Wednesday, November 28, 2007

prom missing.

Prom Night. These two words hold very special meaning to most, and very little to very little. Why? This night, will be a night where classmates (might) see their fellow classmates for the last time, JC or secondary school. But thats not the important part to most people. The most important part is dressing to impress. Guys decked out in sharp suits want to impress girls in their dresses. Members of both sexes do up their hair, buy new clothes for the occasion. This is no class reunion. This is a time where people just want to look good for the cameras(which they bring themselves). After all, there aren't many chances for people our age to wear gowns or suits. Well this is the case for most people anyway.

Then there are people like Bobby, whom I greatly admire. He has decided since some time ago, the $80 was a ridiculously exorbitant amount to pay to enter a hotel to look at people dress up, as well as having to spend money and dress up yourself. Therefore, on the grand, sacred night(to most people), with the theme of Hollywood and a red carpet, albeit one that looks like a toilet anti-slip rug, Bobby has decided to stay at home and try out Battlefield 2 with his new joystick. Money and time well spent I'd say.

Then there's people like me. I thought it was going to be at least okay. Then as the day drew nearer, I realised it was a pain having to dress up and became less and less enthusiastic. In the end, having bought a new shirt and pants for $43 in total and a new jacket for fucking $189(I don't know what got into me), I wore old clothes to prom. With the jacket. I realised how stupid paying for that damn jacket was, unless of course I had a holiday to somewhere relatively colder than Singapore, which would make it money well spent. Anyway, since I couldn't really be bothered anymore, I decided to wear old clothes and save them new ones for other occasions. Which would be likely to mean collect dust in the cupboard. And so I turned up looking decidedly less smart and more sloppy than generally most of everyone. Except the guy who wore a suit with New Balance shoes. What the fuck was he thinking? No one will ever find out the secret of abysmal (some would say fashion but I'd say common) sense. Joseph thought he was looking sloppy with a long sleeved polo, but anythings better than New Balance Boy.

And to the occasion itself. For me, it was at best, slightly boring. I had good fun talking to some friends, but that was only about 20% of the time because most of the time I was sitting on my chair, waiting for the next course to come, while watching some stuff being played out on stage. To be fair the emcee was not bad. Maybe I'm bitter because I didn't win anything in the lucky draw, and the prizes happened to be very attractive. All the numbers drawn out started with S89 etc, which had nothing to do with me. Once again, it's the lack of prizes won by me that's causing this slightly angry tone. Nothing to do with the fact that the prom was quite boring and me, having the social circle as wide as a caveman was stuck in my seat looking forward to the next course, while classmates interacted with their other friends. Actually, once again, it's more of my problem rather than other people's but being part of this responsibility shirking generation, I like to place the blame on anyone and anything EXCEPT myself. Well, I did participate in some activity which required me to blow a balloon until it burst and the last one to finish would have to go on stage. I wasn't the last one. But he had a prize. But less about this depressing topic.

There was also some awards being given out, which I felt was a popularity contest. Prom king, prom queen, Photogenic awards, best dressed awards. It was all a matter of, who is the most high profile. Stix won the best dressed guy, for which I do not have many complaints, since he looked different. But it was also the fact that our college happens to be SJI dominated that he managed to be nominated. The other awards were all something like that.

Post prom was, well I didn't go. My personal post prom consisted of crashing Kenneth's house and playing Winning Eleven and watching football all night. Other than that, what I really want to say is that the above was not meant in all seriousness and I had wanted to look like an angry outsider kid. It wasn't all that bad. It had it's fun moments. I wasn't sulking all the way. Perhaps the word to describe it was bland. Well for me it was. Because I didn't win any prize.



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