Thursday, October 30, 2008

so what?

It's been almost a week since the ranty post about silly duties. It wasn't that bad. Somehow exaggeration always makes things much more fun and exciting though. In a minute or two, I turn 20. So what? Does turning 20 magically makes more things happen? Don't think so.

Anyway, been reading a little more than I managed in the past few months and my brain seems to be much more active. Latest book is Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, which is like the military version of the Hitchikers Guide to The Galaxy series, which means lots of absurdly funny stuff. For books like these, I read them for their language, as all the humour is hidden within puns and paraphrasing, which may make sense initially but on further reading seems absurd. Also, the tenses are so irregular I give up trying to make sense of the plot. It seems in this case, the plot is the but the "side dish" to the language, as well as the general absurd idea of Catch-22, stating one can only be discharged from the army if declared insane by the doctor. But the only way to get a doctor to see one is to ask for him, and suspecting one's own insanity shows that one is sane. Thus, soldiers are caught in a vicious cycle.

I'll probably put up some quotes on another post. I'm tired.



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