Friday, January 05, 2007

the environment shapes a person.

While I was listening to 摩托車日記 by 五月天, I was reminded by both the title and the lyrics of the 2004 movie The Motorcycle Diaries, which follows the life of revolutionary cult figure Che Guevarra. I have not caught the movie but I have read reviews and plot outlines and am tempted to rent the DVD now.

Most people probably know Che Guevarra as the face on many T-shirts, bags and other assorted merchandise. The Motorcycle Diaries shows a more human side of Che. From the idealistic medical student who starts out on a road trip across South America on a motorcycle with his friend, whose name escapes me at the moment, Che sees sights that transform him into the revolutionary figure he is. The lyrics of the song follow closely to the movie's theme and how I am able to think of a movie I haven't even watched from this song and now want to watch, it I do not know.

I am tempted to try to justify my link here but I do not want this to turn into some Literature cross referencing essay. But what I do want to say is that it is the environment that Che goes through that shaped him from an idealistic medical graduate to a guerilla figure who helped Cuban president Fidel Castro drive the USA to Guatanamo Bay. Similarly, where we are schooled and how we are brought up affects our thinking.

Therefore, we do not always end up the way we want to be. Our dreams and aspirations change along the way, as does Che's. At the end of the day, we might be far from what we ideally dream to be because of the environment that affects us. However, there are people who turn out greater than their dreams. Like Che Guevarra , who became a cult figure that is remembered up till today due to his revolutionary actions. Had he followed his field of studies and became a doctor, had he not taken that road trip, we might not even know his name. Just like him, we all have the potential to be greater than we dream.

誰願意和我 一起寫一個傳說
就算誰能 消滅了我
卻奪不走我們 作夢的自由

Translated into " Who is willing to write a legend with me. Even if anyone destroys me, they cannot take away my freedom to dream". I think somehow this phrase from the song sums up what I want to say perfectly.



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