Monday, February 01, 2010

the taste of freedom is distinctly different.

The adage "The grass is always greener on the other side" somehow rings very true in my head at the moment. Today is the second Monday in the life of a supposedly free man, and I'm feeling like I should be doing something useful instead of bumming around. The supposed 8 months of down time seems way to much, especially without the fixed income every month, however low it was.

It's not that I wish to be back in camp. It couldn't be further from that. It's a general lack of purpose and direction in life (to make me seem more mature) that's bugging me. In camp, the general direction was aimed towards the end of the day, the end of service, hearing the sacred cry that is "ORD LOH!" and collecting the pink IC and with it, your freedom. And then what?

Freedom works both ways, as I may have possibly explored with more depth and florid language in the past. While one is free to do whatever he wants (within the boundaries of the law, or if one chooses to, outside the boundaries), he is also vulnerable to other people free to do whatever they want. A freedom to bum around and not work, leads to another kind of freedom. The freedom to starve. (It is important at this point to note that the previous line didn't come from my brain. It came from some Rage Against The Machine speech I read on wikipedia a couple of months ago and just happened to remember and it seemed like quite a fierce line.)

Now, barely a week after I have tasted freedom, I realise that true freedom doesn't taste sweet. Not at all. True freedom tastes a little papery, slightly plasticky, and just that little bit metallic.



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