Thursday, November 14, 2013

well what do you know. final year is almost halfway gone.

Time honestly passes so fast, and I've not felt the urge to come here and rant for a long time. My writing has probably deteriorated so badly it... I cannot even find the words to describe that. That's how fucking bad it's become. Anyway, as I move towards the end of the semester, with FYP doing what it does best, which is stay around in the back of my head for what feels like an infinite amount of time, I feel myself missing exchange so bad. And as such, I try to relive the experience by looking at whatever's related to Sweden on the internet. Which of course sometimes gets in the way of getting actual work done. But I do miss Sweden. Quite a lot. I guess that's the major point of the post. Exchange really does stick with you for the longest time. But it's not a bad thing I guess.

Don't know when/if I'll use this blog again, but I'll try to keep it updated, if only for myself. Social media does act as an instant gratification for whatever I want to say, and just broadcast to whoever can read it. And that's not entirely a good thing. I have to learn to process what I want to say and put it out in proper sentences again. Till the next time then.



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