Tuesday, August 12, 2014

random rants and smiles.

Looking back at the graduation pictures, it's kind of hard to imagine it was just a week or so ago, that I was smiling so much and so widely. I guess you could say that a smile is something that happens to your face naturally when you're happy, and how amazing it is that work can wipe that smile off your face within a week. I won't say that it's shit, but if this is what's going to be happening for the foreseeable future, I think I can safely say that I'm not going to like my line of work very much. Of course, I could look at it as a challenge to better myself, but at the end of the day, it would be the best if I could put my language skills to use. Money is not everything, but it is a lot of things, and we don't live in Disneyland (which according to cracked.com is pretty fucked up so maybe we DO live in Disneyland) so I guess that closes a lot of doors. I just hope I don't lose myself.

Also on another note, I bought a smiley little badge from the disabled guy at Somerset MRT and I hope I made his day better, because these people selling tissues and god knows what and knick knacks often appear invisible to the masses. It's sad really, and I hope that the little smiley badges he sells can translate into real smiles.



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