creative"(with Dr. Evil action). Thus during the long examination period, I have found myself incapable of deep(or extremely shallow) thoughts having nothing to do with what I have to write on the examination answer scripts. One of these I was particularly proud of was how to lead a person on a wild goose chase. It's hidden somewhere in my archives and I am lazy to retype it out. It's wonderful if I say so myself. Since I sense this veering to the direction of an egoistical post proclaiming my own genius, I shall go back to my original subject. Education, education, education.

These days, the aim of Singaporean education seems to be out of date. Admittedly in the past, as we needed a quick fix solution to have people of high education, the system was rightly merit based and thus highly competitive. However, 40 years on, this results oriented mentality has been deeply embedded in many a Singaporean student. As a need for more holistic education arises, our system has been found to be sorely lacking. While actions have been taken to correct this, what I believe we need to change is not the system but the mentality. As for now, while making all the observations about the type of education, I find myself more and more resembling Bernard Marx of Huxley's Brave New World, where the resistance I am able to put up is next to none. My next phase of education(non-academic) seeks to correct my blasphemous thoughts.

As for now, I am glad to enjoy thoughts(deep or shallow) being at least able to flow through what remains of my brain after the examinations.



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