Tuesday, October 23, 2007

them pinkies and brains.

3 lab rats, stuck in a cage in SEEJAY [secret experiment everyone jeered at yesterday] lab, were putting themselves through a series of lab tests. Exhausted at the endless tests which they had put themselves through during this inprisonment, they made plans for their future. Molding the
mind of young lab rats, selling things to other lab rats and engaging in politics with local and foreign rats were just some things they discussed.

They arrived at the conclusion and laughed heartily, or as heartily lab rats could laugh, at it. Taking over the world. They made use of their knowledge from the various lab tests to discuss various policies. First, they would make themselves competitive with their neighbours, then their neighbour's neighbours so on and so forth. After that, there would be revolutionary plans to change the world according to the way they see fit. Just as they were going to execute their plans, the clock struck 10 and they decided to sleep. Taking over the world was too much trouble.


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