Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Neil Armstrong says "A small step for me, a giant step for mankind". Or something.

In the wake of Sze Ying's translation of Mr 嶽's songs, I am inspired to do a little translation of my own. Of who else but Neil Armstrong. Actually it's Mayday. The song itself 阿姆斯壮 is about Neil Armstrong because it's the Chinese translation of his name. No, it's not about Armstrong only but Armstrong is used as a tool to convey the message of the song. Which I shall try to translate, thus losing 98% of the original meaning along the way. I hope not actually. It's going to be quite a literal translation with little or no attempt to change the grammar so pardon me on that. I'm just motivationally challenged(read: lazy)


阿姆斯壮登陆月球 是我心的感动
Armstrong lands on the moon. It's a great feeling in my heart.[I cannot translate 感动. Which does show the superiority of Mandarin in conveying subtle language nuances.]

Finally, I have landed safely on your heart.

阿姆斯壮那个家伙 他好像有说过
The fella Armstrong, he seems to have said before

这一步虽小 对我来说却是大突破
This might be a small step, but to me it's a big breakthrough. [even though that's not what Armstrong said. But it's a literal translation and a song!]

Wo-oh-oh-oh, I don't want to endure this anymore. Wo-oh-oh-oh, leave this boring planet. [Once again due to loss of poetic 押韵 as well as the melody, this doesn't make much sense.]

柔道插花街舞调酒 这些我都学过
Judo, flower arrangement, breakdance, cocktail mixing, I've learnt all of this before.

I even trained up my muscles, and worked on my humour.

为你而笑为你发疯 你叹气我刮风
For you I smile for you I go crazy. A sigh from you is a gale to me.

Love is not free, but it's ok, I can accept it.

喔喔喔喔 我不要再忍受 喔喔喔喔 离开无聊的地球
Wo-oh-oh-oh, I don't want to endure this anymore. Wo-oh-oh-oh, leave this boring planet.[again]

喔喔喔喔 我不要再忍受 喔喔喔喔
Wo-oh-oh-oh, I don't want to endure this anymore. Wo-oh-oh-oh

Give me an excuse to live.[At this point in time I shall cut in to say that I do not think the phrase is meant to be emo. I just cannot translate it without at least some people feeling this way, due to upcoming events.]

请你爱我 我不要再忍受
Please love me, I don't want to endure this anymore. [At this point in time, I shall cut in(again) to say that even though the protagonist of the song sounds damn desperate, he's not. At least I think he's not. Or at least the melody influences me to think that way. Also technically 请你爱我 means I invite you to love me, which sounds nonsensical. But this is no time for technicalities =)]

请你爱我 给我活着的借口
Please love me, give me an excuse to live.

Armstrong lands on the moon. It's a great feeling in my heart.

Finally I have landed on your heart.

This is a great breakthrough!

Okay, I'm finally done with this poor translation. Encouraging comments are welcome. Derisive remarks are not! Go away! =)



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