Friday, February 23, 2007

on the eve on chinese new years eve

We had some sort of celebration in school on Friday. It wasn't exactly a celebration. It was some sort of a performance which lasted for 1 hour. It was one of the worst Chinese New Year celebrations I had in school, other than that in school last year. Maybe it is because our principal happens to be an ang mor, who doesn't realise that Chinese New Year is a big event to Chinese. But less about that.

After years of complaining and fighting the so-called system, I have come to realise my folly. It is no use fighting the system because I realise that the problem might not lie with the system. After all, systems are put in place for a reason, which is to maintain order. The problem instead, lies with the people who are managing the system. I know the system is not perfect. But even if the system is perfect, the people who manage the system are flawed. They are probably the biggest flaw in any system.

Why do I say this? Because of the fact that people usually look to bend any rules and slightest flaws in the system to their own advantage. And when they push it too far, the system collapses. Take Communist Russia under at the end of its era. Another reason is a different interpretation of rules by different people. As such, the same set of rules could mean very different things to two people. If the authorities punish a person for doing something they interpret to be wrong while the person has a different interpretation, it's as good as punishing someone for doing something they do not believe to be wrong.

And why this sudden realisation? Because about 50 people were absent from school on Thursday with 10 from my class. And somehow the Stalin of CJC looked upon it as "boycott"
. WOW! Even those with the holy paper(MC) had to see him. But they could not do anything because some of us had the MC and they just wanted to scare us. If they did something, it would be going against their own rules because what is required for absenteeism is an MC. If they did punish those with MCs it would be as good as punishing someone because they were sick. A "flaw" in the system if i ever saw one.

As for those without, I do not know what might happen to them. But hooray for the flaw in the system.



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