Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today I finally bought Catch-22, which I had been reading halfway, but had to return to the library. Probably going to have to start from the beginning again, instead of where I left off, partly because its better to refresh my memory on what's going on, but mostly because I have no idea where I left off anyway. It's about time to start reading again, seeing as my brain has been left on standby for quite some time. What better book to start my brain running then Catch-22, utterly insane and forcing my (quite) sane mind to work doubly hard just to understand what the hell's actually going on.

Speaking of hell, I had been set a challenge by Fuwei to read Dante's Inferno, which is a poetry spanning the 9 circles of hell. He swears he can't even get past the fifth circle, and he reads at a similar pace to me, so I guess the challenge is there. What is even more challenging is that I have no idea where to find the book. I went to Kino and Harris and didn't see it anywhere. I sure hope I don't have to go to the depths of Dante's Inferno just to read it.

Also, I have added(replaced one actually) 2 more books to my already extensive Dean Koontz collection. The one I have replaced is Odd Thomas, which is the first book to the Odd Thomas books, and the one which my kind sister decided to lend to her friend and never take it back. The other book is The Husband, which Aldric recommended about a year ago, but I never bought due to there not being discounts. Added on the A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon, which I also haven't read(thoroughly. I skimmed through about 100 pages not knowing what I was reading), there are many books just waiting to be read, many worlds waiting to be explored(Actually most of it is just the normal world we are familiar with but the mental plane of the characters could be classified as the world which exists within them, like the world that exists in you and me).

Also, sometimes I get really curious why I use brackets. Since brackets are supposed to be like my thoughts and this is actually my blog, what's outside the brackets are also my thoughts. So what's in the brackets are like my thoughts on my own thoughts. Oh well.



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