Monday, October 08, 2007

my wasn't that fast?

You know, this might be a little late. Because I graduated a full 3 days ago. Well, officially anyway. Unofficially I still have to drag my lazy ass to college to get remedial lessons and all because I need them. Well, less about that. In the blink of an eye, 2 years have just flew(sometimes crawled) by. Because we all know how sometimes minutes pass like years (in lessons) and how days fly by like seconds. The complexity of the human mind.

There were alot of lasts in the past week. The last time Zixiang, Darren and I had the plate putting back timetable. The last time we spent all lessons dreaming about break and what to eat. The last sleep in lectures. The last time I will draw on the LT tables. The last time we could mess around with the tennis ball in class. The last time we played football as school boys (in university we would be school men). The last time we chanted "eh eh eh eh eh". Maybe not. The last time etc. The list goes on and on and on and on and on.

Of course with these lasts there were firsts. Since it was the last week of school, everyone just let go and the teachers didn't mind as much. Well some of them. And these firsts and lasts were all captured on camera. In the middle of lessons(a first as well). Of which I have none because noone has sent me anything and I did not think of bringing a camera. Some people in class gave out little memorabilia to everyone. I felt so bad because I didn't give anyone anything. On graduation night then. The last of the last. Funnily enough, I have this feeling I'm gonna miss that condemned place. The place itself is quite condemned no? But the friends I made along the way, the 3.10 aunty, some of the teachers, those are the redeeming qualities I suppose.

I was thinking of a tribute to the classmates I have had for the past 2 years. But then, I think I'd do that on grad night as well. Since that's the real last day. For now, it's the A levels. The days now pass like seconds and the seconds like years. But once that becomes history...


ps. I realise this post is quite incoherent. That's probably because of the time right now, as well as my unbalanced state of mind due to a poor performance by Liverpool. And also probably because it's already 2/3 days after Friday, which means I do not remember all of the things such as the ceremony, the class lunch, which everyone went, which was a first, the $10 wasted on dota, which I did not know how to play. Wait. Why do I remember so much now? Damn.


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