Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Examination horrors.

This time of the year has reached again. If any of you are smart enough, would have known I meant the examination period. It is after all, in the title. Of course there is the normal things people like to talk about such as not studying, not knowing anything, stress etc. Everyone knows about that and noone wants to hear me whine about those, so I'm not about to.

The horror I would like to bring about is taking a bus. What?! Some of you might exclaim, before proceeding to bash my head in. With a sledgehammer. With spikes on it. So I better explain myself. SEE JAY SEE(to protect the identity of the institution of education I am "educated" in) lies somewhere where I have to take a bus to town in order to change bus to go home. Therefore, my bus tends to be rather crowded on any normal day because students in my school are cool and like to visit busy places where there are shops and cinemas and fast food outlets so they can show off their super cool whatever they want to show off. Or do something normal like have lunch and watch a movie. I just love to generalise. Anyway I digress. During examination period, it is sometimes worsened. Actually only on the last day. Because almost everyone ends at the same time, and everyone wants to visit this magical place for their own reasons, me included, though mine might seem loserish. So the bus tends to be crowded and I have to wait, or rather choose to wait for the 2nd or 3rd bus so that I take a less crowded one. Don't ask why. It's just one of my strange habits, like sitting on the toilet to read newspapers and picking my nose with my toes and - I have said too much.

So, I think it's a nightmare to take a bus filled with people wearing the same clothes as you because.... actually I just don't like it. So I try to avoid it. Maybe it's because I don't feel comfortable looking around and thinking "Hey maybe I've seen that person around in school and maybe he has seen me picking my nose with my toes." Maybe it's because I don't like to be seen as one of the people who goes to town to do their stuff, whatever it might be. Because I'm not. Crowded buses in general is also unpleasant because it's hard to get off at your stop. (For SEE JAY SEE, it's a different case because everyone gets off at the same stop.) And so I have to squeeze and "excuse-me" my way to the door and get off. Then I wake up.

Therefore, in conclusion, Maggi goreng tastes better with egg.



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