Monday, April 21, 2008

opinions opinions opinions.

As the wise saying goes, "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one." The source of this phrase has yet to be found and I would love to claim it as my own, except for the fact that I would not be doing the genius who said it justice. As the saying says(of course what else could a saying do), everyone has an opinion. They might be similar, they might differ or they might be variants of each other. But what gives one man to have the right of way over another mans opinions? Probably nothing I'd say. Unless of course he is louder, more powerful, meaner, stronger etc. But other than by force, it would be safe to say that everyone has full power over their own opinions.

But there is always a case of people trying to influence the opinions and thinking of others around them, to suit their own needs more. The word for it is "psyco" or to put it in a less nice way, manipulation. There was the stay-in saga(not a very good word for this context), where Mr Shiun tried to psyco others to stay in with him. But it was all in the name of fun and nobody in their right mind would listen to his cries of madness(for the lack of a better word. or rather for the lack of motivation to find a better word). This fun psycoing is done throughout one's life and there is nothing wrong with a little joke-lie thing to persuade people to do some stupid-and-will-probably-regret-for-the-rest-of-your-life thing with you because it's all in the name of fun right?

What I dislike more is when people try to tell other people how to do things their way. "Hey you must blah blah blah." And it's wrong. It's firstly a disrespect for others opinions, and secondly an insult to their intelligence. I don't believe in anyone who is on the same level as another giving instructions. Everyone is on the same boat and I would very much prefer everyone to treat everyone else as equals. Of course there's the possibility of sabo-ing others who do not know and blindly follow instructions(such as me today but geniuses are entitled their moments of stupidity). Which isn't very nice.

Another thing that gets on my nerves is when people try to "super power force"(I don't know what the hell this is supposed to mean. And I'm using brackets extensively again) their opinions on others. I think it's time to sit back, relax and take a look at the people one is trying to "super power force" their opinions on. Yes. Look at that guy. He has brains. So does that guy. And that girl. Oh guess what. They can think. So they don't need you and your opinions forced on them. Of course by "you" I mean a general "you" and am not aiming anyone in particular. My (imaginary) readers are all nice and easy-going people which apart from frequently trying to get me to try heroin and practise unprotected sex, don't engage in such psyco-ing. BUT I digress.

One example of "super power forcing" is saying "What's so bad about overseas posting? Why don't you want to go?" What needs to be told to Mr Super Power Force is "Why do you care if people want to go? If you want to go that's your own business. Go and mind it before it makes losses and it collapses and you owe the bank alot of money because you cannot afford to pay the loans you took from the bank and therefore become a bankrupt from not minding your own business." That's a mouthful.

And these, people, are just my opinions. I shall not force them upon you imaginary people out there.


ps. In case you decide not to agree with me, let me inform you of a microchip implanted in your brain that can track whether you agree with me or not. If you don't, the chip will send signals to trigger a small but violent explosion within your brain, causing a bloody mess at your computer which your parents(or maid) have to clean up but won't because they are too busy grieving for their son/daughter whose head just exploded suddenly while they were shaking their heads at something. But of course it wasn't sudden. And I'm not forcing you guys to agree with me. Not at all. Just notifying you of the consequences. =D


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