Tuesday, October 02, 2007

While we are on characters, Mr John Lennon.

So anyway, as the title suggests, I'm going to write something about John Lennon. As well as how Mayday so aptly used him in a song. Which probably means I have been listening to the songs quite recently. While I go along, I'd like to give credit to Mr Ashin of Mayday who is quite adept at using perspectives of other characters to write his songs, many of which are based on famous characters like Neil Armstrong in my previous post, John Lennon in my current post, Mickey Mouse, Superman, Che Guevara, alien, which I probably will not post about. I might. But I'm not sure. Meanwhile, Mr John Lennon of The Beatles fame.

约翰蓝侬(once again the Chinese translation of an English name. Really English this time.)

那年冬天 子弹 它给了你自由
The winter that year, the bullet gave you freedom.[If anyone doesn't know, Mr Lennon was shot. I assume everyone knows and I'm just spouting a load of organic waste here.]

没了躯壳 就活在人们心中
Without your shell, you live in people's hearts

Looking at today, will you smile or shake your head.

The whole world once dreamt with you

Today, peace still lasts in the songs

Suspicion and gunfire still lives with me

Can you lend me your courage for awhile?

When dreams are disappearing

Let my song pierce the air

为我爱的人做一秒英雄 woh
Let me be a hero for one second, for my loved ones. woh.[right why did i translate woh]

Why does a single red bean want to fight with the universe one-on-one

It's all because you planted a seed(of something, which I personally would assume to be the courage to dream. It's not explicitly written.) in my heart.

一把吉他 就想对抗万千炮火
A guitar, against millions of guns.

玩着游戏 出糗 喧闹的摄影棚
I shame myself while playing games in the crowded recording studio.[I presume Ashin is talking about himself playing games with his band members]

怪兽 石头 默默的吐在厕所
Monster and Stone puke in the toilet quietly.[Yes he is. How the hell does he make so much sense of nonsense?]

ok 再来 要世界为我们感动
ok, let's go, let the world be moved by us.[I refuse to use touch because of the possible negative connotations.]

Can you lend me your courage for awhile?

When dreams are disappearing

Let my song pierce the air

Let me be a hero for one second, for my loved ones.

Can you lend me your dreams for awhile

When courage is disappearing

One day, I want someone to call me a Beatle

Even if I don't succeed, I would have had the most beautiful dream.

So I guess the song is not in the perspective of Mr Lennon at all. It's in the perspective of a person who looks up to him. If anyone happens to think this song might be emo to a certain extent, I absolutely assure them. NO! IT'S NOT EMO! It happens to have quite a catchy, Beatle-like melody. I wonder why I'm plugging Mayday on my blog. Beatles rocks also. I realise this translation also makes more sense than Armstrong, though it has lost all sense of beauty in terms of poetic structure. Oh well.



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