Wednesday, October 15, 2008

word of the day.

Today, it suddenly dawned upon me that my posts have been rather sparse ever since I started staying in camp. The lack of a computer for immediate noting down of ideas has proven to be the detriment of many a good idea. If this continues, the good ideas might start ignoring my brain and look for greener pastures. Though I must say if you know someone who has a green brain, please turn around and run away in your fastest possible speed when you meet him. Green brains are not normal.

So I have been listening to A7x pretty much nowadays and the title of this song "Gunslinger" jumped out at me. When I first saw the title, I read is as "gun-slinger", thinking something along the lines of a cowboy or some gun toting action hero. Upon hearing the song, which was about war(probably the "sequel" of M.I.A) and it's consequences from the perspective of an individual soldier, I began to see the title of the song as "guns linger". Of course my lack of knowledge dictated that I didn't read the most literal meaning of the title "Gunslinger", which actually means "An aggressive investor who purchases speculative securities. Refer to portfolio managers who choose risky investments with the potential for major gains in value."(Wall Street Words)

As such, the title "Gunslinger" can be read in three ways, which is extremely ingenious wordplay, whether or not it is meant. Accidental genius is still genius.

Speaking of geniuses do check out

As well as random Albert Einstein quotes. He is not called a genius for nothing.



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