Sunday, January 14, 2007

oh well...

Sometimes, it is really difficult to fathom how a weekend can just fly away when I was just sitting on my ass doing nothing. Maybe it has something to do with me waking up at 3pm. Still, it's really fast.

Anyway, somewhere in the really fast yet boring weekend, I was having a conversation with one of my friends who is doing teaching as a part-time job. In a primary school. And according to her, (some)kids these days are horrible. Some were horrible in my days barely 6 years ago but not as horrible as them. I think.

Anyway, the primary school memories came flooding back. How I was held back during recess because I talked in class or did not do homework or had extremely bad handwriting. Apparently, these days, the kids are only allowed to be held back for 5 minutes during recess. And there were many things teachers did then which are not allowed now. And I thought they were all conquering creatures when I was a kid. Now, if the teacher touches your arm and you complain, it could possibly result in a pay dock for the teacher.

Now that gives me an idea. I could try that on Jek Suan and his baldy head. But then I wouldn't want to risk being in the blacklist for 1 whole year. Oh well... actually I am just fucking bored. I need something to do other than studying. And my brain is devoid of the genius inspiration that causes me to type something very very very very very very very very annoying like this extremely long sentence which will cause you to read on and on and on and on and on even though you know this is about to happen because I have done it before yet you still keep reading because you want to find out whether there will be anything different this time round which I will be very sorry to imform that there will be nothing different since this sentence is for the same annoying purpose which is to irritate the hell out of whoever is reading this so are you done reading yet because I am done typing.



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