Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the entire irony of things.

Sometimes, life just makes you wonder. At how things work out.

I am barely past the 3rd week since school has reopened. And there has been a change of 4 timetable already, with only the fourth change being a minor one. And it has made me wonder at how the timetable committee can be so bad at managing timetables that it has taken 4 tries to get it right. Maybe it's not as easy as it looks. But regardless of the difficulty of the task, it should have never needed 3 major changes in the timetable and one last minor change.

The real reason it has pissed me off so much is actually due to school hours. The most favourable timetable was the first one, with school ending at 1pm on four days and 3pm on one. Then it became later, with Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays ending later than Thursdays and Fridays. Then on Wednesday, a NEWER timetable came in, changing the short days again, to the days we had already attended the long days and extended the 2 of our short days. Is this some joke the fucking school is trying to play? Is A Levels not enough for the students to worry about? We still have to worry about what fucking things to bring the next day. AND when we will ever get a short day?

The entire irony of things is that a timetable is supposed to help one manage time. And so far, all it has done is to confuse and piss me off.



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