Thursday, May 08, 2014

wow it's real now huh?

After the initial ecstasy of walking out of my last paper early, the question has changed from "when can I grad?" to "now what?". The university phase of my life is all but over, and I have to move my shit out of hall by the 15th. That's when it might hit. It does have a certain sense of inevitability about it. As I type, my friends are going off to finish their last paper ever, and I'm sitting here on my own. And I thought this. Bumming is no fun when you are allowed to bum. I think part of the joy of bumming comes from putting off something that needs to be done, and it's the very act of not doing it that makes it all worth it. Not really worth it when you look at the amount of shit that you need to make up for, but you know. Anyway, it's time to be settling stuff for grad trip, meet ups with people and all that shit people do when something ends. Really looking forward to grad trip and being in debt.


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